NES 'Game Code Modifications' :p

Started by Saturn, December 15, 2015, 01:29:58 AM

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I'm looking for a "go to" game to kill time so grabbed this up and hacked in infinite balls. Not too vibrant with the graphics but it'll pass a few minutes here and there :)

Pinball (USA)
Can only use one hack per ROM:

Infinite Balls Game A
Search: DC8D3501AD3501D0FBA6BEDE5101A905
Change: DC8D3501AD3501D0FBA6BE-CD5101A905
1 instance

Infinite Balls Game B
Search: DC8D3501AD3501D0FBA6BEDE5101A905
Change: DC8D3501AD3501D0FBA6BE-BD5101A905
1 instance


This pinball game looks better. It's different with the 'RPG' mode. I didn't get very far with that but save states come in handy.

Pinball Quest (USA)
Items In Store Are Free

Search: 83F103C8A584F10308A5031869038503
Change: 83F103C8-A984F10308A5031869038503
1 instance

Infinite Balls
Go to addresses 00084F, 00684F & 01684F and change 01 to 00

Max Attack Power - RPG Mode
Go to addresses 000586, 00E586 & 016586 and chage 00 to 0C

Infinite Items - RPG Mode
Search: 002022D1A8B18C95B14C00002022D1A8
Change: 002022D1A8B18C-A5B14C00002022D1A8
1 instance

The Devil Flippers Never Freeze Up - RPG Mode
Search: 150222E842F022E8D520010A0C100244
Change: 150222E842F022E8D52001-010C100244
Search: E006AABD710629038DDA06A80A0A8DDC
Change: E006AABD710629038DDA06A80A-018DDC
Search: E93C1502A4E942F0A4E9D520010A0C10
Change: E93C1502A4E942F0A4E9D52001-010C10
Search: 3C1502E3E842F0E3E8D520010A0C1002
Change: 3C1502E3E842F0E3E8D52001-010C1002
Search: 4BEA3C150265EA42F065EAD520010A0C
Change: 4BEA3C150265EA42F065EAD52001-010C
1 instance each


Another TOUGH one for any system. I may have beaten the first round way back but the 'illusion' trick and having to start over pretty much killed it for me. And UGH!, those Red Devils. Well, they're a piece of cake now ;)

Ghosts'n Goblins (USA)

Search: 0038602087F69009ADF00409018DF004
Change: 0038602087F69009ADF00409-008DF004
1 instance

Infinite lives for players 1 and 2
Search: FF85A6A594D008CE1507D0F02096CB20
Change: FF85A6A594D008-AD1507D0F02096CB20
1 instance

Stop timer
Search: E93C9059854DCEFC061012A9098DFC06
Change: E93C9059854D-ADFC061012A9098DFC06
1 instance

Activates Stage Select (for first mission only)
Search: A7C90FD0702066CBA9E98526A9CB8527
Change: A7C9-00D0702066CBA9E98526A9CB8527
1 instance

Zombies Are Worth 290 Points
Go to addresses 0158E9 & 01F8E9 and change 00 to 09

Don't Bounce When You Get Hit
Search: D885D920EEE12019F34C65DB2036C3A9
Change: D885D920-09E12019F34C65DB2036C3A9
1 instance


Another 'go to' game attempt. This one ain't it. Constantly get robbed by the physics and overly large alleys where your ball rolls behind the sticks off the board. Ya'd think Namco, or 'Namcot' here, would have made this a killer app.

Family Pinball (Japan)
Infinite Balls

Search: BDA70499A704C8E8E008D0F4AE0D04DE
Change: BDA70499A704C8E8E008D0F4AE0D04-BD
1 instance


Just tried this game by chance. I floated right through all 5 levels just to see the end, which was a spastic walking fella exit the 'car' and make his way to the stolen aircraft. You have to see him walk! ;D
There's no way I could ever beat this one legit. Watching all the enemies and hazards below as I soared above, no chance. The invincible cheat works except against rear truck missiles and rock slides. As far as I could tell before abandoning it and flying lol.

BreakThru (USA)
Somewhat Invincibility

Search: E2A53DD013C66CF00AA9061865268526
Change: E2A53DD013C66CF00AA906186526-A526
1 instance

Infinite lives for both players
Search: 0120E9EAA9008590A901858F4C95C0C6
Change: 0120E9EAA9008590A901858F4C95C0-24
1 instance

Jump To Fly
Search: EED24C9CD2C904F00CC905F008C906F0
Change: EED24C-41D2C904F00CC905F008C906F0
1 instance


Another mega-hit I spent hours on looking for all the hidden rooms. Even drew out a detailed map of each level and colored it in with map pencils. Epic

Commando (USA)
Almost Invincibility
(water and green guards can kill you)
Search: B006A5600901856060A906A84C4ED1A9
Change: B006A5600901-606060A906A84C4ED1A9
1 instance

Start With Infinite Lives
Search: 64C9A9782008C0CE9C0410034CA7C920
Change: 64C9A9782008C0-A09C0410034CA7C920
1 instance

Start With Infinite Grenades
Search: CA8EA6048A290FC90A90078A38E9068D
Change: -EA8EA6048A290FC90A90078A38E9068D
1 instance

Both Players Start With 9 Lives
Search: 00006CFEFE7C3810000012010103060C
Change: 00006CFEFE7C38100000120101-09060C
Search: C3800200012089C360004000A9038D9C
Change: C3800200012089C360004000A9-098D9C
1 instance each

Walk Through Anything (except water)
Search: 06E001F009D093686885664C9AB76885
Change: 06E001F0-00D093686885664C9AB76885
Search: E001F006D0C4684C5DB7688562688566
Change: E001F0-00D0C4684C5DB7688562688566
1 instance each


I had this game way back and hoped it would be as appealing as the original arcade cabinet I used to play in the golf course club house as a youngster. Sadly, it paled in comparison. Sold the cartridge to the local VHS rental place for quick cash to buy something new.
I just blazed through 4 levels with the screen flashing from constant smart bombing the enemies ;D  Didn't lose a single humanoid :p

Defender II (USA)

Search: FF85D5A909205BCE60A5D5F024C9E0B0
Change: FF-A5D5A909205BCE60A5D5F024C9E0B0
1 instance

Infinite smart bombs
Go to address 00160C and change D6 to 24
Go to address 00360C and change FF to 24

Infinite lives
Go to address 000FF0 and change D6 to 24
Go to address 002FF0 and change FF to 24

Start with 9 lives
Go to address 000FC7 and change 03 to 09
Go to address 002FC7 and change FF to 09


Here's what should have been an instant classic.. but wasn't. I played this game once way back. Didn't make it far and didn't care. That music loop was enough to drive someone mad. Here's some cake to make it better.

RoboCop (USA)

Search: 2046FDA5C51035A91720B6C5A90685BE
Change: 2046FDA5C510-3BA91720B6C5A90685BE
Search: 778DD50560A64FBD8905DD9D05D02920
Change: 778DD50560A64FBD8905DD9D05D029-BD
1 instance each

Infinite time
Search: 9CA50F293FD00AE683A5832907D002E6
Change: 9CA50F293FD00AE683A5832907D002-A5
1 instance

Infinite ammunition
Search: 0160ADDF05F017AABDEE05D00EA9008D
Change: 0160ADDF-C5F017AABDEE05D00EA9008D
1 instance

Can't Harm Civilian
Search: C7A64FBD8C05102CBD88059D8F05BD89
Change: C7A64F-9D8C05102CBD88059D8F05BD89
1 instance

Max time on battery pick-up
Search: 20B6C560A58238E9031002A9008582A9
Change: 20B6C560A58238E9-161002A9008582A9
1 instance

Full power on power food pick-up
Search: 1BA060A56E38E9031002A900856EA90B
Change: 1BA060A56E38E9-161002A900856EA90B
1 instance


This game looks much better than the 1st. In some of the screens before the stage starts he has 'sparkles' all over his helmet and body. Like they were pressing the point that he's super clean or something. May be trying to illustrate that this game isn't the pile of sh*t the original was LOL. The target practice at the end of stage one was HARD. Not anymore though :p

Robocop 2 (USA)
Infinite Energy

Search: 519955008A995400A400A9208D87018D
Change: 51-AD55008A-AD5400A400A9208D87018D
Change 2 places, 1 instance

Infinite Lives
Search: 059557A9029555A9009554858ED658D0
Change: 059557A9029555A9009554858E-B558D0
1 instance

Go to address 004B49 and change 8B to 86
Go to addresses 005946, 009946, 01B946 & 01D496 and change 01 to 00
Go to address 0045C1 and change 4C to AD
Go to address 004D05 and change 20 to AD
Go to address 00142C and change 01 to 00
Go to address 001038 and change A9 to 60
Go to address 00564E and change 0C to 00
Go to address 0046C2 and change 14 to FF

Easy Target Practice Clear
Go to addresses 003BF2, 00BBF2, 00DBF2, 013BF2, 015BF2 & 017BF2 and change 00 to 01

Perfect Stage Clear Score
Search: AF6084018600A9008DAD058DAE05A207
Change: AF6084018600A900-71AD058DAE05A207
1 instance

All Nukes Destroyed
Search: 8501A90085022008B4ADAD05C9633002
Change: 8501A90085022008B4ADAD05C96330-00
1st instance

All Targets Arrested
Search: 8501A90085022008B4ADAD05C9633002
Change: 8501A90085022008B4ADAD05C96330-00
2nd instance

No Enemies (on stage 1)
Search: 7504F013B9128B8505B9328B8506A98B
Change: 7504F013B9128B8505B9328B8506A98B
1 instance


Rounding out the trilogy, here are some hacks for the 'best' game in the series imo. Still not great but worth a play through.

RoboCop 3 (USA)

Search: A207B550F02F2042F2F02AA9018D5B06
Change: A207B550F02F-4C42F2F02AA9018D5B06
Search: 205BF1A000E8E00A90C86085E286E3A9
Change: 205BF1A000E8E00A90C860-60E286E3A9
1 instance each

One Hit Kills
Search: 900429FFD049A90185E2A9F985E3B991
Change: -100429FFD049A90185E2A9F985E3B991
1 instance

Lots of repair icons
Search: 06BDC8068DA406BDD2068D3C06BDD406
Change: 06BDC8-EE8DA406BDD2068D3C06BDD406
1 instance

Infinite Efficiency
Search: 9C9D009E9FA0030300A1A2A300A4A5A6
Change: 9C9D009E9FA0030300A1A2A300A4A5A6

Search: 009DA00618ADA0066DA1066DA2066DA3
Change: 00-B9A00618ADA0066DA1066DA2066DA3
1 instance each


Now this is a RoboCop game! Finally, one worth playing to beat. Very hard but now totally possible with the hacks below. Too bad this crossover never materialized into something more.

RoboCop versus The Terminator (USA) (Proto)
Infinite Lives

Search: B1D28D5D05EE5506A9008D60058D6105
Change: B1D2-AD5D05EE5506A9008D60058D6105
1 instance

Infinite Health
Search: 270338ADEE04E5301002A9008DEE04F0
Change: 270338ADEE04E5301002A900-ADEE04F0
1 instance

Search: 5E050DB106D02DA518C912F027A9218D
Change: 5E050DB106D02DA518C912-D027A9218D
1 instance

Don't Get Hurt From Falling Very High
Search: 8920C485C61A3020A9008D4604A50DF0
Change: 8920C485-A51A3020A9008D4604A50DF0
1 instance


Had to round out this trilogy too. Great game and so easy with the hacks.

Double Dragon III - The Sacred Stones (USA)

Search: B53C102FBD0504C9FFF028B57D297FC9
Change: B53C102FBD0504C9-01F028B57D297FC9
1 instance

Infinite 'special' weapons for all
Search: B9DF0638E90199DF06D008A9009D8104
Change: B9DF0638E9-0099DF06D008A9009D8104
Search: 4C2CB3AABDDF06F003DEDF06A6124CC3
Change: 4C2CB3AABDDF06F003-2CDF06A6124CC3
1 instance each