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Topics - pinkabyss74

General Retro Chat / Emulation General
May 06, 2018, 11:28:17 AM
There's no section for emulators, so here we go.
I'm considering getting a few for iOS since I'm not updated past 11.0.2 and therefore could probably JB. Not kept up with iOS since 2014 tho...
Announcements and Feedback / Forum ranks
May 05, 2018, 14:04:47 PM
Maybe change up the ranks like this:
0 = Non-Gamer
1 = Casual Gamer
25 = Aspiring Gamer
100 = Intermediate Gamer
250 = Well Known Gamer
500 = Professional Gamer
1000 = Champion Gamer

The default SMF ranks are boring lol, post count based titles like this would work well here :)
Introductions / Heya~
May 04, 2018, 13:24:53 PM
I'm 16, British and really interested in gaming and such from the 80s-early 2000s. :)

Found this place through google, looking for an alternative place to the retrogamer magazine forum which kinda looks ugly although it has its merits too ^^

Though I don't really have a big interest in home computers from the 80s like my dad I'm more into consoles of the time :P

Sorry for the short intro, but I hope you and me have a nice time here ^^
Just wondering, is there any plan to add tapatalk? I've seen it work and actually once set it up on smf, it's nice for when there's not a responsive design or mobile mode.