The Unofficial Atari 8-Bit Visual History book Announced.
-= An Atari related Book in Production announcement =-
Since March of 2017, I decided to that my love affair with the Atari 8-bit home computer was not really over and after producing the Atari Gamer magazine ( I started an idea and a concept to return to this humble machine and finally make what I believed the ultimate Atari 8bit computer showcase publication of its hardware and software in a manner that should be admired and respected. And with that, I wanted to include very exclusive interview content not seen before and will hopefully have some other amazing surprises in there too, I’m going all out on this project.
But with a project of this magnitude, it was never going to be an easy task requiring all the information and artwork and writing needed to make this book an incredible feat, so with this, I have and also now opening this book project to the community to contribute to the book, whether it is scanning rare box art or cassette sleeve artwork for inclusion of the project, your name will be listed as a contributor in the final book.
I am also looking for additional photography shot professionally of the Atari 800, Atari 800xl and Atari 130xe and their peripherals to be included throughout the book, so if this is you? get in touch.
I am also looking for people to contribute their personal memories of their favorite Atari games on the system in 200 words or less to be included in the book…interested? .. please send me a private message if you can help with any of the above here. (Games to be listed in the exceed over 100 titles) so I’m very sure your favourite game is on the list, plus I’m also covering commercial homebrew titles too.
As you can see from the previews, how nice the book is looking so far and I have completed a large number of games that will be presented in the book, but there is still a vast amount of work to be done as you’d expect, I have employed a professional author to proofread all the wording of the book, I have two historians bringing me amazing content to me on a daily basis, so all the “I’s” & “T’s” are being ticked so far.
So the end goal?..the end goal here is when the book is fully done and completed and proofread, edited and finalised, the goal is then to bring the book to a Kickstarter and fund the physical production of the book in order to have everybody’s work realised and celebrated as well as appearing in historic Atari related publication. The book is to venture a 300+ page publication for All Atari home computer fans around the world. There will also be some amazing perks that a designer and I will be producing for this project and will only see at the fundraising stages, so look out for them when this is officially announced.
Thank you all for the support and those that have supported my products previously, you won’t want to miss out on this
Creator of forth coming Coin-Op:Arcade Guide and creator of the Atari Gamer Magazine and the Atari ST Gamer Magazines. Retro gaming expert & fact finder.