Color Clash


The name of this game is rather ironic since the Vectrex is a monochromatic machine. Of course, colours can indeed clash with the use of an appropriate overlay when one plays Color Clash! Color Clash is a homebrew game released by Revival Studios in two formats: a limited edition version that came packed in a standard Vectrex box with a nice (and colourful) overlay in a standard cartridge shell and a “slim” version that comes in a plastic case, has no overlay, and uses a thin cartridge.

The gameplay for both is the same but there are some differences between the versions. The slim version has both bitmap and vector graphics (the latter makes it easier to play the game without an overlay) and offers the option for paddle control. Both versions offer VecVox support, an important factor for gameplay as it provides excellent in-game music, as well as an additional Xudoku game as a bonus. The goal of Color Clash is for the player to shoot down a series of falling blocks which are marked with different geometrical shapes (circles, squares, split squares, stars, and triangles) by matching your fire with each geometrical shape. A certain number of blocks must be destroyed with each wave for the player to advance. In addition to the blocks, bonus items fall that alter the playing field’s behaviour. This is an easy game to learn and one that is fun as well. In order for the blocks to better align with the overlay, the game does have a menu that allows the player to adjust the screen positioning. The overlay does add a nice colour element to the game but it is not absolutely necessary to enjoy gameplay thanks to the geometrical shapes. Overall, a very nice game and one I recommend Vectrex owners to get.


TrekMD is an MD by day and a writer by night, a lover of all things Atari. You can visit his ramblings  on Twitter at:

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