Imagic: The Making of Atlantis

Started by 108 Stars, September 11, 2012, 17:58:10 PM

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Alberto 2K

Founded it!!

I´m dowloading this piece of history right now, thanks again Trek, I didn´t even know that there were extensions for the browsers!! :D
Don't be surprised, my broken English is legendary!


Quote from: "Alberto 2K"Founded it!!

I´m dowloading this piece of history right now, thanks again Trek, I didn´t even know that there were extensions for the browsers!! :D

There is your one learning for the day.  :)

Going to the final frontier, gaming...


Quote from: "Alberto 2K"Mmmm... I use Chrome but I´m going to look for a complement like that Easy YT Downloader, I´m sure there must be something.

I don´t want to bother you everytime I want a vid (I have a looong list :O) so it´s much better for you if I find something useful soon!!  ;D

I use a program called Free You Tube Downloader by HOW Inc. and it works perfect