The Nintendo 64 thread.

Started by nakamura, January 05, 2013, 23:22:59 PM

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I got my 64 back in 2000 or so, back when Donkey Kong 64 was the new thing and they were selling it in 'Jungle Green'. I honestly thought it was pretty impressive for the time, given how huge they made the levels. The game, however? It... eh, hasn't aged well. I'm a total sucker for 3D platformers, but a game where you basically have to do every level 5 times? No thanks.

Of course, I had plenty of other games, too. The Quake port was surprisingly good, minus a few levels, and Quake 2 was an entirely different game. Then there was Paper Mario, and while I never could finish it, I would honestly rank it as one of the very few JRPGs I've truly enjoyed. The controller was weird, I'll admit, but when you're playing something like Killer Instinct Gold with it, it turns out it works surprisingly well for fighting games.

And of course, there's all the stuff everybody with a 64 played, like Super Mario 64, Banjo-Kazooie, Perfect Dark, Super Smash Brothers... man, I really need to build up my 64 collection again.


Can any of you gamers recommend a couple of good 2 player games to play on the N64 with my 10 year old daughter?
My retro and computing blog posts
Own: Jaguar, Lynx, 2600, Dreamcast, Saturn, MegaDrive, MegaCD, GameGear, PS, PSP, Wii, GameCube, N64, GBA, GB,  Xbox, 3DO,  WonderSwan,  NGPC, CD32, Amiga A1200, Spectrum 48k and +2, BBC B, C64


Diddy Kong Racing, Snowboard Kids, Mario Party...


Played the first Mario Party for hours with friends. So much fun.


Quote from: "dougtitchmarsh"Can any of you gamers recommend a couple of good 2 player games to play on the N64 with my 10 year old daughter?

Diddy Kong Racing or Mario Kart 64
One of the Mario Party games
Mario Tennis - you can play as a 2 player team against the CPU in doubles mode

Not two player but take a look at Yoshi's Story and Pokemon Snap - you will have great fun with these just taking turns.


Just brought an N64 off eBay, i had one when it first came out and i always regret selling it for beer money at the time.  Was probably my fave nintendo console, looking forward to  hooking it up again and playing the likes of Goldeneye, Zelda, Mario64, F-Zero and Banjo Kazooie.  :111:


I hope it was good beer Minerals? ;D


RGB mod it Minerals! I did link Laird to the site that shows how it's done.


I have an RGB modded N64 and still not happy with the video quality. Not sure that it's worth the expense/effort. It's slightly better than s-video, but still looks very grainy to me. :(




Wave Race and F-Zero Z are worth owning the console for. Amazing.


from CVG UK:

April 1997 - N64 Magazine: The Video
When the SNES died out, it was only natural that Future Publishing's much-loved SNES magazine Super Play would have to end too. After shutting up shop for a couple of months it returned in April 1997 as N64 Magazine, a shiny new publication dedicated to Nintendo's brand new system, the Nintendo 64.

Issue one of N64 Magazine came with a free VHS tape, imaginatively titled N64: The Video. This half-hour tape came in three parts. The first showed Nintendo's entire promotional video from the latest Shoshinkai show (complete with lots of early footage of what was then Zelda 64, as well as brief glimpses of cancelled N64 games like Kirby's Air Ride and Mother 3)

For the second part of the video, armed with their US N64 and a video recorder, the N64 Magazine staff captured longer gameplay footage from some of the Nintendo 64 launch period games, including Super Mario 64, Pilotwings 64 and, um, Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey. Finally, the video ends with trailers for the Mission Impossible movie and Turok Dinosaur Hunter. Not bad for a freebie.

N64 Magazine continued to evolve as Nintendo did, eventually becoming NGC Magazine with the launch of the GameCube, then NGamer with the launch of the Wii and finally a brief stint as Nintendo Gamer before finally closing down for good on its 20th birthday. Sleep well, sweet prince. ... T4etcZPa5E


Minerals, are you sure that you and Laird are related?????

Thanks for the video!!!!!


They sure are. Laird just needs a bit of work to forget the politics of gaming and just enjoy the games. I've been working on that for about a year!