New Megadrive/Genesis Game: Tanzer on KS Now!

New Megadrive/Genesis Game: Tanzer on KS Now!

Tänzer is a new game being developed for the good old SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis game consoles.

The game can be best described as being a horizontally scrolling, full on action hack and slash platformer. The design influences is taken from games like Strider, Osman and Hagane to artists like Keita Amemiya and Roger Dean and to anime series such as Guyver.



The intent is to release the game as a physical release with Box, multi region Cartridge and Manual.


The final version of the game will contain the following:

8 Levels (5 sub stages per level) with its own environments like Old West, Ancient Rome and Flying Pirate Ships to name a few
Sub Bosses for all of the sub stages
End of Level Bosses
In-Between Stages Shop where you gain your Transmutational Power and replenishes health and more
Secrets (like stages and hidden treasures)

The demo-on-a-cartridge pledges exists so that we can do some testing with different PCB and shell manufacturers to find the required quality in this area.
The Box, Cartridge and Packaging

The final product will have inserts for the boxes in four different variants, one for each region (Japan, US, Europe and Brazil). The one showed here is a work in progress of the PAL one.

Pledge HERE

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