RVG GOTY 2020 Winners Announced.

RVG GOTY 2020 Winners Announced.

C64 – Millie and Molly and ZX Spectrum Wonderful Dizzy

It gives me great pleasure to announce the winners of the RVG Game of the Year Awards 2020.

Another year comes to an end and what a year it’s been, but let’s forget all that. We had some amazing games released in 2020, we asked you to choose your favourites and you did just that.

I am sure you will agree that both games are worthy winners and they will soon be in possession of a new custom award.

This year’s poll attracted a wonderful amount of votes, so thank you to everyone that took part. Read on to see the top 3 in each of our two categories and the full results at the bottom of the page.

Top 3 C64

First Place: Millie & Molly (Carleton Handley / Bitmap Soft & BoBr Games)


Second Place: Outrage (Cosmos Designs / Protovision / Psytronik)


Third Place: MW ULTRA (Covert Bitops / Protovision)


Top 3 ZX Spectrum

First Place: Wonderful Dizzy (Olivier Twins)

Second Place: Mr Hair & the Fly (Micro Chops / Bitmap Soft)

Third Place: Delta’s Shadow (Sanchez / Sinc LAIR)

Congratulations to those who placed in the top 3.

Here are full the final results.





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