RVG’s Game of the Year 2020 – C64 & ZX Spectrum

RVG’s Game of the Year 2020 – C64 & ZX Spectrum

Welcome to RVG’s Game of the Year 2020, another year comes to an end and what a year it’s been, but let’s forget all that and have some fun and nominate the best C64 and best ZX Spectrum games of 2020.

As mentioned above we have decided to move away from just the C64 GOTY award and run two votes at the same time and bring the ZX Spectrum into the fold.

So there are 10 finalists for each system, these have been curated by RVG, RGN, Planeta Sinclair, Reset64, Hayesmaker64, and many more of our friends to bring you the final list.

I have to say it was hard to get the list down to just 10 but we had to select what we felt was the best 10 games and now it’s your chance to choose the winner for each system – Let’s do this.

The Vote is now CLOSED.

The poll ran from Thursday 31st December 2020 to Sunday 10th January 2021

You will determine the winner of each category by selecting up to 5 games as part of your vote.

Here are the 10 finalists for the C64:

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Best C64 Game of 2020

Here are the 10 finalists for the ZX Spectrum:

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Best ZX Spectrum Game of 2020

Thank you for taking the time to vote. Please share this on your social media.

Discussion Thread HERE



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