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Messages - WiggyDiggyPoo

Commodore Chat / Re: Amiga CD32!
September 25, 2015, 22:01:58 PM

Not posted for a while but I think i can offer some input here.

The gamesack review annoyed me a little as although they were right in their criticism of the quality of the games against what the hardware was capable of and its relative obscurity I think they didnt really explore the reasons why. These were mainly around lazy developers unhindered by a lack of quality control  simply repackaging floppy disk games onto CD, and a pretty bizarre advertising campaign (below) coupled with the fact Commodore went bust almost immediately after launch.

So, Amiga + CD Drive or CD32?

Amiga + CD Drive every time. The CD32 does have 1 custom chip over the Amiga but so few games require it I think its a none issue and as a cost comparison an Amiga computer with CD is much more affordable.

That said if you want to pay, the CD32 does have expansions that were released (by 3rd parties, as if Commodore ever knew what to release lol) such as SX1 and SX32 turned it into a fully fledged Amiga computer though best of luck getting either of those boards for a reasonable price (£3.5k for a '030 SX32 on ebay at time of writing).

I do like the console, add a 3rd party pad such as the Competition Pro and its a simple and enjoyable to way to play many old Amiga games.

However even if the mishandled launch, manufacturers bankruptcy and woeful overall catalogue were not working against it I dont think it would have been more successful than it was. The Saturn and Playstation were rumoured and around the corner so console gamers were waiting for those, Amiga owners (like me!) were more interested in expanding their computer than buying a console.

I think the system, handled better and released earlier, could have been as successful other hybrid machines such as the Sharp X68000 but we will never know.
Laserdisc - The LP of the video world  :113:
Quote from: "AmigaJay"It may feel like a godsend to some, but in reality games are thrown out on time and patched afterwards, this is something that would never have happened years ago, sure you had the odd game with a bug, but most on the whole were completed and tested, nowadays because of the ease of patching its like 'oh we can get people to download a 3gb patch on day one no-one seems assed either way!'

And yes loading to me is different to installing and upgrading/patching, even with installs there is loading to be done so its not like it removes it completely, had it done so then it wouldn't be so a bigger issue, but because blu-ray drives are so damn slow and of course as mentioned above Sony wanted to force its new media down console owners throats for a costly £425 with the PS3 its forced devs to make mandatory installs or have really long loading times, at least the Xbox 360 didn't make you, bar a couple of releases at the end of its life cycle, now of course the XB1 is blu-ray the same fate is with Xbox owners, as i said as long as Nintendo stay true to what a games console is then i will stick with them.

Well..... Thats more along the lines of looking at modern gaming and what that entails. I agree the lackadaisical attitude to developement many modern publishers have their attitude to 'patch to it later' is spoiling gaming but I dont let it spoil my experience - I rarely buy things new on release so I have time to assess wether the game is worth getting or not. I think the blame for that rests with the gamers as much as the publishers as most people simply accept this status quo - one person alone not buying games because of unfinished games (me!) will not change things. And I agree updates/patches are not the same as loading but its the waiting that is the same and that is what I was (trying to) compare. Far Cry 4 installed once on my XOne and thats it. If I turn my XOne off/on again mid game, the game is still running and I go straight back into it, handled well installing games is not the ballache I think some make it out to be.

The answer to all of this is of course digital delivery from source - and we know that goes back to the early 80's and the like of Atari's Gameline delivery games down your phone directly onto a cartridge (was that the first such system?). Skips the issue of media completely and puts the game on the fastest available medium to play.

Unfortunately only PC gamers are currently getting the best of that solution - Steam prices and SSD HDDs beat hands down the PS4/XOne business model and design. I'm not being fanboyish there, just pragmatic and impartial as after all I am a XOne gamer not a PC gamer.

For me the issue of what media a modern game should be on should not exist, but the attitude of all the games companies towards pricing of their digital content stops any progress on that front.

Blimey I've gone on a bit there, maybe we should flip this into a 'Where is gaming going thread' as I'm just as much interested in looking to the future as still enjoying the past.  :113:
Quote from: "AmigaJay"Don't get me wrong i loved the first Playstation, but the direction Sony has taken the PS3 and now PS4 with its PC style has ruined the console experience imo, yes the XB1 has to install too, but it was the PS3 that started console game installing as mandatory because they wanted to shove its its Blu-ray device down peoples throats, same for DVD in the PS2, this is why they have higher consoles sold than would have been without these media players.
Yes Nintendo treated Sony (and Philips) badly as well as most developers truth be told, but I'd rather have the industry it was compared to one we know have, which like it or not can mostly be attributed to Sony, which they themselves treated customers badly with the PS3 debacle, i no longer buy any 'console' where games installing or patching takes place, i like to play a game as soon as i buy it not wait an hour for it to install and download upgrades and patches!
Anyway enough of my rant going off topic slightly!

Ah not that off topic (-; Installing games for me because of patches or upgrades is a godsend, the stuff that can get fixed is invaluable but where the practice falls down is when games are obviously released unfinished and no amount of patching can fix that - Halo Master Chief Collection anyone? Also computer gamers have been waiting for games to load or install for years (tape drives anyone?) so are console gamers just too impatient lol   :33:

My CD collection dates back to the mid 90's so 20 years - works fine. DVD the early 00's - works fine. PSOne games - fine. PS2 - fine. XBox - fine. XBox 360 - fine. XBoxOne - fine. Incidentally the other media I have on various formats from cassette, floppies, cartridge, vinyl, VHS, miniDisc, UMD..... All work fine.

My point is I think if you are lucky to get a DVD older than 4 years old to work your equipment is not good enough, or you really dont look after your discs. I have cartridges, I dont regard them as an indestructible tour de force but I look after them like I do any of my media.

You comments on televisions arn't really accurate either, my 9 year old Tosh LCD is fine - blacks and horizontal scrolling et al. The Sony Trinitron CRT I use for the older stuff also works fine.

I'm not sure what your issue is with this Sony PlayStation/SNES prototype, but you dont need to make things up if you dont like it  :113:
I think Sony us being given an unwarranted hard time over this from some people. Each generation of the PlayStation has being one of the top 2 consoles of its time.

Nintendo cocked up the contract with Sony, dumped them very acrimoniously and thought they could just write off whatever Sony had planned. Arrogance in itself and a lot of industry insiders where happy to see Sony arrive and offer competition.
Got my eye on this, need a new laptop ATM and if I've any change left from getting that I might bite on this.
Retro News & Chat / Re: Kart Racers
July 10, 2015, 07:05:13 AM
Quote from: "Cryptic33"I agree with Trek that it is a very good video. Very well put together and the commentary is just right.

That speccy game you found, wiggy, looks awesome :113:
It actually came out only a year before Mario Kart which is pretty cool [emoji2]
Oh those crazy Germans lol!
What does having a modchip do aside from playing copies - which I've no interest in - guessing it removes region lock for Japanese games and such?
Retro News & Chat / Re: Kart Racers
July 08, 2015, 11:32:21 AM
Yes Atari Karts on Jaguar should have been included.

If you look up 'Kart racing' some of the early games mentioned dont really feature go karts as their vehicle, an earlier one I did find is Turbo Kart Racer on the Spectrum: ... id=0005463
Retro News & Chat / Re: Kart Racers
July 07, 2015, 14:13:40 PM
Shall we ignore the fact that 'kart racing' is just racing, but in karts, and is not a genre in its own (-;

I enjoyed the video but felt they should have expanded the concept a little to have included games like micro machines and mashed.
Quote from: "barneygumble"Just got my testorder from Retrogamelab :
Im pretty disappointed with the quality, I ordered from different repromakers in the past years,  but those are
on the cheapest quality level I got so far.

SNES Box :  by far to thin to be called box, Inkjet print laminated paper I would say, also  the text and the art on the box is unclear "bleeding" from inkjet print. The art looks pretty low dpi, like downloaded somewhere.

DreamCast Repro : Box/Case/Manual : Same poor quality as above SNES Box. Disc is simple CDR with Inkjet printed on the disc front.
Manual : 3 pages + Contents page  & cover. Pretty much the laziest Manual I saw, the manual looks like cut by hand none of them has a clear straight cut. 

For this quality this is robbery.
Any chance of some images?
Quote from: "vandro"Conflict global storm is a terrific game.
I'm sure I had it on my Xbox back in the day, that might have been SWAT though.
Latest eBay haul, £9.50 for this lot. The sports games I can throwaway but please to have those GTA games, the NFS ones and that GT4 is the standalone white box edition as oppose to my existing red one.

Gonna have to do a stock check this week on games as I think i may be close to doubling on games.

Couple of memory cards and pads are most welcome too.

General Retro Chat / Re: Prototype Sony SNES!
July 03, 2015, 21:11:00 PM
So do any CD games actually exist? And is there any hardware beyond the CD drive added like extra RAM or custom Sony chips?