General Info:
Invincibility, Full Maps
Pause game play and press 3 + 7, 1 + 9.
Towers II – Plight of the Stargazer hints:
A Toggle Hand Mode/Movement Mode
B Attack with weapon/Action (pick, select, drop)
C Cast active spell (if you have one) Toggle using 7
While In-Game:
Pause-Pause game
#3-Sleep (to heal)
#4-Slide left
#6-Slide Right
#7-Spell Toggle
#9-Map (left/right to change map)
While Paused:
Option-activate Load/Save/Settings Menu
A-Music volume
B-Sound Volume
To load/save game:
Pause-Option-A to load a game
Pause-Option-B-A to “Cartridge” save a game (info stays when Jag is powered off)
Pause-Option-B-B to “Memory” save a game (lost when Jag is powered off)
To load weapons, armor, etc., click on player’s face to flip it. This enables boxes to store items. When you place an item, check the stats (#2) to see if it benefited or hindered you and current/max weight.
Advancing from floor to floor:
1,2*From 1st to 2nd Floor use the northwest stairway to reach 2nd Floor Chain room. Or for regular exploring use the stairs at southwest & southeast sections. (dead ends for advancement to higher floors)
2,3*From 2nd to 3rd Floor go 1 room east of the Chain room and levitate up through one of the holes. Or for regular exploring use the southwest & south, center stairs. (dead ends for advancement to higher floors)
3,4*The fastest way (later on) to get from 3rd to 4th Floor is hit the small room that was locked in the northwest quarter and levitate up through the ceiling. In the Fire Elemental room make your way to the elemental planes stairs then into the water elemental 5th floor stairs. Otherwise, use the northeast stairway from the Chain Room->large room to the east->northwest area/stairway.
4,5*The only way from the 4th to 5th is the stairway in the Water Elemental Chamber.
5,6*The only way from the 5th to 6th Floor is the stairway in the south eastern quarter.
6,7*6th to 7th Floor has stairways at southwest, southeast & northeast corners.
7,8*7th to 8th Floor via a hidden hole in the floor in the 7th Floor northwest Quarter, in the east half of the large center room, near the north wall. You’ll fall into the otherwise inaccessible 6th Floor Northern Circular Chamber where you can take a stairway up to the 7th Floor Northwest Sealed Stairway Room, then up to the 8th Floor Northwest Stairway .
8,9*8th to 9th Floor via the stairway at the at the southeast corner.
9,10*9th to 10th Floor via the stairway at the at the southeast corner.
10,11*10th to 11th Floor via the stairway at the southeast corner.
11,12*11th to 12th Floor via the stairway in the sealed southeast passage.
Spells (for quick search):
Spirit Axe (1st Floor)
Cure Wounds (2nd Floor)
Create Food (2nd Floor)
Fire Storm (3rd Floor)
Wind Mastery (3rd Floor)
Create Wall (4th Floor)
Ice Storm (3rd Floor)
Levitate Up (6th Floor)
Aura of Death (6th Floor accessed from 7th)
Heal (7th Floor)
Crushing Hand (9th Floor)
Shield of Force (11th Floor)
Sphere of Annihilation (3rd Floor)
Walk-through using Gerand:
*****************************************1st Floor*****************************************
1st Floor Entrance Room:
(NOTE: The gold door directly behind you at the start is locked and won’t open.. ever.)
Walk straight ahead and grab the backpack. Place it in one of the 4 available slots to open up 8 additional ones. (Can do this same thing with the “bag” and “Bag of Weightlessness” later on for another 8 slots each.)
Click your character’s face (or press 1 on the key pad) to flip it to inventory and get ready to fight a guard. After beating him mercilessly, confiscate his short sword and place it in your character’s right hand slot.
-Head north into the huge room and wander the extents to make it visible on your map while looking for a Janitor that holds the Gold Key. Once located, kill him with your newly gained short sword and search around his carcass for the key. From here you can move north and use it to unlock the Gold door centered on the north wall. (This leads into the Throne Room but I wouldn’t recommend entering yet as the number of guards could be quickly overwhelming.)
-Make your way east into the 1st Floor East Dining Room.
1st Floor East Dining Room: -At the north wall, use the Gold Key again to unlock another door to the Throne Room then head south. Along the way some tables hold an apple & 2 cheese to store in your inventory. There’s also a worthless scroll on one of the tables that says, “Dinner will be cancelled tonight.” Look around for another Janitor roaming in here, kill him for XP and head south into the 1st Floor South Restrooms.
1st Floor South Restrooms:
Both restrooms are unlocked but the doors are closed. Each contains a worthless scroll just inside that says, “Wash your hands before leaving.” The larger restroom to the west holds a pair of boots that can be equipped to your character’s feet. The other restroom contains nothing of value so just wander inside to open it on the map, then head to the 1st Floor Vertical East Hallway.
1st Floor Vertical East Hallway:
From the restrooms, make your way up the east wall in this area and open the unlocked gold door. Upon entering head north and unlock another gold door leading to the Throne Room on the west side of the hall with the Gold Key. Go back to the south and directly east of where you entered (around a short wall) are two rooms. The open room to the north has a cheese and a club on the floor along with a copper urn on a table and a Janitor roaming around to kill. Grab the cheese and head south to an unlocked jail cell door. Inside, grab the apple and read the scroll to acquire the Spirit Axe spell. Select and memorize Spirit Axe then exit and head south into the unlocked room on the east side of the map. Inside is a thief dressed as a purple ninja and he doesn’t have much to say so off him for the XP and grab the Healing Potion from the table in the back. Exit and continue through the southernmost east room’s unlocked door to open it on your map. Nothing worthwhile inside, just a Wooden Mop and maybe a Janitor to slice up. (If he’s not in there upon entering, he will be shortly.) Shank him, head south and enter the 2nd Floor South Eastern (Inverted U) Hallway.
2nd Floor South Eastern (Inverted U) Hallway:
A guard will be waiting when you emerge from the south eastern most stairway on Level 2. Kill him and enter the unlocked doorway on the west side of the hall.
-By now your Food should be getting low with the nag message, “You feel hungry!” Grab and eat the cheese from the table, as empty item slots will become invaluable very soon. Exit and head to the next unlocked door on the east side of the hall. Grab and store the piece of beef jerky that’s on the floor.
-Exit and open the next door on the west side of the hall. A thief immediately attacks. While fighting him 2 guards will attack you from behind in the hallway. Finish off the thief and attack the guards. After killing one, the other will usually run away. Chase him down and you’ll be ever closer to a level increase after hacking up this jabroni.
-Go back to the original room and store or eat the cheese that’s inside. There’s also a Pottery Jar in this room. (I usually throw it against the wall and break it.)
-The next room north on the east side contains nothing of value. Wander in to open it on the map. The northernmost room on the west side of the hall is another unlocked jail cell with a Janitor and extra mop inside. Enter and kill him then read the scroll to acquire the Create Food spell.
-The northernmost room on the east side of the hall contains a cheese and the “Amulet of Protection.” Load up the Amulet on your character in the slot to the left of his head and bag the cheese, then exit the room.
-Along the north wall (in the center) is a switch to open a secret door. It’s a tiny inverted “L” and leads into the narrow hallway adjoining the east and west sides of this southern half of the 2nd floor. Open it while making your way to the other side of this “inverted U shaped” area. (To search [i]everywhere[/i] for secret doors, I find it the easiest to face the wall squarely and press the 4 or 6 button on the Joypad to strafe sideways. These switches are difficult to see and using this method takes a lot of 2nd guessing out of the equation later on when you’re stuck and wondering if you saw [i]everything[/i] the first time around.)
-Once the secret door is opened a flying eye will usually attack. Kill it as quickly as possible and proceed. The unlocked door at the northernmost west side room contains nothing. The next door south on the west side is unlocked but the room contains nothing of value. Neither does the unlocked southernmost room on the west side. Head back up to the secret door you opened earlier along the north wall to the 2nd Floor Secret Narrow Passage.
2nd Floor Secret Narrow Passage:
Enter the narrow hallway and head east, then south to open it on the map. An aggressive thief will attack so dismember him and move on. Head back to the entrance and continue west until you can go south.
-Take the south path to a dead end and pile of bones. Backtrack to the “T” and continue west. 2 piles of feces are on the floor so move along until you reach the slightly wider corridor. At the south, center of this area is another secret door. After you open it a flying eye will attack from behind. Kill it and continue west down the narrow corridor around to the southern dead end where another aggressive thief waits to attack. On the floor is a Leather Cap that can be equipped on the head of your character and a cloak. Place the cloak on the chest of your character to increase Defense by 1.
-Make your way back to the most recently opened secret door in the wider spot of the north narrow corridor and head south. An attacking thief and guard are waiting just beyond the threshold. Dispatch both and enter the open room on the west side of the hall to reveal nothing more than a Pottery Jar.
-Directly across the hall on the east side is an unlocked door leading to a room with nothing of value. The next unlocked room to the south on the west side contains a cheese and 2 Pottery Jars. The room across the hall on the east side has a Janitor milling about inside. Waste him for the easy XP.
-The unlocked southernmost west room contains nothing of value. Directly across the hall on the southernmost east side is an unlocked room with nothing of value. From here you can either take the northernmost stairway on a path from the 2nd Floor Southwest Stairway to 3rd Floor Southwest Stairway for extra food and a Defense boost or take the southernmost stairway leading back down to level 1 at 1st Floor vertical West Hallway.
2nd Floor Southwest Stairway to 3rd Floor Southwest Stairway:
After entering the 3rd Floor head south then north just above the stairway through the unlocked gold door. Inside this dining room is an apple, bread and two copper urns. Exit and head north to the “T” where a guard is begging to be murdered, then west to the dead end.
-Backtrack to the east and kill another guard. The door leading south into a(nother) dining room will usually open, springing forth an angry thief. Put him down like the others and enter the room.
-A thief will be inside ready to die and in committing the felony, your character’s level should increase if it hasn’t already. An apple, bread and more copper urns are inside. Also, on the south side of the ‘block’ on the west half of the room, just below center is the Magic Resistance Ring. You can equip it to your character’s hand position where it will increase your Defense. (If you’re already wearing the Protection Ring, leave it there as it’s less powerful.)
-Exit and backtrack to the stairway you entered from to proceed to the 1st Floor Vertical West Hallway. (The stairway at the northeast end leads back to the 2nd Floor South Eastern (Inverted U) Hallway)
1st Floor Vertical West Hallway:
After exiting the stairs, enter the unlocked door that’s slightly northeast. Stab the Janitor and grab his Silver Key. There’s also a cloak (that is useless if you’re already equipped with the other one.)
NOTE: All 4 rooms on the west wall are unlocked with the Silver Key.
-The 1st room to the north contains a Janitor. Kill him for XP and leave.
-The 2nd room to the north has a guard waiting just inside who won’t hesitate to attack (he usually throws it open from inside.) Kill him and grab the Short Bow.
-Inside the 3rd room to the north is a thief. If you talk to him he tells you, “In the throne room, there is a secret door, but I don’t know how to open it.” Kill him for being a dumbass and vanish. (Leave his dagger as it has the same ‘strength’ as the mop lol.)
-The 4th/last room to the north on the west side hides a guard waiting to attack. Kill him, nab the “Quiver-full” and add it to your inventory with the short bow. (Toss the Silver Key) There’s also a “Padded Armor” you can place on your character’s chest, moving the cloak one slot to the right in the shoulder position or tossing it. (Leave the 2 daggers and 2 short swords as the extra weight will just slow you down.)
-Exit the room and head north to the dead end where you can unlock the last door leading into the Throne Room. (Then toss the gold key) Another guard will be in this area and after you stab him a few times, he usually runs away causing you to chase him down to leave no witnesses.
-Head into the Throne Room.
Throne Room:
Once inside, several guards will attack. Take them out and make your way to the north wall.
-Head east along the north wall to eventually open a secret door. It’s between the center and east wall but before you get there, more and more guards will attack. Kill ’em all and pick up the “bag” where the cluster of furniture (for lack of a better term) is. Add it to your inventory in one of the original 4 slots, preferably beside the backpack to open an additional 8 item slots. (You can switch between the bag and backpack by clicking on either.) Next, pick up the “Mace of Elements” that’s lying next to where the bag was and stow it in your inventory. (Make sure you keep the Mace of Elements all the way to the end of the game) There’s a chain dangling from the ceiling in this area. It [i]has[/i] to be pulled to trigger the locking mechanism for the secret door. NOTE: There are 4 Black Pearls on a table here. (Keep a Black Pearl)
-Open the secret door and continue making your way around the Throne Room to fight remaining guards and open up the rest on the map. Then return to the secret door and enter the narrow chasm.
-Head east and search about, revealing bones, turds, a couple of daggers strewn about and eventually be attacked by a flying eye. Furthest south is another unlocked jail cell door. If you don’t open it first another flying eye will. Kill it and enter the cell to find a dagger, an Exploding Cube and an unlocked jail cell door on the south wall. Stow the Exploding Cube and enter the cell. There’s only a thief inside. Talking to him doesn’t get you much beyond the standard hollow pleasantries so ‘murderous rampage’ his ass for some easy XP and backtrack to the secret door at the Throne Room.
-Continue west where you’ll be met by several flying eyes. Kill them and explore the area to find bones and feces along with another unlocked jail cell door at the south western most point. Enter and make your way around to the south end. There’s an entrance here leading north to a staircase but nothing else of importance to be had. Enter the stairway to emerge in the 2nd Floor Chain Room at the north western most point of Level 2.
*****************************************2nd Floor*****************************************
2nd Floor Chain Room: (north westernmost vertical room)
Right when you emerge, a worthless scroll on the ground in front of the stairway says, “Authorized personnel only!.” Another scroll nearby reads, “Please leave scrolls where you found them.” There are 4 thieves here that apparently attack if you get the chain pulling order wrong. 2 of them offer the, “Greetings Sire!” remark if spoken to. A third one says, “Someone told me, that all creations begin with a desire. Now if I could only figure the rest out.” which is, of course, the clue to which scroll gets used 1st. The last thief says, “Watch out for the plates, you could kill us all!” (There are trigger plates in specific places on the floor that if stepped on, causes a blue ball to be shot from some hidden spot in the wall, similar to the projectile the flying eyes shoot. Just move quickly and there’s nothing to worry about.) Kill all the thieves and proceed.
The order, which seems to be the same each time, is listed below. The ‘blocks’ referred to below are the odd shaped pillars or walls. (With the stairway it would equal 6 total but I’m not counting the stairway as it has no scroll or chain around it so my description is [i]only[/i] the 5 actual scroll+chain blocks/walls.)
-1st/top block: Reset Lever
-2nd block from top on west side: “Spurred by desire…”
-3rd block from top (due north of the stairway leading in): “…and that which creates!”
-4th block from top block on north side: “Spurred by love…”
-Bottom block on east side: “Spurred by hate…”
The correct order:
Spurred by desire, spurred by hate, spurred by love, and that which creates!
This will unlock the east door leading to the 2nd Floor Center, West Chamber on North Half.
2nd Floor Center, West Chamber on North Half:
Enter the door and take the path to the right to pick up the Raised Iron Key. Two Flying Eyes will also attack. At the inner most part of this area leading to the two locked doors you’ll find the Battle Axe, Falchion Sword, a Quiver-full and a Long Bow. Equip the Falchion Sword.
-Use the Raised Iron Key to unlock the south door, then toss it. (The north door is locked but its key is nearby. See Cold Iron Key below to quickly obtain it now or follow along to acquire it soon) On the other side of the south door is a flying eye, Leather Armor and a Small Shield. Replace your Padded Armor and equip the Small Shield to the shoulder position of your character, replacing the cloak. (The Small Shield can be used by keeping the Attack button pressed after using your sword. He’ll raise and hold it indefinitely until the button is released to protect from incoming blows)
-The northeastern most point in this room holds bones and crap. The south eastern most point has a dagger and some crap in a small cubby hole nearby. Around the corner from the cubby hole is a scroll. Reading it will get you the Cure Wounds spell. The south western most point holds 3 beef jerky and on the other side of this wall are bones and a Protection Ring that can be equipped to the hand position of your character. There’s another couple of daggers laying about and 2 flying eyes waiting to attack.
Cold Iron Key:
Backtrack to the entrance and locate the unlocked secret door midway down on the south wall of the hallway. Enter the room and pull the ceiling chain at the east end.
-Directly across the hall on the north wall is another secret door that is now unlocked. Enter and pick up the Cold Iron Key.
-Exit and head back to the north door. Unlock it with the Cold Iron Key and kill the flying eye then toss the Cold Iron Key.
-The scroll inside says, “I know you are after me!” Make your way around to find a dagger and another scroll that says, “I am sorry but,”
Further up is more feces. At the end of this semi-spiraling room in the area to the west is Bones, a Hand Axe, a Leather Cap and Padded Armor. (All pretty useless at this point.)
-Head east to find a scroll that says, “From this point on,” Launch it across the room and enter the stairway leading to the 3rd Floor Northeast (see below)
**************************************3rd/4th Floors**************************************
3rd Floor Northeast:
As soon as you arrive at the northeast quarter of the 3rd Floor, there’s a scroll that says, “Consider yourself my…” Toss it down the hall and proceed east. At the end is another scroll that reads, “…enemy and prepare to…” Chunk it and face the north wall. An unlocked secret door is hidden there. Open it and proceed north into the formerly inaccessible area where a thief will attack. At the west end are 2 Quiver-fulls and at the southeast end is Chain Mail Armor to swap out with your Leather Armor.
-Head back to the entrance and continue south, then west toward the door. Leather Armor and a Broad Sword are nearby. (The Broad Sword appears to carry the same attributes/weight as the Falchion Sword but I equipped it.) The door is unlocked and after entering the room, several sets of Bones appear. There’s also a scroll that says, “DIE !”.
-Dodge the projectiles shooting out of the noticeable holes on the north & south walls and make your way to the northwest corner to open a secret door leading into the adjoining hallway. A huge teleporting mirror waits at the south end. Walk into it to be transported to the 3rd Floor Southeast Quarter.
3rd Floor Southeast Quarter:
After materializing in the new area, make your way around to the southernmost unlocked jail cell door on the east side of the hall. Along the way you’ll find poop and be attacked by a flying eye. Enter the room to discover it’s empty but now visible on the map.
-Head north to the next unlocked jail cell door on the west side of the hall. This room contains a Quiver-full and a Long Bow, if needed.
-Back outside, while heading north to the two remaining doors and a scroll on the floor, the doors will open and 8-9 flying eyes will attack. Engage them and if you survive, read the scroll which says, “NOTE – Door to Animal Training is not working correctly — will fix soon.” Lol thanks for the heads up :p
-Enter either door to find a [i]lot[/i] of turd piles, some bones and an Exploding Cube. A Hand Axe is at the southern most area. Pass through the unlocked door at the northeast edge of the room to enter the 3rd Floor Angled Hallway & Teleporter Room.
3rd Floor Angled Hallway & Teleporter Room:
Navigate through the angled hallway to enter the huge chamber beyond. There are no items of value here but on the north side of the angled hallway is a teleporter and a scroll that says, “To elemental planes.” On the south side of the angled hallway is another teleporter with a scroll that says, “To library: Main entrance.” For each, see below.
3rd Floor Library:
When you enter the teleporter it will send you to a small rectangular room in the 3rd Floor Northeast just south of the area you were in before. (This area is inaccessible from the northern half) There are 3 teleporters and a hallway leading south.
✓-The teleporter to your immediate left (southeast corner) takes you to the northeastern most point in the huge 3rd Floor Northwest Quarter. (see below)
✓-The teleporter at the northwest corner takes you back to the 3rd Floor Angled Hallway & Teleporter Room, positioning you at the northwest corner.
✓-The teleporter at the southwest corner puts you in the center of the otherwise inaccessible 3rd Floor Elemental Planes (Diamond Shaped 4 Stairs Island) isolated in the huge 3rd Floor Northwest Quarter. (see below)
✓-The hallway leading south has bones, 2 beef jerky, 4 guards and 3 Iron Golems (who are invincible at the moment) guarding a locked jail cell door at the south end that can’t be opened yet. (The door opens with the Sapphire Bronze Key gained after fighting these giants later)
NOTE: The Iron Golems can be defeated by the Sword of Rust or Wand of Lightning gained later on the 6th Floor.
3rd Floor Northwest Quarter:
After arriving, head west to find a scroll that says, “CAUTION – Under construction.” 3 thieves and 2 flying eyes are scattered about inside ready to attack. Areas of the floor have holes in them and if you fall, you’ll end up on the floor below at 2nd Floor Center, West Chamber on North Half from earlier, so tread carefully.
-There’s a locked jail cell door on the west edge of the room to the south that only the Warm Iron Key will unlock (later on. You’ll be able to enter from falling through the floor above soon though.)
-Just to the east of this door is an unlocked wooden door. A hole in the floor blocks you from entering too far and the Stone of Health rests on the other side. (You can actually grab it from slightly inside the entrance, so no need to step too close.)
-At the southern end of the room near the center of the wall running east/west is a rope. (Make sure to keep the rope)
-To the east of here is a Quiver-full. There’s a small room at the southeast corner with an unlocked door containing a flying eye and some feces but nothing of value.
-There are 2 teleporters and 2 scrolls at the southwest corner. One of the scrolls says, “To library: Main entrance.”
The other says, “Library teleport malfunctioning — will fix soon.” NOTE: This teleporter can only be used once (after saving post-use) then it disappears. If you do the steps out of sequence or return later to find a quick path back into the room described below, it won’t be here.
The north teleporter returns you to the 3rd Floor Library.
The south teleporter will transport you to the previously inaccessible room with the locked jail cell door in the south hallway from the 3rd Floor Library that was being guarded by the 3 Iron Golems. There is another locked jail cell door on the south wall. (north door is Sapphire Bronze Key, south door is Rounded Bronze Key later on)
-One scroll reads, “I have finished constructing the globe of Zarfar. The globe is made from various forms of magic, and held together by the Mace of Elements. This globe will help transport me to a far away world. Unfortunately, the Mace is not powerful enough to carry me that far.”
-Another reads, “I have made a deal with the elemental lords. I allowed each of them access into this existence. In exchange for charging the Mace of Elements. As a safety measure, I have sealed the entrance to the outside world. They can not leave this tower. I am sure they are outraged, and will kill any human at first site!”
-There are 2 scrolls on the table furthest from the entry point. The first reads, “Perhaps the villagers are correct in assuming that I am mad. There is a way to furnish more power to the globe. Old texts explain of several mages who helped form this island. If I can find their bodies, I could use their great knowledge and wisdom of magic to aid in my quest!”
-The last scroll is the Fire Storm spell.
-The teleporter takes you back to the 3rd Floor Library where you’ll take the teleporter at the southwest corner to proceed into the 3rd Floor Elemental Planes (Diamond Shaped 4 Stairs Island).
3rd Floor Elemental Planes (Diamond Shaped 4 Stairs Island):
When you materialize, a scroll can be found on the floor that says, “Access restricted! Unnatural elements and beings in upper levels. Extremely dangerous!”
NOTE: Initially, the north, west and east stairways are blocked but a description of each, at this early point in time, follows:
✓The north stairway takes you to a hallway at the 4th Floor Northwest Corner. There are 2 teleporters. The one to the west sends you back to the 3rd Floor Angled Hallway & Teleporter Room, positioning you at the northwest corner. The one to the north returns you to center of the Diamond Shaped 4 Stairs Island.
✓The west stairway takes you to its corresponding position on the 4th Floor East Long Vertical Side. There are 2 teleporters. The one to the south sends you back to the 3rd Floor Angled Hallway & Teleporter Room, positioning you at the northwest corner. The one to the west returns you to center of the Diamond Shaped 4 Stairs Island.
✓The east stairway takes you to its corresponding position on the 4th Floor East/Center Area. Again, there are 2 teleporters. The one to the north sends you back to the 3rd Floor Angled Hallway & Teleporter Room, positioning you at the northwest corner. The one to the east returns you to center of the Diamond Shaped 4 Stairs Island.
South Stairway/Earth Elemental:
✓The south stairway lands you on the corresponding position at the very northwest corner of the 4th Floor Southeast Area. There’s a single teleporter to the east that dumps you in the 3rd Floor Angled Hallway & Teleporter Room, positioning you at the northwest corner like the others.
-Head south to the other end of the long hallway where a flying eye will usually open the unlocked door to the adjoining section and attack. A scroll here reads, “What did I do with those combinations?”
-Further in, the floor is littered with rocks and diamonds (Be sure to keep 2 diamonds) as well as 3 weird looking ‘Mudman’ monsters (earth elementals) that attack without prejudice. They are difficult to kill but enough strikes from your Sword, coupled with the Spirit Axe spell will finally do them in.
-On the east side of the room are 4 doors. The south 3 have hallways leading to them that are blocked by giant boulders. The north jail cell door is locked. Look on the floor for some semi-camouflaged trigger plates, one in front of each door/boulder (more or less).
From north to south I’m numbering the plates 1, 2, 3 & 4
3,2 removes the north boulder and leads to an unlocked door. Inside this large passage close to the entrance is the Stone of Weight. (Keep the Stone of Weight) Near the back is an earth elemental and a scroll that says, “Left intentionally blank.”
1,4 removes the center boulder. This leads to a small room with a flying eye and 2 Levitation Potions. There’s a secret door at the southeast corner. The empty adjacent room has a secret door in the northeast corner. The final room hides an earth elemental along with the Bag of Weightlessness, a ceiling chain and a hole in the floor. Equip the Bag of Weightlessness in the same slots as the Backpack and bag to open an additional 8 item slots. Pull the chain to unlock the secret door in the secret room to the south.
NOTE: All 4 ceiling chains in secret rooms must be pulled in one continuous effort; ie, you can’t pull 1, save, restart later and pull the others. The pre-save one(s) will have reset.
-With the rope in your inventory, fall into the hole. A thief is trapped in this small section and if you speak to him he says, “I can help, but you must help me! I need a rope.” Give him the rope and he’ll tell you, “Here is what I promised.” and drops a scroll that gives you the Wind Mastery spell. Kill him for XP and vacate by levitating. (You won’t get your rope back)
1,2 removes the south boulder which leads to a dead end in the narrow hall containing an earth elemental. On the north wall toward the east end is a secret door leading into the enclosed room to the north. Just inside, facing east is a now unlocked secret door to a tiny room.
This room contains another ceiling chain that needs pulling. Afterwards, head west to the end where a Black Diamond waits, then backtrack to enter the final combination. (Keep the Black Diamond)
3,3 unlocks the north jail cell door. Inside is a ceiling chain to pull that opens the path in the north stairway back in the 3rd Floor Elemental Planes (Diamond Shaped 4 Stairs Island). There’s an earth elemental pacing on one of the small islands of hallway between some holes further in. For target practice, put some arrows into him until he melts. Make sure you have 2 Levitation Potions in your inventory, drink one and move forward quickly across the series of holes in the floor to the room at the east. (There are 4 boulders in here like the ones you removed earlier at the corners of the room.)
A scroll on the floor gives you the Create Wall spell. At the extreme east end is a magic fountain [i]or something like that[/i]. While standing directly in front of the fountain take the Mace of Elements and (with it in your hand like you were going to throw it) hold it up and press the action button to charge it. A message will appear after a quick flash on the screen saying, “You charge the mace…”
Return to the 3rd Floor Elemental Planes (Diamond Shaped 4 Stairs Island) by any of 3 methods:
1) Placing the Stone of Weight on the trigger plates preceeding each hole to close them, then backtrack to the entrance of this area and take the stairs back down. (They’ll remain closed after you pick the stone up for the next plate. Toss the stone afterward.)
2) Falling through the first hole on the way out and landing just south of the 3rd Floor Angled Hallway & Teleporter Room then making your way to the north side of the Angled Hallway to the teleporter. (This is the animal testing area and if you’ve powered off the Jag they’ll probably all be back.)
3) Drink another Levitation Potion & backtrack to the entrance of this area and take the stairs back down.
North Stairway/Air Elemental:
The north stairway takes you to a hallway at the 4th Floor Northwest Corner with an unblocked path except for a flying eye. At the end of the hallway is a ceiling chain and an unlocked jail cell door at the northwest corner. Pull the chain and head west through the door to a teleporter that takes you to a center, north sealed room in the 4th Floor Northeast Quarter.
4th Floor Northeast Quarter
North Main Room:
NOTE: This is the ‘main room’ in the area and all the other rooms’ descriptions/locations will be based off of it.
-When you materialize, straight ahead in the northeast corner is a secret door. Inside is a small chamber with a locked jail cell door. It can be opened after exploring this confusing labyrinth and pulling 4 hidden chains.
NOTE: All 4 ceiling chains in secret rooms must be pulled in one continuous effort; ie, you can’t pull 1, save, restart later and pull the others. The pre-save one(s) will have reset.
-Back in the North Main Room, you’ll be attacked by a ridiculous looking tornado thingie with yellow [i]Jaguar[/i] eyes and what appears to be an umbilical cord connected to a puddle on the floor lol. This is an air elemental and the only thing (I know of) that will kill it [i]eventually[/i] is the Wind Mastery spell the thief in the pit gave you. It takes a max of 4 hits-and of course you only have enough mana to dose it twice before having to sleep or wait (after eating) for the meter to refill enough to dole out more.
-The room contains 4 teleporters and an Ice Ball.
✓The north teleporter sends you to the sealed Room Diagonally South East of the Main Room. (see below)
✓The south teleporter takes you to the Room Directly South of the Main Room (see below)
✓The west teleporter takes you to the Room at the Northeast Corner. (see below)
✓The east teleporter sends you to the Room at the Northwest Corner of this section. (see below)
Room Diagonally South East of the Main Room:
There’s an air elemental to battle and a secret door at the northeast corner. Through this door in the small room is a ceiling chain (1/4).
There are 3 teleporters:
✓The west teleporter puts you in the Room Directly South of the Main Room.
✓The south teleporter takes you back to the North Main Room.
✓The east teleporter takes you Room at the Northwest Corner of this section.
Room Directly South of the Main Room:
Upon materializing, you’ll be attacked by an air elemental and flying eye. There’s a secret door near the northwest corner leading into the small room to the west. Inside are 2 Ice Balls (Keep 2 Ice Balls) and a ceiling chain (2/4).
There are 3 teleporters:
✓The west teleporter takes you North Main Room.
✓The north teleporter takes you Room at the Northwest Corner
✓The east teleporter takes you Room Diagonally South East of the Main Room
Room at the Northwest Corner:
There are numerous Ice Balls, 2 air elementals and 2 flying eyes waiting inside as well as a secret door at the southwest corner of the northern section. The small adjoining room to the south conceals another ceiling chain (3/4). In the southernmost east area of the room is a Blue Key. (Make sure to keep the blue key)
There are 3 teleporters:
✓The north teleporter takes you to the North Main Room
✓The west teleporter takes you to the Room Directly South of the Main Room
✓The south teleporter takes you Room at the Northeast Corner
Room at the Northeast Corner:
Inside is a flying eye and an Ice Ball. There’s a secret door at the northwest corner leading into a small chamber. Inside the small chamber is a ceiling chain (4/4) and an unlocked jail cell door leading into the large room to the west. Inside, near the entrance, is a hole in the floor. Around the corner at the furthest point from the entrance is the Wand of Frost and 2 Levitation Potions. Grab them all and fall into the hole. This will put you in the previously inaccessible 3rd Floor Room, 1 West of the Extreme Northeast Corner. (see below)
3rd Floor Continue Here:
-There’s a locked jail cell door at the south east corner that opens with the Blue Key. (then toss the Blue Key) An air elemental will attack viciously. Smite his sorry ass and make your way to the southwest corner. Here you’ll find a Protection Ring & Potion of Speed, along with a teleporter that takes you back to the North Main Room. (see Access to the Locked Room below)
There are 3 teleporters:
✓The north teleporter takes you to the Room at the Northwest Corner.
✓The east teleporter takes you to the North Main Room.
✓The south teleporter takes you to the Room Diagonally South East of the Main Room.
3rd Floor Room, 1 West of the Extreme Northeast Corner:
After landing, a thief will be milling about with a Quiver-full & Levitation Potion in the corner. If you talk to the thief he’ll say, “I will tell you how to free the sword from the rock, but it will cost you the hardest stone, black as night.” Stand directly in front of him and give him the Black Pearl. He’ll say, “Throw a couple ice balls at it!” 86 him for XP, grab the loot and levitate back up the hole.
Go to 3rd Floor Continue Here above to proceed.
Access to the Locked Room:
Head into the west room and through the now unlocked door to access the teleporter which will transport you to the previously inaccessible 4th Floor Extreme Northwest Hallway.
4th Floor Extreme Northwest Hallway:
A teleporter will be to the east that takes you back to the North Main Room. Head west to the dead end to find a secret door. A teleporter is behind it that takes you to the 4th Floor Sealed East Room, South of the Northeast Quarter.
4th Floor Sealed East Room, South of the Northeast Quarter:
Inside is a teleporter and an air elemental with a ‘tude. At the south end is another magic fountain. Hold up the Mace of Elements to charge that badboy for a 2nd time, then dive in the teleporter to be taken back to the 3rd Floor Angled Hallway & Teleporter Room.
3rd Floor Angled Hallway & Teleporter Room:
From here, make your way to the teleporter on the north side of the Angled Hallway to return to the 3rd Floor Elemental Planes (Diamond Shaped 4 Stairs Island). Once there, enter the west stairway. This will put you at the northeast corner of the 4th Floor Southwest Long Vertical Room.
West Stairway/Fire Elemental:
4th Floor Southwest Long Vertical Room:
The west stairway takes you to the 4th Floor Southwest Long Vertical Room. From the entrance head west. At the end is a locked jail cell door at the northwest corner leading north.
-Weave around the interior and head south down the long hallway. (An unavoidable trigger plate on the floor will release an incoming blast of frost exactly like what’s emitted from the Wand of Frost you picked up earlier. Stay near or on the trigger plate after activating it to avoid the hit as it will fizzle out before impact.) There’s an unlocked door at the end leading west into a large room.
-Inside, flying eyes and several fire elementals will attack. The fire elementals can be dispersed using the Wand of Frost but it only has 7 or 8 charges/blasts so only use it if you’re pinned in a corner or doorway, otherwise try to dodge them. (Once acquired, the Ice Storm spell kills them as well.)
NOTE: The best strategy for this area is to use the Potion of Speed and head straight to the north area and around the northern diagonal wall extending from west to east, then to the southwest point. Hit the large boulder with 2 Ice Balls to destroy it and quickly grab/equip the Frost Sword to fight the fire elementals.
-The following description is for items starting at the south entrance and moving north:
Head north through the narrow opening between the walls. To the southwest is the Wand of Fire and (one of many) Bloodstones. (Keep a bloodstone with you) On the east side to the north of the 2nd wall protrusion is another Bloodstone as well as north of the 3rd diagonal wall in the middle of the floor. To the southwest of the southern corner of the 4th diagonal wall is the Red Key. (Keep the Red Key) At the northwest side of the northernmost diagonal wall are several Bloodstones and at the southwest point is a Boulder with the Frost Sword stuck in it. Throw 2 Ice Balls at it and it’ll explode letting you acquire the sword.
-In the northwest corner is a a hole in the floor with a ceiling chain next to it. Pull the chain and fall in to land in the previously inaccessible west room in the 3rd Floor Northwest Quarter.
-Inside is a Levitation Potion with a thief that tells you, “One of my men betrayed me. I do not care about Daggan, only his treasure. Now, we need to kill him to get to Daggan or further treasure. He is at the bottom of the water elemental area.”
-You can kill him for the Rounded Bronze Key but should leave him intact for now. You need to ice his betraying comrade first or you can’t get the Ice Storm spell. (Use the following search criteria for info on the other thief/requirement:) NOTE~thief
-Drink the Levitation Potion and once you’re in the previous room, head back toward the entrance where the locked jail cell door is and use the Red Key. (then toss the key)
-Inside, 3 fire elementals and a flying eye guard the magic fountain. Dodge or fight them to make your way north then charge the Mace of Elements for a third time. Head back to the original stairway entrance that brought you to this death trap and enter the East Stairway.
East Stairway/Water Elemental:
4th Floor East, Center Area:
Follow the hallway east to the unlocked door, taking out the flying eye along the way. Water elementals will probably open the door and make their way into the hall. (They look like small tidal waves.. or Towelie from Southpark lol.) If so, you can use the Fire Storm spell, which will drain all of your mana each time it’s used, or hit them with 3-7 blasts from the Wand of Fire to reduce them to puddles. (The wand only contains 7 or 8 shots so use sparingly)
-Inside the room, look around the southeast corner of this half to find the Wand of Magic Missiles. To the west is a locked wooden door on the south side of the enclosed chamber in the center of the room.
-There’s a hole in the floor in the northwest portion of this room. Fall in and you’ll land in a previously inaccessible room on the 3rd Floor Northwest Quarter. A thief in here tells you, “If you’re trying to kill me, you’re going to end up dead!” Doing exactly that, takes about 10 strikes from your Broadsword. On the floor nearby is the Warm Iron Key and 2 Levitation Potions. (Keep the Warm Iron Key) Also, a teleporter will magically appear once the thief has met his maker.
Bite the Bullet: (recommended)
This is a bit tedious but will save time (and frustration) later if you have to power off the Jag and reset the thieves. (and trust me, it’s a long way to the other part in one sitting) Also, helps by using the key gained from the 1st thief, then tossing it to free up an item slot.
-Return to the other trapped thief’s room by levitating back up, returning to the entrance of the water elemental, entering the west stairway and navigating back to the hole in the floor at the northwest corner of the fire elemental to get the Rounded Bronze Key & Ice Storm spell. Once you have them, use the Warm Iron Key to unlock the cell door (then get rid of it) & return here to hurl yourself into the new teleporter in the southeast corner. It all has to be done at once without powering off the Jag. (continue below on the ‘regular’ path. Some areas might be redundant but that’s nothing compared to the mess it would become if you wait to get the key/spell later.) If using this info from the 10th Floor, search Lost Key to proceed.
–NOTE: This teleporter can only be used once (after saving post-use) then it disappears. If you do the steps out of sequence or return later to find a quick path back into the room described below, it won’t be here. If you kill the wrong thief first or something, you [i]can[/i] save your game and return later (after powering off the Jag) as the thieves will reset and be alive again. You [i]must[/i] return to the room that held the previous trapped thief to get the Rounded Bronze Key & Ice Storm spell. (Use the following search criteria for info on the other thief/requirement:) NOTE~thief
-The new teleporter will transport you to the previously inaccessible room [i]south[/i] of the 1st one that had the locked jail cell door and was being guarded by the 3 Iron Golems from the 3rd Floor Library teleport earlier.
-Inside this room are 3 tables with scrolls on them and a teleporter. There is another locked jail cell door on the south wall. On the table at the northeast is the Regeneration Ring and Amulet of Mana along with a scroll that says, “Those fools! I explained my research, and they think I am mad. Now they attempt to kill me! This is my repayment for discovering life on another planet. Maybe if I burn some homes, I will scare them away. But not one soul must be endangered.”
-Another scroll on the southeast table says, “My mind had just drifted by the Crystal of Vaul. It sounded like a plea for help! But the crystal is in Salvon’s domain. It must be a trick from him. This should not happen again, as the crystal was weak.”
-The table west of here has a scroll that says, “I have miscalculated my dig, and revived Salvon! He was a powerful and evil mage. We battled, but in my weakened condition, I fled. Salvon can bring the dead back to life with ease, and is using this army to take over my home. He now controls four floors. Using the Mace, I have sealed the only exits to those floors. The Mace of Elements, which alone can unlock the door, is now drained so access is all but impossible. I will deal with Salvon and correct my mistake!”
-On the floor near the locked north door are 2 copper urns. Between some tables are the Mace of Disruption & the Cloak of Protection. Equip the mace to increase your Damage.
(The Ruby Bronze Key unlocks the south door later on. see Ruby Bronze Door below for info.)
-The teleporter sends you to the 3rd Floor Library. From there, enter the teleporter at the southwest corner to emerge in the 3rd Floor Elemental Planes (Diamond Shaped 4 Stairs Island), then take the east route again.
-Back in this northern section, look in the southwest corner to find a ceiling chain. A secret door is in the south, center inlet of the wall. Pull the chain and go through the door to access the southern section. At the west end is the magic fountain to charge the Mace of Elements for the 4th and final time. A message will appear stating that “The Mace is now fully charged!”
-Head back to the northern section and up to the locked wooden door. With the Mace still in hand, hit the action button to unlock the door. Inside is a stairwell leading to the 5th Floor.
*****************************************5th Floor*****************************************
5th Floor/Undead Level:
You emerge from the stairway slightly northeast of dead center in this gigantic open area. Just north on the floor is a scroll that says, “To anyone! Save us! The dead have returned! — Scribe”
-Numerous Skeletons scattered throughout will attack with their own Broadswords. Takes 3 strikes from yours to do them in. Many Zombies also inhabit the floor that attack with their hands. 5-6 strikes to put them down.
-An unlocked secret door at the northeast corner leads into an enclosed room with 2 Skeletons and a Guard wearing red tights with matching helmet lol. (Knight of the Council) (It took 19 strikes from my Broadsword to end this roody poo. may be a better/faster weapon or spell but I didn’t explore the idea) Once dead, take and equip his Sharp Sword as it increases the damage from 13 to 25. When he’s dead, Bleached Bones will be left behind. (The room holds nothing of value.)
NOTE: you can mark this place to return to later when you have the Resurrection Potion but if you power off the Jag between now and then there’s no need as this fella will reappear fully intact at the opposite (southwest) corner when you come back to rebuild the sword later on. Incidentally, his message is, “I am Pellinore ninth knight of the council. No evil can touch any of the pieces of the Holy Sword. So, Salvon has them heavily guarded. Fight strong and without fear!”
-There’s a small room along the east wall on the north half with busted wooden doors on the north and south ends. Inside is a Wand of Magic Missiles.
-The wall near the southeast corner, extending from east to west has a secret door in the corner leading south to the extreme southeast corner. A broken axe head and broken arrows are lying around.
-Head south and round the corner to the west where a Quiver-full and Heavy Crossbow are on the floor. A scroll on a table says, “We witnessed Lord Daggan bring the dead back to life! In a room filled with bones, Daggan stood, holding a vile of a foul green liquid. He poured this liquid over the bleaced bones, and it rose. In a blink of an eye, there stood a skeletal being. In a blood curdling cry, Daggan screamed, Salvon, No! How could I! Salvon attacked Daggan, which turned into a heated battle. Then, in a flash of light, Daggan disappeared. Salvon then turned to face us — We could feel his evil. Then he too, disappeared in a flash of light. Saris, our mage, instructed us to leave the tower an warn the town. We ran fast, but only to find stairs blocked! Just then, a cry of anger echoed around us. We must find a place to hold up and to defend our lives, said Saris.”
-Just north of here, connected to the wall extending west from the east side where the secret door was, is a hallway leading south from a broken wooden door at the north end. A stairway inside takes you to the 6th Floor Southeast Area.
*****************************************6th Floor*****************************************
6th Floor Southeast Area:
You emerge from a stairway near the southeast corner in this huge open floor. Many skeletons and zombies will attack immediately. There’s another stairway at the extreme southeast that leads up to the 7th Floor Southeast Quarter (see below) and a scroll along the path that gives you the Levitate Up spell.
-From this stairway, go west into the room connected to the south wall. It has broken wooden doors at the east & west ends (and is [i]supposed to[/i] contain another bag for 8 more item slots but I didn’t find it and don’t know how to make it appear.) Inside are a couple of broken arrows, a chain mail (that’s too heavy for you), a hole in the floor and a scroll that says, “It is my regret to say that our destruction is imminent. Twelve of our men moved huge boulders to block our entrance. Soon after, an explosion threw small bits of stone into the room. The cries of agony and a hideous laughter was all that I could hear. Saris then walked in, or what was left of him. Jaret looked confused as he stood toe to toe with his dead brother. This proved costly as Jaret went up in flames.” The hole in the floor drops you into an otherwise unreachable tiny room on the 5th Floor.
-Inside is a zombie, broken axe head, bones and the Boots of Traction. Equip them and levitate back up.
(A stairway at the northeast corner takes you up to the 7th Floor Northeast, placing you at the corresponding corner.)
-At the northwest corner is a skeleton carrying the Ruby Bronze Key. Also in this area is the Crystal of Vaul, and (up to) 3 sets of Bleached Bones. On a table is the Resurrection Potion.
NOTE: There is only one Resurrection Potion and it doesn’t run out.
-On another table is a scroll that reads, “I am the last to survive. I am just a scribe with no training in fighting or magic. This tower is now littered with creatures that were once human, that I once called friends. Now I must fight to survive, I only hope this old rusty sword I found helps. I found a strange crystal. When I looked into it, I saw Daggan. I tried to call him, but it was to no avail. But by touching the crystal, I did learn something disturbing. We were sent to destroy Daggan. From touching his mind, I have learned that he is not evil at all! Only misunderstood. Let us hope that he can withstand all the occurrences and remain sane.”
-Pour the Resurrection Potion on one of the Bleached Bones to turn it into a dimly shaded ghostly figure of a [i]person[/i]. Talk to it and it’ll tell you, “I am alive! I am the scribe for the council, and I do not know how to thank you! All I have is this rusty sword to give so please take it!” Add the Sword of Rust to your inventory so you can kill the Iron Golems later (sometimes it’s not visible as it appears behind the figure) and go over to the other Bleached Bones and repeat. One of them will turn into a skeleton and attack. Make quick work of it and move on to the last set of bones. This ghostly figure will say, “I am Ector, third sage of the council. That potion was never meant for us. But, at least we are alive!”
-Head due south into a small room with more bones, a shovel and pick axe. On 2 of the tables are Healing Potions. There’s one set of Bleached Bones that will turn into a zombie.
-Head down to the south side of the inaccessible room in the southwest quarter to pick up the Wand of Lightning. While here, some skull faced candy-ass with an upside down yellow star on his blue smock w/ pink sleeves will attack lol. He’s shooting flames at you and seems overly pissed off. (Sage of the Council) Waste him (about 5 hits for this flamboyant wizard wannabe) whose death creates a set of Bleached Bones. You can’t pick these up and when you try, a message appears saying, “The bleached bones don’t budge!”
-Next, pour the Resurrection Potion on them. He’ll become a ghostly figure and tell you, “I am Gual, ninth sage of the council. Salvon is afraid that many will come to defeat him, so he destroyed these floors and littered them with pits. He would never expect a single person to try to engage him!”
-The “C” shaped partial room at the south, slightly west of center contains an Exploding Cube and there’s a hidden hole in the floor at the northwest corner. This drops you into an otherwise inaccessible room on the 5th Floor with nothing inside except a zombie.
-There’s another stairway at the southwest corner leading up to the 7th Floor Southwest Quarter but to complete a loop of [i]this[/i] floor, I’m making my way to the stairway at the extreme southeast that leads up to the 7th Floor Southeast Quarter.
*****************************************7th Floor*****************************************
7th Floor Southeast Quarter:
Upon arrival, travel west along the outer hallway starting in the southeast corner. Kill the skeleton then make your way north along the west side. At the northwest corner, heading east, you’ll encounter another Knight of the Council. Should take about 8 hits to off him. Use the Resurrection Potion and he’ll tell you, “I am Hawkin, fourth knight of the council. Anyone that Salvon brings back, gains a part of Salvon’s memories. We know how to destroy him!”
-Just over half way down this east/west running hallway is an unlocked secret door on the north wall leading into another east/west running hallway. Open it and continue east to the northwest corner where another unlocked secret door leads into the same place. Open it and head south down the east corridor and make your way into the spiraling interior just north of the stairway that brought you here.
-Around the first turn is a Cloak of Protection in an inlet on the east wall. By now you’ll probably be attacked by a skeleton and Sage of the Council. Stab them to death with your trusty Sharp Sword and pour the Resurrection Potion to have him tell you, “I am Garlot, fifth sage of the council. Only the pure of heart can return from the dead. I have served my faith well. Thank you for your help.”
-Proceeding north around the bend, then east you’ll find an unlocked secret door near the end on the south wall. This is apparently the only way into the sealed room at the end of the path, of which there are 3 zombies and nothing else.
-Around the bend and heading south will be another zombie. Take his [i]after[/i]life and roll on to the end to unlock the area on your map-but there’s nothing else of interest to be had.
-Return to the secret door(s) you opened on the outer north wall. Entering the one at the northeast corner and traversing west will cause you to fall in a hidden hole in the floor landing in the 6th Floor East Diamond Shaped Room-South Half. (see below)
Continue After the Fall:
-Avoid the hole if returning by taking the secret door path to the west. Make your way west down the hall to the dead end. Here, an unlocked secret door opens into the 7th Floor Small Center Room.
7th Floor Small Center Room:
-Inside are a zombie, Healing Potion, Exploding Cube and unlocked secret doors on each of the walls opening paths to the other 3 quarters. (see below)
NOTE TO SELF: I’m leaving a list of items in here to free up some inventory slots: 2 Levitation Potions, Bloodstone, Battle Axe, Stone of Health, Quiver-full, Gold Key, Cold Iron Key, Black Pearl and Wand of Fire.
ADDITIONAL NOTE TO SELF: After saving, powering off the Jag and continuing, everything is gone lol. Don’t do this :p
7th Floor Southwest Quarter:
Take the door into the southwest quarter where nearby, at the northeast corner is a hole in the floor. After killing the zombie and grabbing the Levitation Potion along the short path, fall in to land inside the 6th Floor Large Christmas Tree Shaped, Center Room. (see below)
-There’s a stairway at the southwest corner leading to same place on the 6th Floor.
7th Floor Southwest Quarter Fire Hell:
Now back in the original area, head to the southwest area of this section. A large room will become visible and has a secret door at the southern most point. Inside, is a Knight of the Council that when killed/resurrected says, “I am Gawain, sixth knight of the council. Be wary of the flames. Through heat, is light and your destiny.”
-Further in is a scroll that says, “Welcome to the bowels of hell.”
-There are 4 holes in the floor leading to the otherwise inaccessible 6th Floor Southwest Concealed Room. (see below)
(A stairway at the southwest corner leads to the corresponding place on the 6th Floor)
7th Floor 2 Sword Pieces:
Now you have 2 of 3 parts to rebuild the sword. Finish checking this quarter by moving south to the south wall. From there head east into the large rooms to finish opening them on your map or go back to the center square of the floor and make your way into the 7th Floor Northwest Quarter.
7th Floor Northwest Quarter:
Circle the area to make it visible on the map then head into one of the south broken doors leading into the large center room. 2 skeletons, zombies and a Sage of the Council will attack. Resurrect the sage to be told, “I am Gareth, fourth sage of the council. Saris, Jaret, and Salvon are on the next floor. Take great caution!”
-In the east half is a scroll that gives you the Heal spell. There’s a hole in the floor nearby that drops down into the open 6th Floor, if needed. Nothing else happening here at the moment so head over to the 7th Floor Northeast Quarter for the last part of the sword.
7th Floor Northeast Quarter:
From the entrance look east to see a Sharp Sword conspicuously lying on the floor. Head north around the outside perimeter then into the center part to open it up on the map.
(There’s a stairway in the northeast corner that leads to the 5th Floor.)
-Along the way you’ll fight some skeletons, zombies and a Knight of the Council. His message is, “I am Orkney, eighth knight of the council. The holy sword has broken into three, you must repair it!”
-Go south to the wall and travel east until you fall into a hidden hole in the floor. This will drop you into the 6th Floor East Diamond Shaped Room-North Half. (see below)
6th Floor East Diamond Shaped Room-South Half:
After unceremoniously busting your ass and landing in here, take out the Knight of the Council who’s meandering about. He’ll turn into Bleached Bones and drop a body armor that’s too heavy for you to pick up. Douse him with the Resurrection Potion to hear him say, “I am Mordred, seventh knight of the council. Salvon tried to break out of the magical field. As a result, he ripped open a hole of raw energy in the south-west wall, one floor down.”
-The Golden Guard is at the southern point, 1 of 3 pieces of a sword. Add it to your inventory and stand facing the candle on the wall to levitate back up via potion or spell. see Continue After the Fall above to proceed.
6th Floor Large Christmas Tree Shaped, Center Room:
NOTE: This room has locked doors at the north and south ends that cannot be unlocked… ever. A skeleton and Sage of the Council attack ferociously. Tear them a new one and pour Resurrection Potion on the Bleached Bones to be told, “I am Niniane, the seventh sage of the council. Bring me a black pearl, bloodstone and a diamond, so I can help you defeat Salvon.” When you give him all 3 he says, “Here is what I promised.” A scroll appears that gives you the Aura of Death spell.
-Levitate back up and see 7th Floor Southwest Quarter Fire Hell above to proceed.
6th Floor Southwest Concealed Room:
When you drop in, flames will be shooting in a staggered pattern from the north and south walls. Use the Create Wall spell then haul ass to the opposite corner and grab the Red Blade, 2 of 3 pieces of a sword, then make your way back and levitate asap. See 7th Floor 2 Sword Pieces above to proceed.
6th Floor East Diamond Shaped Room-North Half:
Be careful where you step after landing in here. There’s a hidden hole in the floor in the center of the 3rd row of floor tiles from the south wall. (It leads into an open area of the 5th Floor which makes it easy to get to the place where you rebuild the sword but not until this guy’s been slaughtered and reanimated.) A Knight of the Council is in here and looking to fight. Wipe the floor with him then mix with potion to be told, “I am Fariss, third knight of the council. The holy sword coupled with strong magic is the only way to defeat Salvon!”
-He’ll drop a Wand of Lightning and chest armor that’s too heavy. Ease your way over to the southeast corner and nab the Blue Hilt then drop down to Rebuild the Holy Sword on the 5th Floor.
Rebuild the Holy Sword on the 5th Floor:
When you hit the ground make a break for the southwest corner to the small hallway leading south. Take out any zombies that get in the way and fight the Sage of the Council that’s hanging around the entrance. Soak him with potion to have him drone on about his crappy life in the castle, while snitching on Salvon, “I am Melwas, eighth sage of the council. I am forever in your debt. But for now all I have is information. Salvon made a grave error opening up raw energy, for it is the key to his destruction.”
-Ever closer to the entrance, you’ll have to fight another Knight of the Council. Do the thing with the sword and potion to initiate a lame pep talk, “I am Pellinore ninth knight of the council. No evil can touch any of the pieces of the Holy Sword. So, Salvon has them heavily guarded. Fight strong and without fear!”
-One of those magic fountains is in the back of the room (south end). Put in the Golden Guard, Blue Hilt and Red Blade to create the Holy Avenger Sword :0
(If this doesn’t work or you can’t make/take the sword, put all your items on the floor to try again. Some of the items you carry may be [i]evil[/i] and this won’t float here in the [i]evil[/i] tower for some reason.)
-Once you have it, follow the Path to the 8th Floor. (see below)
Path to the 8th Floor:
From the 5th Floor southwest area, head east to the southeast stairway to emerge in the 6th Floor southeast area. Go to the extreme southeast and take the stairs up to the 7th Floor southeast quarter. When you arrive go north up the hallway then west to the westernmost secret door. Once in the hallway to the north, move west to the center room. Trek into the northwest quarter and make your way to the east door on the south side of the large center room. Around the north wall will be a hidden hole in the floor. (Dodge the visible hole) Once you find and fall through it you’ll be in the otherwise inaccessible 6th Floor Northern Circular Chamber where you can take a stairway up to the 7th Floor Northwest Sealed Stairway Room. (Another hole in the middle of the room will drop you down in a convenient location on the 6th Floor northwest making return trips a [i]lot[/i] easier) From here, take the stairs on the west side of the room up to the 8th Floor Northwest Stairway.
*****************************************8th Floor*****************************************
8th Floor Northwest Stairway:
When you emerge, make your way around this northwest quarter to open it on the map and battle a few zombies. Next, explore the northeast quarter. One of the rooms holds an Open Helm that may be too heavy to pick up,unless you ditch some non-critical weight.. (it’ll increase your defense by 2) In the very northeast area is a Quiver-full and more zombies are scattered about. (Armed with the Holy Avenger Sword, some die by a single blow.) A Sage of the Council is in or around the large room and will probably meet you at the entrance to the south. (There’s nothing of value in the room) Take him out with 3 strikes and Resurrect his bones. He’ll tell you, “I am Uther, second sage of the council. You have aloud me to cheat fate. Take this stone.” He drops the Stone of Magic. Bag it and continue to the southwest quarter.
-Once the section is revealed it shows an arrow pointing north to the “crosshairs” further north. There’s a Wand of Frost just south of the wall/pillar at the tip of the arrow. The east/west running ‘long room’ at the southern end holds 3 [i]XP spewing[/i] zombies but nothing else. Once the area is visible go north to a trigger plate in the middle of the crosshairs. Step and stay on top of it as 2 ‘magic balls of energy will come flying toward you, one from the east and one from the south. Let them both hit you and a message will appear saying, “You feel odd!”
-Now, go to the southeast quarter and look around. (Along the east wall heading south I was attacked by 3 zombies at once for [i]easy[/i] XP.)
-Make your way to the south wall and go west. Once you reach the wall running north/south, travel to the north end and look for the unlocked secret door. Inside, a Knight of the Council and Sage of the Council attack simultaneously. Kill them and pour the potion on their bones to be told by the Sage, “I am Saris, leader of the sages of the council. Be warned of the Iron Guardian. All forms of magic and weapons barely scratch its metal skin!”
-The Knight says, “I thank thee! I am Jaret, leader of the knights of the council. Your next task lies behind that door. Here is a key and a potion to heal the wounds I gave you.” Grab the Black Key & Healing Potion, and press on to the west end of the room, then south to the locked jail cell door and use the Black Key. (then toss it away)
NOTE: It’s a GREAT idea to fill your Food level, use magic to create more food, sleep to restore your Mana, put the Healing Potion in your hand, set Heal as your active spell and Save here or right after entering!
-Just inside is a trigger plate that slams the door shut behind you. (It’s still unlocked and accessible) Further in is another Sage of the Council, or something disguised as one. He shoots lightning, growls loudly and is super strong. (To test the theory, it took 36 strikes from my Holy Avenger Sword to finally bring him down. Use the sword and the Aura of Death spell in tandem for faster results.) After the fierce battle, head for the broken wooden door at the southeast corner as this prick doesn’t leave any Bleached Bones.
NOTE: After equipping the Sword of Rust, it’s a GREAT idea to save here as well.
-Just beyond is a stairway leading up to the 9th Floor Extreme Southeast Hallway.
*****************************************9th Floor*****************************************
9th Floor Extreme Southeast Hallway:
Literally right out of the gate you have to mix it up with an Iron Golem. There’s not much space between you and him so load up the Sword of Rust and get in a couple shots while his back is turned. There’s a trigger plate on the floor about half way between you and the Golem-that when stepped on by him, opens the door at the east end. (As soon as he moves off. the door closes so) jack him up and back away until he triggers the door then hold your ground to kill him where he stands. He’ll fall on top of it and the door will remain open. (Should take about 16 strikes to finish him.)
NOTE: If you kill him anywhere but on the plate, reload your last save to try again. Leaving the room/floor and returning won’t bring him back alive.
-From the other side of the door head north through the narrow hallway to an unlocked wooden door. Inside, there’s what appears to be a skinny green alien wearing a pink dress lol. (Marland) If you talk to him he says, “So you are what Daggan warned us about! Since you made it this far, I’d be no match for you. But I can help you! Get me the lucky eye stock from the trainer!” (Let him live for now)
(Don’t worry about the East Door Leading Into the North/South Hallway at this time.)
-Equip the Holy Avenger Sword and go through the unlocked wooden door to the west. In the new hallway, head north where you’ll be met by a Troll (who fights with his hands. Took 12 hits to kill him.) and a battle ready Marland (Also took 12 hits to kill) shooting out blasts of frost, (like the ones from the Ice Storm spell and Wand of Frost) both blocking your path. After dispatching them proceed forward and at the northeast corner a large, dark green floating blob with bad hair and eyes around his head will join the onslaught against you. (4 hits to kill the blob.). Shred him and go west briefly to an unlocked jail cell door on the south wall. Inside, a flying blob will attack after entering from a jail cell door and a Marland says, “My friend is held prisoner. Free him and I will help you.” There’s a scroll in the northeast corner that says, “Training Kennel.”
-All 4 jail cell doors are unlocked. In the next room are a lot bones, feces and (I counted) 7 more flying blobs but nothing of value.
-Exit and go west. A Marland and another flying blob will attack. Take care of them, then round the northwest corner and head south briefly. An open door on the east wall leads into a maze-like hallway that ends at a locked jail cell door. 3 Trolls guard the hallway and there’s a scroll near the end that says, “Treasury.”
NOTE: I couldn’t get this door open or find any secret passages to get in the room.
-Backtrack to the entrance and continue south where you’ll encounter another Marland and a flying blob.
At the southwest corner head east briefly. There’s an unlocked jail cell door on the north wall. Inside is a Marland that says, “Assassins! Assassins! Sound the Alarm!” Kill him and take the Silver Key. A scroll nearby says, “Security.” There’s an unlocked door on the north wall leading to a chamber with 3 Trolls (one of them took 17, another took 13 and the last one took 11 hits to kill.) The 2nd Troll dropped the Rounded Silver Key.
-Use it on the locked jail cell door at the northwest corner. Inside, is the Sword of Quickness which will increase your Damage but decrease your Defense. (I equipped it because it enables FASTER strikes) Also in here is the Crossbow of Speed & a Quiver-full.
-Exit and hit the east wall to unlock 3 jail cell doors with the Silver Key. Starting at the south door, inside is a Marland that says, “Daggan made me a prisoner, because I asked for a raise?!” (Don’t waste this jabroni… yet.)
-The next cell to the north is empty.
-The north cell holds a Troll (12 hits) and has an unlocked secret door at the northwest corner. Inside the adjacent room is a ceiling chain that unlocks a secret door at the northeast corner. Through it, in the next room is a scroll that gives you the Crushing Hand spell. There’s another unlocked secret door nearby at the southeast corner. In the next room are 2 apples sitting on a table and a Marland that says, “You have got to stop Daggan. If he leaves, no one will pay us! He might be in his secret office on this floor.”
-Shred this lowlife then sneak through the unlocked door at the northeast corner. In the adjoining room is a Marland that says, “The light created our lives, the light created our magic. But from whose skies were the light created? That was a riddle in Daggan’s dream. He thinks he found the answer.” Stab him repeatedly then hit the unlocked door at the northeast corner to enter a small, empty room.
-Exit at the southeast to arrive in the hallway just north of where you originally entered this inner section. Before moving on, head south to fight some trolls and notice the locked secret door at the southwest corner. (Unlocks with the Rainbow Key that’s on the 10th Floor) Move west until the map is completely visible. Along this last stretch will be another attacking Marland and flying blob for XP.
-Head all the way back to the room at the northeast corner and talk to the Marland again. He’ll give you the Eye Stock, then murder him.
-Exit and head south, back to the original room at the southeast to talk to the first Marland. NOTE: The original Marland may have wandered into the hallway from the door that was left open earlier. Be sure you only attack hostiles when returning to this area so you don’t accidentally kill this one. Give him the Eye Stock and he’ll drop the Mirror Shield, then betray and ruthlessly slaughter his ass. (By now your character should be a Level 8 )
-Equip the shield, enter the original room and head out the East Door Leading Into the North/South Hallway. About half way up, lightning shots will come flying at you in consistent 3 or 4 second intervals. Hold up the Mirror Shield and run like hell around the perimeter. Shots come from the north, west and south walls as you’re heading toward each. At the southwest corner they’ll stop. Head east from here into the 10th Floor Southeast Stairway.
************************************10th/3rd/11th Floor***********************************
10th Floor Southeast Stairway
You emerge in a similar layout to the 9th Floor. (On the perimeter at the extreme southeast and only able to initially move to the east.) At the southeast corner is a door facing north. (There’s a hole in the floor dead ahead that drops you in the corresponding place on the 9th Floor with the dead Iron Golem. Levitating back up isn’t an option though as the hole seems to be only one sided or one way.) Go around the hole and through the unlocked wooden door and head north to another unlocked door. A Marland inside says, “Information has a price. Bring me a crystal ball.” There’s a chicken leg at the southwest corner.
-Another unlocked door on the west wall leads into a hallway. For the shortest path to a crystal ball, head north around a bend where there’s an opening on the southeast corner of the wall. Head in and talk to a Marland that tells you, “Daggan can be found in the observatory on the last floor. You might want to enter a test in the library before going further.” Kill this schmuck and grab the Beef Jerky off the table in back. On the west wall is a secret door leading to a large chamber. Head in and move south to fight 2 Marlands and a Troll. There are 2 tables at the south end. One of them holds another Sword of Quickness and the other a Crystal Ball. Make the rest of the room visible and leave the same way you entered. Go north through the unlocked door on the north wall to enter a similarly shaped room. Inside are 2 Quiver-fulls and a friendly Marland. Cut him to shreds and exit through the north open door. Head south back down the untraveled hallway where you’ll fight a couple of Marlands then return to the room and give the crystal ball to the friendly Marland. (Save before attempting to give him the crystal ball. He darts around so fast you’ll probably drill him with it accidentally which starts a brawl, breaks the crystal and prevents you from obtaining this less than valuable info.) He’ll tell you, “The key is this floor!” Stab him for not making sense then return to the northeast corner and head west down the hallway where 2 Marlands will come out swinging.
-At the northwest corner there’s an opening on the east wall. Upon entering, go east and open a secret door on the north wall of the sealed room in the northwest area. A friendly Marland inside asks, “What direction are you facing?” Gut him for being a smartass and pick up the Beef Jerky in back. There are 2 more Marlands, 2 Trolls and 2 green flying gargoyle things in here to battle, with the only other thing of interest being the Crossbow of Accuracy located in the south curve of the “S” shape at the south end. Exit and go south down the west hallway where you’ll engage 4 more Marlands.
-At the southwest corner is an opening on the east wall. Just inside is a Crystal Ball. Besides a couple of Marlands to kill for XP, there’s only a copper urn and feces in this room.
-Exit and head east along the hallway. Gargoyles will attack in pairs and can be defeated with 5 strikes each from the sword (or the Crushing Hand spell works really well.) Ahead, the path is blocked by 2 sets of holes in the floor, stretching all the way across the hall, with a Marland in the center firing frost shots at you. Back out of range and break out the Crossbow of Speed or Accuracy and a Quiver to send 9 shots of death his direction (can also activate the Fire Storm Spell for quick results.) Re-equip your Sword of Quickness and use Levitation to quickly pass over the first void. Now on the island where the dead Marlin is, open an unlocked secret door on the north wall. Inside is a chicken leg and a Marland that says, “I have a key to Daggan’s office. It’s yours for a crystal ball. After giving him one he drops the Rainbow Key. Snag it, kill the Marland and exit.
NOTE: There’s a secret door on the south wall that leads to the outer perimeter very close to the stairway leading up to the 11th Floor.)
Levitate east across the other void where another pair of gargoyles will be waiting for toe tags on the other side. Further along heading up the north hallway is a Troll. Return to the entrance to make your way back down to the 9th Floor to Retrieve the Raised Bronze Key, the last one needed to enter the 3rd Floor Tests.
Retrieve the Raised Bronze Key:
-Head back to the 9th Floor by backtracking to the southeast stairway and fall through the one way hole. Navigate back to the locked secret door on the southeast wall and use the Rainbow Key. (then toss it) Inside, are 2 Trolls, a chicken leg, a bread and a cheese along with the Raised Bronze Key and 2 scrolls that say, “Those cursed marlands! I pay them well to guard these floors. I caught one stealing from my treasury, so I locked him up in one of my cells.”
-And the other, “What have I started! My guards have been slaughtered by their own kind, I brought back one of the most evil mages, I have been betrayed by my own elite guards, and I have made deals with creatures that should never exist in this plane. All this violence, all this destruction, caused by me! Done in the name of knowledge, is it worth the price? Perhaps when I reach that planet, and bring back the knowledge they have to offer, I will be forgiven by the families I helped destroy.”
-Exit and make your way back to the entrance of the 9th Floor to take the 3rd Floor Tests.
3rd Floor Tests:
It’s a long journey back to the 3rd Floor. Using the Advancing from floor to floor: section at the top of this document-in reverse, here it is in a nutshell:
-On the 9th Floor southwest stairway enter the stairs leading down.
-On the 8th Floor at the southeast stairway, head out of the large room(s) using the hidden door at the northeast corner. Take the stairs in the northwest quarter.
-On the 7th Floor in the small sealed room at the northwest quarter, fall through the floor.
-On the 6th Floor northwest, head to the innermost stairway at the southeast quarter.
-On the 5th Floor southeast, head north to the stairway at the south end of the open room.
-In the 4th Floor water elemental chamber, take the northeast door and go back toward the stairway island, entering the teleporter in the north inlet.
-In the 3rd Floor Angled Hallway room, enter the teleporter at the southeast corner (south side of the angled hallway) to get to the Library.
Lost Key:
-While in the Library, if you haven’t gotten the Rounded Bronze Key yet, take the teleporter to your immediate left (southeast corner) to materialize in the northeastern most point in the huge 3rd Floor Northwest Quarter. Head west to the west wall then south to the locked room with the thief inside. Use the Warm Iron Key to unlock the door (then toss it) and head inside to grab the Ice Storm spell and the Rounded Bronze Key. If the thief is still talking about one of his men betraying him, then both thieves have been reset and the other one is still alive. Follow Bite the Bullet above to retry then return here to proceed.
From the Library, head south down the hallway. Kill the guards and store or eat the Beef Jerky then equip the Sword of Rust. Take on the Iron Golems and grab the Sapphire Bronze Key to unlock the first door. (then drop that key)
-Use the Rounded Bronze Key on the door to the south, if you haven’t already. (then drop that key)
-Use the Ruby Bronze Key on the door to the south. (then drop that key)
Ruby Bronze Door:
In this room are 4 tables with various items. The northwest table has a scroll that says, “Beyond the next door, lie the tests.” The table to the southwest’s scroll reads, “I use the tests for my pupil to determine their progress.” The table at the southeast has an Exploding Cube and the Amulet of Protection. (Equipping the Amulet will raise your defense.) The table in the northeast corner has the Great Helm which can be equipped to the players head for a 3 point defense boost. There’s also a Quiver-full.
(The teleporter at the southwest corner of the room takes you to the 3rd Floor Library.)
-Use the Raised Bronze Key on the door to the south. (then drop that key)
-In the northeast corner is the Bronze Key. Use it to unlock the 3 doors at the south end of the room then toss the key & Save. There are 3 scrolls on the floor, one in front of each newly unlocked jail cell door. The scroll at the southeast says, “Test of Magic.” The scroll in the center says, “Test of Strength.” The one at the southwest corner says, “Test of speed.” (There’s also a teleporter at the northeast corner that takes you back to the Library.)
Test of Speed: Enter the southwest teleporter to be sent to the 11th Floor Northwest Quarter where you appear at the southwest corner. Just to the north is a Long Bow. Grab it and head east to pick up the 3 Quiver-fulls on tables to the north.
-There’s an unlocked jail cell door in the southeast corner. A scroll inside says, “Place prize here.” A locked jail cell door is on the west wall.
-Back outside, there’s a locked gold door at the northeast corner.
NOTE: This 1st part of recovering the diamond can be avoided by bringing one with you and placing it directly on the trigger plate in the southeast room.
-In the north, toward the center of the room is a narrow hallway. A flying blob will attack as you approach the entrance. A scroll inside the hall says, “Do not cross plate until prize is won!” There’s a trigger plate a little further up.
-Disregard the scroll and run north to the “T” then west. A gargoyle is guarding this area and after killing him, proceed west to the dead end to pick up the diamond. Backtrack to see HUGE balls of [i]something[/i] being fired in 3-4 second intervals up the path you came from. (The east end hallway is a dead end with nothing of value.) Head south back down the path with the balls. Break to the east and get to the east wall. Travel south, and pull the ceiling chain on your way to the room with the locked jail cell.
-Once back inside, place the diamond on the trigger plate to hear a click. The jail cell door is now unlocked. (so is the gold door to the northeast) Inside is a teleporter that puts you in the Sealed North, Center Room at the southwest corner.
Sealed North, Center Room:
Flames are shooting across the room in a staggered pattern like before and there’s an apple in the center of the room. (This is easy since there’s only 3 flames. Wait for them to shoot, run through and grab the apple from the other side with plenty of room to spare from getting hit by any fire. Time it out again and race back across to the teleporter at the southeast corner. The teleporter sends you to the southeast corner of this quarter near the room you placed the diamond in.
-Head north to the gold door at the northeast corner and get the Gloves of Accuracy. A trigger plate just beyond the doorway will cause lightning to shoot out of the wall (apparently, only once.) The teleporter takes you to the previously inaccessible Room at the South, Center of the 3rd Floor Southwest Quarter.
Room at the South, Center of the 3rd Floor Southwest Quarter:
On the floor is the Cap of Brilliance & a Healing Potion. A table in the northeast corner has several Black Pearls and Pearls of Power (which explode) on it. In the cubby hole at the very southwest corner is the Sphere of Annihilation spell.
-There are 2 teleporters:
✓The one at the southeast corner takes you to the 3rd Floor Library.
✓The one at the northwest corner takes you to 3rd Floor Angled Hallway & Teleporter Room, positioning you at the northwest corner.
-From the Library, make your way back down the south hall to the testing area.
Test of Strength: Enter the middle teleporter to be sent to the 11th Floor Southwest Quarter where you appear at the southwest corner. Just to the north is a scroll that says, “The use of magic is prohibited!” A Healing Potion is in the northern area of the west side. There’s an entry way leading into a room at the north on the west half with a hammer that’s “too heavy for you.”
-Load up the Sword of Rust and head east until you reach a narrow hallway leading north.
An Iron Golem will attack so let him have it. Further north is a room with another Iron Golem. Kick his ass then look in the southwest corner for an unlocked secret door leading to an empty room. At the northwest corner are the Gloves of Strength. Equip them to your character’s hand position (which will greatly increase your weight limit) then return to the entry way on the west side to pick up the Hammer of Titans.
NOTE: One of the Golems will drop the Iron Key and it may be hidden/blocked by his Mass Sword.
Once you have the Iron Key, go to the northeast corner of the quarter to unlock a jail cell door leading into the 11th Floor Southeast Quarter. (then toss the Iron Key)
11th Floor Southeast Quarter:
East, across the hall from the entry point is an unlocked jail cell door with a trigger plate directly in front of it. Inside the room on the east side is a scroll that says, “Place Mass Swords here.” with another trigger plate further east. Exit this room and unequip your chainmail armor outside the door, leaving it on the floor. (Might be a good idea to drop any other heavier items like a shield, etc,.) Go back to the southeast quarter and, still wearing the Gloves of Strength, take one of the Iron Golems’ swords. Bring it back to and place it on the trigger plate at the back of the room. You’ll hear a click. Repeat by placing the other sword for another click. When you exit the room again the door will shut and lock. Re-equip your items and head east then south to a now unlocked door with an angry Iron Golem ready to fight. (There’s a Healing Potion just south of here along the east wall.) After defeating the Golem head inside the narrow passage to an unlocked gold door. The near empty room beyond has a teleporter that takes you back to the Room at the South, Center of the 3rd Floor Southwest Quarter. Dive in the teleporter at the southeast corner to return to the Library. Then take the south hallway to return for the final test.
NOTE: Info for the Test of Magic was (with much gratitude) gathered from this thread:
–Test of Magic: Enter the southeast teleporter to be transported to the 11th Floor Northeast Quarter. You materialize at the southwest corner. Just to the east is a scroll that says, “To give four basic needs…”
NOTE: The tests HAVE to be done in this order and all MUST be completed using only magic (no weapons.)
Head east along the south wall to reach an area where 3 magic missiles are shooting out of walls, each in a separate direction. (it’s loud too) Dodge the missiles and enter the south room. A scroll says, “Asylum.”
-To beat this test you have to use the Create Wall spell to block the 3 doorways the balls are being fired in from. Once you accomplish this (if you can get past the repetitive, “You failed to cast the spell!” message) another scroll will appear that says, “Shelter completed.” Exit to the east.
-From the southeast corner head north to the northeast corner to a locked gold door. From there, go due west until you reach the west wall. There’ll be an unlocked door along the south wall leading into a small room. Just inside is a scroll that says, “Victuals.” Go inside and use the Create Food spell (if you can get past the repetitive, “The spell backfires!” message.) Another scroll appears, “Provisions Accepted.” Grab whatever food item you just created and head south to another unlocked door on the east wall of the room directly south of where you just were. A scroll inside says, “Fear moves with the current, control it and it will pass.” Execute the Wind Mastery spell to see another scroll appear. It says, “The presence has left, the test is past.”
-From here you can go south to finish looking around or head due east to the unlocked door across the hall. Inside, a scroll says, “Stay on the plate until the test is over!” There’s a trigger plate in the north part of the hallway. Stand at the entry to the north hallway section and backup over the plate until you hear it click, then don’t move. You’ll be facing toward the south hall where 3 Marlands will emerge from the eerie dark of the room, one at a time, and shoot frost at you from behind a set of holes in the floor that’s in front of them. Light them up with the Fire Storm spell for a fast way to kill all of them. (Don’t forget to stash some food in your inventory and sleep often to keep your Mana in check.) (If you fail, a door at the east of this tiny intersection will be open unleashing a TON of gargoyles.)
-Upon passing, head back to the gold door at the northeast corner. It should now be unlocked and just inside is a scroll stating, “You have past all the tests of the mage.” The room contains a Wand of Annihilation, Cloak of Mage & a teleporter that takes you to the Room at the South, Center of the 3rd Floor Southwest Quarter. Enter the teleporter at the southeast corner to return to the Library. In the Library, take the southeast teleporter to arrive in the open 3rd Floor Northwest Quarter. Go west, then south to enter the thief’s chamber. Levitate up and follow the info at the top of this document under Advancing from floor to floor to return to the 10th Floor Exit.
10th Floor Exit:
NOTE: You can avoid the following by taking a shortcut to the secret door on the south wall in the south hallway where the holes are in the floor but you won’t be able to acquire the sword and spell. However, taking this shortcut to the perimeter wall and running [i]with[/i] the lightning bolts may help to get the items while taking less/no damage, then returning to the shortcut to exit via the 11th Floor stairway…)
Finally back on the 10th Floor, head north along the east hallway avoiding the hole in the floor and racing forward to minimize damage from the lightning shots, then west at the northeast corner. Another hole is near the corner just to the west with a friendly Marland milling about nearby. He asks,”What’s up!” Shiv him prison style-then after sidestepping the pitfall, look for a hole in the ceiling. Here, you can levitate up into a previously inaccessible room on the 11th Floor Northeast. Inside is a scroll that gives you the Shield of Force spell. Exit and continue west sidestepping another hole near the northwest corner.
-Run south down the west hallway, still taking hits from lightning, and quickly round the southwest corner where the lightning stops. (There’s no holes in the floor to dodge along the path so Potion of Speed works wonders here.)
-Head east along the south perimeter to fight a Troll in the first of two back to back floor holes. Look for a hole in the ceiling between the 2 floor holes and levitate up to acquire the Sword of Luck. (Equipping it to replace the Sword of Speed increases your Attack by 2.) Exit and skate past the other floor hole to reach the stairway leading up to the 11th Floor Sealed Southeast Passage.
11th Floor Sealed Southeast Passage:
There’s nothing secret or of interest in this small passage so head east to the other stairway leading up to the 12th Floor Southeast Stairway.
**********************************12th Floor****************************************
12th Floor Southeast Stairway:
Upon exiting the stairs, Marlands immediately attack! 2 of them will unleash Frost shots before you can blink. (If you run between them to the north wall, one can [i]inadvertently[/i] assist in killing the other.)
-Make your way west where eventually the hallway opens into a large room with a giant “N” and an arrow pointing north. A pair of gargoyles will come flying at you near the entrance. 2-5 strikes each from your Sword of Luck will do the job. To the north are 8 more gargoyles (4 along the west wall & 4 along the east wall), a hostile Marland and 8 ceiling chains in the same layout as the gargoyles. (Approach each gargoyle individually until it’s actively pursuing you, then back away from the others that are still ‘sleeping’ for a more fair fight.) There’s a locked blue door in the center of the north wall.
NOTE: There are no items or scrolls in this area and the ceiling chains are suspended in mid air as there’s no ceiling/roof here lol.)
-Pull the following 3 chains to unlock the blue door. The 1st one is at the northwest corner. The 2nd one is at the northeast corner and the 3rd is the last one at the southeast. Head through the door into a massive room. A trigger plate is just beyond that closes it (still unlocked and accessible) and a Mage of the Council is fast approaching from further north. (He doesn’t leave bleached bones and a search of his remains proved futile.)
NOTE: There’s nothing of value out in the open in this entire room.
-Go west then south and at the south wall is an unlocked blue door. Inside on a table is a chicken leg, a bread and an apple. At the west end is a Wand of Magic Missiles and an Exploding Cube. At the center of the south wall are 4 scrolls that all say, “Astral Navigation…” A 5th scroll at the east end says the same thing.
-Backtrack to the blue door where you fought the mage and continue heading east slightly, then south along the ‘inner’ hallway which brings you to 2 unlocked blue doors at the south end. The one at the southeast leads to a room containing only a Healing Potion. The other one enters into an empty room that has an unlocked secret door at the southeast corner. In the adjoining room is a Healing Potion, Wand of Lightning, Wand of Fire and a ceiling chain.
-Pull the chain and return to the entrance, then head north along the outer east wall. After fighting a few more gargoyles head west from the northeast corner to find an unlocked blue door leading to a large chamber.
-As soon as you enter, a trigger plate closes the door (still accessible) and 5 Mages of the Council attack simultaneously, as well as some dirty old man wearing a soiled night gown sporting yellow sleeves and a crescent moon on his chest. Break out the wands and spells to survive this brutally violent attack until it’s just you and the geezer. Hit him enough times and he runs to a large, brightly lit snowglobe at the center of the north wall and disappears, leaving behind a Cloak of Protection. There is a ceiling chain on both sides of the snowglobe.
-Pull them and drop everything on the floor except the Mace of Elements. (If anything is still in your possession a message appears saying, “Only the mace and you allowed!”) While holding the mace, stand directly in front of the globe and hit the action button. As you lose the ability to pause the game, a message appears saying, “You feel a pull as you touch the crystal with the mace. Where are you going? How will you return? What has Daggan done!”
-A still pic of (apparently) where you emerge on another planet, fills the screen for a few seconds. Then another message appears:
“Congratulations! You have defeated Daggan, and saved Lamini…”
*roll credits*