Scottish Pinball and Arcade Expo 2012

Started by Anonymous, October 01, 2012, 14:20:42 PM

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the scottish pinball open
 and arcade expo

will be held on 24/25th of november

in the coachman hotel
4 parkfoot st
 G65 0SP
telephone 01236 821 649

Tickets are priced at £10 per day, with the proceeds going to charity.
 Opening times are 12-8 saturday (main reason for the late opening time is we cant get in to setup until 2am saturday morning as theres another function on the friday night) and 10-8 on sunday

Confirmed cab list so far:

Bram Stokers Dracula
Revenge from Mars
Nightmare on Elm Street
4-5 Pins, actual cabs TBC from HighJon.
Pledge of support from Northern Lights Pinball.  Actual numbers and cabs TBC
Dedicated Woodies
Jamma Cabs (inc PCB's)
Neo Geo 1 slot (choice of several carts)
Candy Cabs (inc PCB's)
Egret 2 cabs * 4
Egret 3 Cab * 1
New Astro City * 1
naomi uprights * 2
cyberlead (pending repair), 
bootleg cabaret
AWSD (Needs sound fixed)
Driving Cabs
Initial D
Crazy Taxi
Oddball Items
Funky Monkey
Tomb Raider Pachislo
In addition Arcadian (Dave of Replay fame) has kindly offered us the loan of some 15 cabs for the event.  I will leave off listing them until after this years Replay expo.  Pinball negotiations are currently in the hands of our very own John Bud, additional machines to be confirmed in due course.

Contact the venue for ticket information.