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Messages - aNdy/AL/Cosine

Commodore Chat / Re: Lost Realms of Murkasada
June 17, 2021, 22:41:09 PM
Quote from: zapiy on June 17, 2021, 22:38:05 PM
What a beautiful looking game, thanks m8.

It is the first in a series of short episodes and is designed to be played in a spare 5 minutes or a lunchtime!

Download contains both disk and tape images, along with the first chapter of a novella that accompanies the game and a text instruction file. Disk image contains the game and C64 versions of the both novella and instructions.
Commodore Chat / Re: Lost Realms of Murkasada
June 17, 2021, 18:58:19 PM
The game has finally been released!

Lost Realms of Murkasada Episode 1 is a companion adventure/rpg-lite using the world of our in development CRPG Crimson Twilight.

Grab a copy and enjoy some laid back adventuring as Helfarch in the realm of Allorona.


        ___        __
   ____/   \______/  \__________ ____ ___ __ _  _
_/ _____  _______.----. ___   _____   _______   ___.--.  _____
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  /   O   \   O  _/   .    / /   O   \|    \   \|   |\   \.  /
/    :    \  :   \    \   \/    :    \    :    \   |/  \    \
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!_    `-:;-'  `-:;-'   `-:;-'    `-:;-'    `-:;-'         `-:;-'
  \___         ____        _      .   .  :  :: ::: l  A  b  S :.
      \_______/    \______/ \______      ______ ____ ___ __ _  _

::::::::::::::::::::::: P R E S E N T S ::::::::::::::::::::::;

           - -+-<.the.LOST.REALMS.of.MURKASADA.>-+- -


:::::::::::::::::::::::: C R E D I T S :::::::::::::::::::::::;

                 original idea - RAY LEJUEZ
              code, gfx, music - ANDY VAISEY
                       testing - JON MINES
                               - RYLEY JAMES
                               - ANDREW FISHER
                               - VINNY MAINOLFI
                  title bitmap - HEND
                   disk loader - KRILL
                  disk dir art - WBOCHAR
                   tape loader - MARTIN PIPER
                 tape software - RICHARD BAYLISS
                       novella - ANDY VAISEY
                special thanks - FUZZ
                               - MOTION
                               - MAXLIDE

::::::::::::::::::: I N S T R U C T I O N S ::::::::::::::::::;

AIM... ..  .

The game is played over a series of short episodes, with the
objective of each episode revealed in the corresponding
chapter of the accompanying novella.

STATUS... ..  .

Throughout the game, the information panel to the right of the
of the main play area is updated based on your interactions in
the game. It displays your current location, your strength, your
wealth, your current weapon and armor and any useful objects you
are holding.

CONTROL... ..  .

Your main character (knight) is moved around the screen using
the keyboard. "I" moves your character north, "K" moves south,
"J" moves west and "L" moves east.

Every 20 moves made decreases your strength by 1 unit.

During play, you may be required to press other keys such as
"SPACE" or answer questions by pressing "Y" or "N".

Keep an eye on the message box at the bottom of the game screen
for prompts.

SEARCH... ..  .

Moving on top of barrels or treasure chests to search them may
reveal wealth. Searching wells may reveal drinking water to
boost your strength.  Searching wooden logs or tree stumps may
reveal grubs to eat to also increase your strength.

COLLECT... ..  .

Some items can be collected by walking on to them. For example,
coins or other forms of treasure increase your wealth. Walking
on and collecting food items increases your strength. Objects
such as keys, potions or cloaks can be collected to be used
later in each episode so watch out for them as you explore.

SHOPS... ..  .

Walk on to open doorways of buildings to reveal building types,
such as blacksmiths, armorers, healers, taverns, amongst others.
Follow any instructions in the message box to make purchases.

ENEMIES... ..  .

Move your character next to enemies to begin combat.

Messages in the message box describe the battle. You give and
take hits until your character or the enemy is killed.

Buy better weapons and armor from shops to improve your chances
during combat.

HAZARDS... ..  .

The environment contains hazards such as poisonous mushrooms
and water whirlpools, amongst others, that drain your strength
on contact.

These hazards may occasionally block short cuts. They can be
passed but will drain your strength, so watch your health.

END... ..  .

Each episode ends when you either run out of stength and die
or you complete the episode task as described in the novella.

:::::::::::::::::::::: C O P Y R I G H T :::::::::::::::::::::;

The Lost Realms of Murkasada is free.

It may be copied and distributed freely as long as the main
credits remain intact and unaltered.

:::::::::::::::::::::::: W E B S I T E :::::::::::::::::::::::;

Please visit the Arkanix Labs website, forum  and social media
sites for information about our current and future releases...

  -   -  - -- -+-<   >-+- -- -  -   -
  -   -  - -- -+-< >-+- -- -  -   -
  -   -  - -- -+-<  >-+- -- -  -   -

                          June '21

Commodore Chat / Re: Lost Realms of Murkasada
April 01, 2021, 19:35:01 PM
Episode 1 of the Arkanix Labs 'Crimson Twilight' companion, 'Lost Realms of Murkasada', will be released soon on the C64!

Just some final play testing to be completed before *you* can also start action adventuring!

Commodore Chat / Re: Lost Realms of Murkasada
March 21, 2021, 10:44:47 AM
We have now also created a thread on the Arkanix Labs forum to post info about this new game...
Commodore Chat / Lost Realms of Murkasada
March 17, 2021, 20:20:52 PM
Arkanix Labs will shortly be introducing a new C64 game...

'The Lost Realms of Murkasada'

Acting as a companion to our main CRPG 'Crimson Twilight', this game is an action adventure/RPG-lite set in the same world and will take place over a series of 'episodes', released periodically in the build up to the release of Crimson Twilight.

These short episodes are designed to be both short, fun little adventures to be completed in one evening and an introduction of sorts to CRPG's to those people who may not necessarily have played CRPG style games before.

More information will be posted shortly as the first episode is nearly complete and will be released soon after!
Commodore Chat / Re: Crimson Twilight (C64 CRPG)
February 22, 2021, 17:15:19 PM
@DeadVoivod:  get that conversion finished!

Thanks to everyone for the kind words.  Updates to the 'Crimson Twilight' project will be made on the Arkanix Labs forum here:

In the meantime, here are the game sprites (multicolour with hires overlay) I pixelled a few years ago.  Apologies for the small size, low quality and fake scanlines - these were added because someone tried ripping off the graphics a while back... :(

Non-Player Characters


Commodore Chat / Re: Crimson Twilight (C64 CRPG)
February 21, 2021, 13:57:11 PM
Quote from: zapiy on February 20, 2021, 20:42:16 PM
Who had the idea?

Everyone in Arkanix Labs threw ideas into the 'pot' of what the mini-games should contain and how they should play and then I just ran with that with the overall design, graphics and code.
Commodore Chat / Crimson Twilight (C64 CRPG)
February 16, 2021, 22:10:28 PM
I'm a member of a C64 group called Arkanix Labs (as well as Cosine) and we're working on a large project called 'Crimson Twilight'.

Within the main RPG game itself, there are mini-games that give you the chance to boost your health, sillver hoard, food rations, magic ability and so on.  I've taken on the coding responsibility for these mini-games and here are a few in action...

Devlum's Cups (Ball and Cups game)

Medusa's Strike (a dice wager game)


Commodore Chat / Re: Amiga Thread
December 30, 2020, 18:42:37 PM
Quote from: zapiy on December 30, 2020, 18:30:46 PM
Thanks mate..
It was coded/tested using UAE4ARM on a Pi and was also tested using WinUAE.  It was tested on FS-UAE on Linux running on Ubantu MATE (on a Raspberry Pi 4) and it did work.

Try running using KS2.0.
Commodore Chat / Re: Amiga Thread
December 30, 2020, 18:25:33 PM
Quote from: zapiy on December 30, 2020, 17:56:53 PM
Great stuff, I tried to run it on FS-UAE launcher but it does not seem to load?

I've run it fine on WinUAE.  It was coded and runs fine via emulation on a RaspberryPi.  I'm sure I read somewhere that someone ran it fine on their real A1200.

I'll send a message to the coder about your issue and see what they say.
Commodore Chat / Re: Amiga Thread
December 28, 2020, 17:43:42 PM
A little music disk a friend of mine recently released...
Commodore Chat / Re: [Game] Chiller 2
December 23, 2020, 21:00:41 PM
Quote from: zapiy on December 23, 2020, 20:48:25 PM
Well we are lol, is there any copyrights on this game?

David Darling (founder and ex-owner of Codemasters) who created the original, was contacted on my behalf and he didn't have a problem with my unofficial sequel Chiller 2 being released.  He was unsure who, if any one, had or still has the rights to the original game.  Back in the mid-80's he and his brother 'licensed' the original to Mastertronic, but beyond that I can find no information about the original.

As for Chiller 2, other than the name borrow, it's all original from scratch stuff.  I've released the game itself along with all the source and data files for people to do with as they please, so as far as I'm concerned Chiller 2 is essentially copyright free.
Commodore Chat / Re: [Game] Chiller 2
December 23, 2020, 18:12:19 PM
Quote from: Retro Gamer Nation on December 22, 2020, 23:10:00 PM
I enjoyed this one as well...especially after I realised there was no time limit on the levels and that I could plan my path to each cross.

Good!  I did try to include small elements of strategy such as that!  Many people mentioned that is was quite hard and I simply told them to stop rushing around, find a safe spot on screen and plan a route!

Quote from: zapiy on December 23, 2020, 15:30:29 PM
@aNdy/AL/Cosine is the plans for a physical version?

I've not been approached by anyone to do it and would not be against the idea!
Commodore Chat / Re: [Game] Chiller 2
December 22, 2020, 14:35:56 PM
Thanks for the kind comments both!
Commodore Chat / [Game] Chiller 2
December 16, 2020, 18:11:14 PM
Finally, Cosine Systems has released my game, Chiller 2!  This is dedicated to Cosine's C&C, T.M.R who is still in hospital at the time of release.  I desperately wanted him to play test and approve before release and feel bad about releasing it before, but this needs to go out now.

Download includes game on a .d64 and .tap file plus all the source code and work files for graphics and music.

Download here:

Merry Christmas!