The best Classic Series Mega Man game (not counting the Game Boy games)

Started by TuxedoMarty, December 29, 2021, 15:31:50 PM

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The best Classic Series Mega Man game is....

Mega Man (1987)
0 (0%)
Mega Man 2 (1988)
0 (0%)
Mega Man 3 (1990)
1 (50%)
Mega Man 4 (1991)
0 (0%)
Mega Man 5 (1992)
1 (50%)
Mega Man 6 (1993)
0 (0%)
Mega Man 7 (1995)
0 (0%)
Mega Man 8 (1997)
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Mega Man 9 (2008)
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Mega Man 10 (2010)
0 (0%)
Mega Man 11 (2018)
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RockBoard (1993)
0 (0%)
Mega Man's Soccer (1994)
0 (0%)
Mega Man - The Power Battle (1995)
0 (0%)
Mega Man - The Power Fighters (1996)
0 (0%)
Rockman Battle & Chase (1997)
0 (0%)
Super Adventure Rockman (1998)
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 2


With the Blue Bomber having recently had his 34th anniversary, I have revisited the classic Mega Man games once again and have been playing them quite a bit, as well as various fan made Mega Man games on a Mega Man-related multi cart I bought a few years back. Mega Man 2 was my favorite, but with certain people in recent years saying that it's overrated and getting too much of the credit, I can see where they are coming from, but don't think it is overrated. That one, 5, 6 and 7 I think are my favorites. And MM11 is the best game in the series in years.


Haven't played mega Man 11 but it has to be the best game in years because it is the only game in years. I picked Megaman 3 as the only game of Megaman I ever played was on the mega drive which is wily wars and that is a compilation of 1, 2 and 3.