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Messages - aNdy/AL/Cosine

Commodore Chat / Re: Star Trekscii
May 24, 2020, 17:41:36 PM
Quote from: TrekMD on May 24, 2020, 17:13:05 PM
Really cool!  Lots of characters now!
And loads more to come!
Commodore Chat / Re: Star Trekscii
May 24, 2020, 14:54:21 PM
Please take a look at the Twitter page for even more new PETSCII's!

We've even had a like from Levar Burton (TNG's Geordi LaForge) and a former TNG scenic artist!
Commodore Chat / Re: Star Trekscii
May 18, 2020, 16:04:29 PM
Loads more have been tweeted!  Visit Twitter to see the latest!
Commodore Chat / Re: Star Trekscii
May 15, 2020, 16:07:19 PM
Quote from: TrekMD on May 15, 2020, 15:57:54 PM
Nice!  I approve!
Ha! Thought you might... ;)
Commodore Chat / Star Trekscii
May 15, 2020, 15:12:29 PM
A new Twitter account with daily(ish) updates mixing Star Trek and C64 lowercase ROM PETSCII art!  The artist is my (very) young Grandson, the next generation (pun intended) of Commodore64 scener!  Please follow and support this young PETSCII artist!

"Star Trek Characters done in Commodore PETSCII"

Requests considered!  Contact using the DM function on the Twitter page! You will be mentioned when/if the request is fulfilled and tweeted!

Some samples...

Commodore Chat / Chiller 2 Demo (2 Levels)
March 22, 2020, 15:25:15 PM
A little something from Cosine Systems during these difficult times, a playable 2 level demo of Chiller 2 for the C64!

Download here:

For other games and demos across multiple platforms, visit the Cosine website:
Introductions / Greetings!
March 02, 2020, 20:48:39 PM
Hello there!  My name is aNdy and I'm a member of groups Cosine ( and Arkanix Labs (

I mainly play around in 8bits, pixelling, composing and coding on the C64, but have also composed/covered music for the Commodore Plus4 and Atari 8bit machines.

You can see/hear/watch/play some of my C64 stuff on my CSDb profile here:

I keep a semi-complete 'archive' of my stuff here:

As of February 2020, I'm in the final stages of writing my first proper C64 game called 'Chiller 2'.  I'm keeping a dev blog of the experience here:

I also dabble in PureBasic and have knocked up a couple of utilities for the C64 to help with graphics work, namely creating character sets using UltrafontPC (, a mapping tool called CartographPC and a screen editor called "ChillED", both only internal to my groups at present.

I'm on Twitter here:

Some of my music is on SoundCloud here:

Some of my coding projects are on GitHub here:

I'm into 'sharing' so lots of my stuff also includes all the work files, source code and so on.

