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Messages - aNdy/AL/Cosine

Commodore Chat / Re: Star Trekscii
September 09, 2020, 20:12:24 PM
Since last post, we've posted *many* new character PETSCII's and even reached 400 followers, for which we posted a special PETSCII...

Commodore Chat / Re: Any C64 Fans?
August 06, 2020, 19:28:01 PM
Quote from: zapiy on August 06, 2020, 19:18:47 PM
Yeah I would never have said the BBC-B was the best machine, in what way? Are we talking sheer specs?
The BBC was a decent machine, but for cost at the time, the BBC was never a contender in my books as it was WAAYYY too expensive!

It did run it's 6502 twice as quick as other machines which seems to give it a speed boost in GREAT games such as Elite (I have an original disk but no computer to run it on... ;)

It had multiple GFX modes, but THAT colour palette?  Yuck! ;)
Commodore Chat / Re: Any C64 Fans?
August 05, 2020, 18:06:16 PM
Quote from: davyk on August 05, 2020, 12:42:06 PM
Generally speaking the machines based on 6502 processors seemed better suited to games. The Atari classic arcade machines were 6502 based; as were the 400/800 and Commodore 64 computers. The Z80 machines like Spectrum and CPC464 just didn't seem to have that solid feel. Had superior sound too. It may have had to do more with the graphics and sound chips though - hard to say.
There are those that say the 6502 is way underpowered compared to the Z80.

The main difference as I've always seen it is those Commodore and Atari systems you mention were designed with gaming in mind with dedicated graphic and sound chips to support the 6502.  Same goes for the Amiga, regardless of C= insisting it was a business machine, with the base 68K supported by pretty damn awesome custom chips!

The ZX Spectrum was designed as a cheap entry level computer and the CPC cobbled together with off the shelf parts to 'cash-in' on the market.  Same for the Atari ST.  Basic machines with fewer (or less powerful)custom chips.

That's a VERY broad statement though!

I'm taking nothing away from any system though. Wonderful games and applications were produced by very talented people for all those machines!
Quote from: zapiy on July 30, 2020, 21:56:51 PM
wow this is amazing work fella..

Looks fab.
Thank you! Very kind of you to say so!
Only want to hear my Plus/4 'TED' rendition of Jon Dunn's 'famous' title music?  Try this:
Commodore Chat / [Plus/4 Graphics] Robocop PETSCII
July 29, 2020, 23:23:16 PM
Hot on the heels of the C64 Robocop PETSCII a few days ago, comes the first ever Commodore Plus/4 release by Arkanix Labs!  This features the same Robocop PETSCII by w0rm, but recoloured using the more extensive Plus/4 palette.  For a bit of added value, I've covered the C64 tunes by Jonathan Dunn using TED, the chip that generates the sound on the Plus/4.  Obviously I've had to *quickly* learn the differences between the C64 and Plus/4 to be able to port the code!

The source code and all data and work files are included in the zip archive. You can find the actual PETSCII screen on the disk image.

You can download the package here:

The release now has it's own entry on Plus/4 World:

For those without an actual Plus/4, we recommend YAPE as an emulator.

Commodore Chat / [C64 Graphics] Robocop PETSCII
July 21, 2020, 19:59:04 PM
Today, one of my C64 groups, Arkanix Labs, brings you a PETSCII screen in the form of Robocop (the proper 1980's Robo, not the modern de-make).

The source code and all data files are included in the zip archive. You can find the actual PETSCII screen on the disk image.

You can download the package at CSDb:

Quote from: zapiy on June 18, 2020, 21:22:15 PM
Great work bud, best wishes to him from us all.

I'm making a note of various forums he may not visit like this one, but he will be able to when out of hospital so he can see the good-will from the scene!
Thank you both!
Some people on this forum may know T.M.R (Jason Kelk) who is ever present in the Commodore and Atari scenes.

He has been seriously ill in hospital with COVID-19, so I coded a simple little demo to cheer him up.  It contains good will messages from good friends and acquaintances and people from various online forums he visits.

The demo can be downloaded from CSDb:

The download contains the demo itself as well as the ACME source code and all data files.

The floppy drive on my A1200 is dead currently (I can only boot from the HD), so no chance to transfer stuff over.  However, I've almost finished recreating my Amiga system on my RaspPi, so I'll try some of these new games.
Commodore Chat / Re: Underappreciated C64 games.
June 17, 2020, 17:23:42 PM
Quote from: Ryuhi on May 09, 2020, 18:48:55 PM
Hey guys reviving an old topic again here. Quick question as I know nothing about the C64 but what is the usagi yojimbo game like? I like the comic and all the reviews I can find of it say it is a great but difficult game but don't see it on must have lists or hidden gems. Would it be fair to say it is underappreciated?
Great game.  What initially seems like a fairly standard trudge through scenery turns into a thoughtful little game.  Maybe not for everyone, but if you like the comic, you'd like this!

As for under-appreciated games, I'll throw 'Citadel' into the ring.  One of my all time favourite games. 
Commodore Chat / Re: C64 platformer video
June 17, 2020, 17:17:06 PM
Entertaining video!

I never could get on with the Turrican games, but that's my fault.  Doesn't stop me admiring their greatness though, such amazing coding!
Commodore Chat / Re: Chiller 2 Demo (2 Levels)
May 30, 2020, 20:30:21 PM
Progress update for those that have asked...

Chiller 2 is now basically complete save some play testing, but these has been a bit of a setback.

Jason 'T.M.R' Kelk (coder extraordinaire and the organiser of my group Cosine) has supported me all through the games creation and is supposed to be testing before release, but things have become delayed because he has been seriously ill in hospital.

In April he contracted COVID-19 and has been on a ventilator.  His lungs are in a pretty bad condition and he's also had a tracheotomy. He is now awake and making slow progress.

His wife, Sue, has not been able to visit him in hospital due to the distancing rules and can only communicate with him via phone/tablet, of which the hospital has very few. She has setup a fund-raiser to buy more equipment for the hospital (see the link at the end of this post).

As a result, the game won't be released until it's had Jason's seal of approval. Thanks to those that have commented positively about the game over the last few months and I'm sorry about the delay. It WILL be released but only when Jason is well enough to say so!
Commodore Chat / Re: Star Trekscii
May 27, 2020, 20:47:51 PM
We intend to!

Tweeted today: Kira, Q and Hugh!