Chaos Engine.

Chaos Engine.

Ah, Chaos Engine is another of my all-time favourite Amiga games. This would be top 3 for me, for sure. I have many happy memories of being blown away by the demo version and eventually bought the more colourful AGA version of the game, which I’d play at any opportunity.

The Chaos EngineIt is a big game – lots to explore; secret places and alternative routes. The Bitmap Brothers Games (think: Speedball 2, Gods & Xenon 2) always came with excellent music and top quality graphics, and The Chaos Engine is no exception – in fact where it has the upper hand on the aforementioned games is the playability. Yes, it can be tough, but it is possible. Once you’ve done the levels enough to memorise the best routes or places to get the most goodies, then it’s just a matter of being a good team – the combination of which plays a big part in your overall success. I usually team up with the Preacher as, although he may be a bit unreliable, he comes with a first aid kit, which is perfect for toggling between when you need an energy top-up.

The Chaos EngineIt’s a rewarding and addictive game; my only gripe is the small amount of energy the players have.

For me, this steampunk action shooter was the pinnacle of the Bitmap’s work at that time, and it has lost none of its allure, twenty-five years on.

  • 9/10
    Gameplay - 9/10
  • 10/10
    Graphics - 10/10
  • 9/10
    Sound - 9/10


It’s a rewarding and addictive game; my only gripe is the small amount of energy the players have.

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