2.5D Games

Started by TrekMD, October 02, 2016, 20:48:57 PM

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The guys from GameSack have a look at games that are not 3D but are not 2D either.  So, they are 2.5D!  Have a watch and enjoy!

Going to the final frontier, gaming...


Some cool titles in that list. I hope they cover it again with more.
I'm grabbing G Darius to take for a spin. Looks cool and reminds of the PS1 RType game. Nice graphics 8)


Yes indeed.  They may make a follow up video with more titles but it may be a while before that happens.

Going to the final frontier, gaming...


Darius games are great, love the huge bosses! You should check out Dariusburst: Chronicle Saviours on the PS4. It's kinda like a greatest hits of Darius games and has a ton of content. It's a little expensive for a download only game but they put it on sale once in a while.


Noted, I'll check it out. Thanks Shadowrunner!



That does look cool for the PS4.  I'll check it out.

Going to the final frontier, gaming...


Holiday sale on PSN right now (Canada and US only it seems) has that Darius game for 50% off if you guys didn't grab it yet. Great price for a great game :) The Vita version is also on sale which I don't have. . . might have to double dip here!


Interesting video, I especially liked the coverage of Puppeteer and Darius. However, if someone is going to all the trouble of talking about 2.5D then a mention of one of the first and best 2.5D games ever would have been nice. Of course, I am talking about the original arcade game from 1983 which, was re-released on the XBOX, PS2, PC, XBOX 360, Dreamcast and tablet. Yes, the title that launched the career of one of our favourite game characters, Bentley Bear (featured in Wreck-it-Ralph) in the game Crystal Castles! :)
For the record, Alien verses Predator on the Atari Jaguar holds a Guinness World Record!

To remove any awkwardness, I have mesothelioma. I don’t seek sympathy, just acceptance. Thanks


I'll have to check for Darius on PS4!  Thanks for letting us know of discount!

Going to the final frontier, gaming...