Kickstarter Projects

Started by Shadowrunner, June 28, 2013, 19:23:09 PM

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Now this looks interesting. The original creator of Mutant League Football and Hockey is making a sequel to the football game. EA still owns the rights to the game which is why the title has been changed to Mutant Football League instead. At $750,000 it's a very big goal but hopefully they are successful.


That's a lofty goal but, who knows?  We may be surprised.

Going to the final frontier, gaming...


So that James Pond Kickstarter is up. You people are the sort of people who liked Robocod, so start fetching your wallets. :P

Seriously, though, I really do hope they make it. If things seem like they're going well in the next few days, I might actually chip in and get myself a copy. It does seem like they want to put out a retro-style platformer, and daddy needs his sweet, sweet fix. And I'm not enough of a Mega Man fan for Mighty No. 9, so.

...I just hope they remember Operation Starfish exists.


Anyone seen this new Kickstarter for Retro magazine by Game Gavel.

Despite being very US-centric I was quite interested in this before I saw that Seanbaby is involved, so now you can count me out. He has to be one of the worst video game "journalists" in the history of the industry.



Quote from: "The Laird"Anyone seen this new Kickstarter for Retro magazine by Game Gavel.

Despite being very US-centric I was quite interested in this before I saw that Seanbaby is involved, so now you can count me out. He has to be one of the worst video game "journalists" in the history of the industry.


I was going to post about it.  You beat me to it.  :) 

Going to the final frontier, gaming...


[size=180]ColecoVision Classics Heading To iOS Via Kickstarter[/size]

ColecoVision is a classic games console from the early 1980s. It's actually kind of a big deal. It's got some fantastic iconic games. And we're bringing it back!

We've got some great ideas and would love to find out what you think. It's going to be slick, polished and beautiful. You can check out the concept art below too, and see where we're heading with it.

We really like the idea of re-creating a living or family room with a ColecoVision console right in the center. We want people to be reminded of the original system, to see what it looked like. We're thinking atmospheric lighting - the glow of the TV, lighting the room and then to the left, we're imagining your stack of games.

Swipe or tap, and the games all fly up and assemble in a line so you can swipe left and right through your library - accessing box-art, instructions and the ROM cartridge. Choosing to play a game will drop the cartridge into the console, and then zoom you into the TV and you'll be playing full screen.


[align=center:odpu7z90][size=240]Kickstarter Link![/size][/align:odpu7z90]


Sounds pretty cool! If they add a platform that has physical controls I might back it but I just can't imagine playing these games with touch screen controls, that and I don't own any IOS devices either.


I'm with you there, Shadowrunner.  Adding Android support as well as the ability to use a real controller would get me interested in supporting this in an instant. 

Going to the final frontier, gaming...


[align=center:19nyd7of][size=120]From Paradroid to Pinball Dreams. Andrew Hewson shares experiences & insights from his pioneering videogames career in this new book.[/size][/align:19nyd7of]

Hints & Tips for Videogame Pioneers is a new book by Andrew Hewson, founder of Hewson Consultants, 21st Century Entertainment and the founding Chairman of UK videogames trade body ELSPA (now UKIE).

looks like a good'in.. loved the opening sequence, must of cost a few bob for that alone.


I wish he would get back to me with the interview questions I sent him!


A guy who just joined Retro Gamer forum is doing a remake of Firebird's classic Druid (a game I just reviewed for the Atari XL/XE on here)

His Indiegogo page is here!



Quote from: "The Laird"A guy who just joined Retro Gamer forum is doing a remake of Firebird's classic Druid (a game I just reviewed for the Atari XL/XE on here)

His Indiegogo page is here!


So, is this supposed to be an PC version?  It says he'd like to bring it to Android at some point but I'm not sure if the version he's asking support for is PC compatible.

Going to the final frontier, gaming...


From what I understand it will be PC first and then Android too afterwards.


Going to the final frontier, gaming...


Quote from: "The Laird"His Indiegogo page is here!
"crow funding" LOL (spellcheck ffs).

Seriously, I hope he's been allowed to remake this. What he's basically doing is a straight (but modernized) remake and unless he's been allowed to use the original IP it might get him into trouble using it for a commercial project.
...oh, and I can do it for 5000$ less than he can. ;)
Website: Tardis remakes / Mostly remakes of Arcade and ZX Spectrum games.
Twitter: Sokurah