Terrible Old Games You’ve Probably Never Heard Of is a really lovely, light-hearted and very amusing little book. I applaud the author’s decision to not go the easy route and mention more widely-known games (I don’t get why others complain about that: the title reads “…you’ve probably never heard of”!). The reviews are not only funny, but are very valid reviews in themselves too, so you do get to learn something.
The guest write-ups are, predictably, of uneven quality, but overall they do add to the book.
My only gripe is the size of it; not the actual physical format (which I loved – I hope I get to see more books in the same format) but the amount of material – only 140 pages or so. Given that each page contains a medium or large-format screenshot it means that you finish it very, very quickly, and for the price (I think it was around $20 on Amazon) it’s hard to justify…
But, I loved it nonetheless, if nothing else because it was a fresh approach.
A great little book.