64bitRuss Game Collection Pictures

Started by 64bitRuss, September 01, 2013, 18:51:05 PM

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Quote from: "DreamcastRIP"@ 64bitRuss:

Re: Your Sega Genesis that's "docked in a Sega Genesis plastic console holder",

Interesting. Never seen such a thing for Genesis before. Is it what videogame rental stores used when suppling Genesis consoles to their customers?

P.S. I'm impressed with the excellent condition of the boxes for your 32X and its games.  :1:

Thank you for the compliment. No, I don't believe it is any kind of rental unit. My guess is that it was probably a $20 peripheral available at a few department stores. As mentioned, I have 2 of the Atari 2600 versions, and I have seen a NES console holder before as well. There's nothing rather special about it other than it's not exactly common.


Ah, so a kind of case to try keeping the console, its controllers and a few games together in a tidy unit. To be slid beneath the TV when not in use so to keep the living room space tidy. Cheers.
Owned: Spectrum Jaguar JaguarCD Lynx ST 7800 Dreamcast Saturn MegaDrive Mega-CD 32X Nomad GameGear PS3 PS PSP WiiU Wii GameCube N64 DS, GBm GBA GBC GBP GB VirtualBoy Xbox Vectrex PCE Duo-R 3DO CDi CD32 GX4000 WonderSwan NGPC Gizmondo ColecoVision iPhone PC Mac


Great Sega Collection, 64bitRuss!!!!

Love those Koei games!!!! Centurion is a favorite of mine also!


Hello again! Today's pictures are my Atari 2600 collection. I have collected this longer than anything else, and spent less money on it than any other system. I have grown less and less enthused about my 2600 over the years, and overall I think the collection is just average. I have seriously considered just parting ways with it because at this point I do not have confidence that 2600 items will gain value enough to warrant just keeping this stuff on the shelf. It does take up quite a bit of my space for a system that I just don't play anymore.

That said, I do have some neato stuff:

Atari 2600: 2 original console organizers, the one on the left is a Sears Telegames center, and the right side is the Atari version. Very common items in the USA.


M Network:


Old School VCS:

Really Old School Sears Telegames:

You Don't see these everyday:

loose cart collection


Very nice indeed, I love the look of those Sears boxes - never seen them before!  :113:


That looks great!  Very nice collection!

Going to the final frontier, gaming...



Very Nice!!!!

I like the Playstation long boxes.

I have the same problem with several systems. I do not play most of them much. Wonder if I should keep them, then looking at the newer games always makes me thankful for the labels and boxes of older game cartridges.

Thanks for sharing!!!!


Thank you onthinice! Much appreciated comment.


Loving the look of those M Network range of games by Mattel in their uniform box designs.

Those wireless remote joysticks look cool too.
Owned: Spectrum Jaguar JaguarCD Lynx ST 7800 Dreamcast Saturn MegaDrive Mega-CD 32X Nomad GameGear PS3 PS PSP WiiU Wii GameCube N64 DS, GBm GBA GBC GBP GB VirtualBoy Xbox Vectrex PCE Duo-R 3DO CDi CD32 GX4000 WonderSwan NGPC Gizmondo ColecoVision iPhone PC Mac


Congratulations on such a nice collection.

I also have three of the 2600/Colecovision organizers and two Intellivision organizers, but have never seen one for Genesis before. Will be on the lookout now though.


Great stuff fella. All in much better condition than mine, wish I had looked after mine better back in the day.

Own: Jaguar, Lynx, Dreamcast, Saturn, MegaDrive, MegaCD, 32X, GameGear, PS3, PS, PSP, Wii, GameCube, N64, DS, GBA, GBC, GBP, GB,  Xbox, 3DO, CDi,  WonderSwan, WonderSwan Colour NGPC


Just took some more pictures. Continuing with ATARI on this update, with the 5200 and 7800. I would love to start getting CIB 5200 games to replace my loose carts. Some of the stuff I have is not in great condition, and some of the games are in near mint condition. Kind of all over the place, I need to put some work in on it.

ATARI 5200:

Adventure II LE

loose 5200 carts:

ATARI 7800:

That's it for ATARI stuff I think.

Rogue Trooper

Man, IF i had the time, money and space, i'd collect Atari games like those above, for the art alone.Fantastic stuff there.


Great pics of a damn impressive collection there, 64bitRuss.  :4:

Oh, and the box art for Robotron 2084 is awesome in an '80s kinda way.  :1:
Owned: Spectrum Jaguar JaguarCD Lynx ST 7800 Dreamcast Saturn MegaDrive Mega-CD 32X Nomad GameGear PS3 PS PSP WiiU Wii GameCube N64 DS, GBm GBA GBC GBP GB VirtualBoy Xbox Vectrex PCE Duo-R 3DO CDi CD32 GX4000 WonderSwan NGPC Gizmondo ColecoVision iPhone PC Mac