Something new

Started by Simon_G, October 03, 2014, 10:41:59 AM

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Quote from: "Simon_G"Thanks for that TrekMD

You're welcome.  :)

Going to the final frontier, gaming...


Don't forget to knock up a preview, it's always nice the see what's coming :)


Any news on this yet fella?

Own: Jaguar, Lynx, Dreamcast, Saturn, MegaDrive, MegaCD, 32X, GameGear, PS3, PS, PSP, Wii, GameCube, N64, DS, GBA, GBC, GBP, GB,  Xbox, 3DO, CDi,  WonderSwan, WonderSwan Colour NGPC


Lost my job the other day :(

Needless to say, time and effort will be going towards finding something new, although I doubt anything will come along this side of xmas.


Quote from: "Simon_G"Lost my job the other day :(
Sorry to "hear" that.  Best of luck finding something. 

Going to the final frontier, gaming...


Not holding my breath mate, 38, unqualified, and its christmas. :(


very sorry to hear your dilemma Simon that you've lost your job fella, just try to keep positive, things will work out, I myself have been in this situations myself due to the nature of my career work wise and have myself found myself unemployed at times.

 There is very little people can say to make not feel the way you do, but I don't believe your unqualified , everybody has talent and I very sure there is job out there with your name on it. As bleak as things appear try not to stress yourself out, maybe take time out to reshuffle the cards and see what's important to you and your family and focus on that.

all the best



Yeah sorry to hear that pal and good luck for the future.

Own: Jaguar, Lynx, Dreamcast, Saturn, MegaDrive, MegaCD, 32X, GameGear, PS3, PS, PSP, Wii, GameCube, N64, DS, GBA, GBC, GBP, GB,  Xbox, 3DO, CDi,  WonderSwan, WonderSwan Colour NGPC


Sorry to hear Simon! I have certainly been in that exact situation myself.. and it sucks. Very interested to see how things end up with the magazine if you get it up and running. We chose with Classic Console to avoid print altogether until we build an audience and a following and even then it will probably be a print-on-demand type thing. Way too many publications have sunk ungodly amounts of money in production costs and printing costs only to never see a return on their investment.