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Topics - zapiy

Retro News & Chat / AMIGAMEJAM 2024
December 10, 2024, 09:11:50 AM
Evening all

Anyone following this, some decent looking games in the pipeline for the comp
General Retro Chat / Retro Scene
December 10, 2024, 03:14:09 AM
Well, its been a long time since I started RVG, loads has happened over the years but I still love a bit of Retro Gaming, it then occurred to me that this scene is still very popular, I have noticed a small downward turn over the last couple of years, less mainstream and maybe getting back to where we was 10 years ago in terms of popularity.

What do you think?
General Retro Chat / Hello all,
December 10, 2024, 02:32:11 AM
Thought I would see who is about still?

Commodore Chat / New C64 Game
April 08, 2024, 20:52:42 PM

Team "Pixelbrei Games" Announces "Timo's Castle" for Commodore 64, Partnering with Bitmap Soft for Physical Release

Zurich, April 8th 2024 – A recent announcement has sent waves of anticipation throughout the Commodore 64 community as a small team of enthusiasts, renowned in the C64 scene, revealed their latest project. Originally announced on April 1st, 2024, as a homage to a classic 40-year-old platformer, the project faced unexpected hurdles in aligning with the original IP.

In light of these obstacles and out of utmost respect for the original intellectual property, the team has made the decision to undergo significant revisions to ensure a successful release. The game, now titled "Timo's Castle," promises to deliver an unforgettable retro gaming experience while upholding ethical and legal standards.

The protagonist of "Timo's Castle" has undergone a transformation, embodying the essence of the original character while incorporating fresh elements. A sneak peek at the new hero's appearance can be viewed at igniting excitement among fans and newcomers alike.

Despite these changes, the team remains committed to their initial vision, and thus, the target release date of May 1st, 2024, remains unchanged. Fans can mark their calendars with confidence, knowing that the wait for "Timo's Castle" will soon be over.

In a thrilling development, the team also proudly announces a partnership with Bitmap Soft to oversee the physical release of "Timo's Castle". Jamie Battison and Darren Doyle, owners of Bitmap Soft, expressed their enthusiasm for the collaboration, stating, "We are excited to be a part of this awesome project. There are great things to come!"

The physical release of "Timo's Castle" is slated to be available in Summer 2024, providing collectors and enthusiasts with an opportunity to experience the magic of retro gaming firsthand.

For further updates and information regarding "Timo's Castle," stay tuned to the official channels of the development team and Bitmap Soft.
Commodore Chat / Tiny Quest 2 - WIP
November 12, 2023, 11:17:45 AM

This looks cool, first one was a real pleasure to play.
Retro News & Chat / A message to the GB community!
November 12, 2023, 10:52:59 AM
Hey all,

Have a read of this?

Great read and one I feel has some gravitas.
Announcements and Feedback / I'm back
February 11, 2023, 15:26:54 PM
How are we all?
Announcements and Feedback / Forum Upgrade
April 14, 2022, 22:09:16 PM
I have fully upgraded the forum to the latest edition.

Bare with me as I bring it back to something that resembled the old layout.
Retro News & Chat / Glory Hunters - New kickstarter
April 14, 2022, 21:29:31 PM

Glory Hunters is an all-new action-adventure RPG for the original Game Boy console where you progress by obtaining achievements that grant glory points.

Glory points are the main currency within the game, and they are mainly used to open paths and move forward in this world. You will find several glorious deeds that award glory points, such as gathering materials, aiding the townsfolk in various quests, or diving into dungeons and caves to defeat different kinds of mobs.

Players can freely choose where to go and discover different zones with unique minigames, enemies, and eccentric characters!

You can also upgrade your health, buy more items, and even hire people to help you on this quest. You are free to spend glory points to create your very own experience!

Be careful on how to spend your glory points, though; the next achievement might become harder to get.

Attempt to save the land by awakening one of four gods and cleanse the shameful monsters that lurk in the shadows.

Created to run on Game Boy consoles. You can join the hunt by playing on original hardware, any emulation device or Steam!

Become a glory hunter and remember pain is temporary, but glory is eternal!

Pledge here

The year is 2021, and thanks to AGD & his son Nate, Dave Sloan has fulfilled a childhood ambition to make a game for the ZX Spectrum.
He longs to go back to the 80s so he can give his younger self the tools to make some fun little Speccy platform games, so he sets about building a time machine.

The fabric of time is not something to be trifled with however and Dave being Dave, the time machine goes a little wonky.
Due to a misunderstanding relating to the metric system, Dave & Nate get sucked into the time vortex and for reasons unknown the only thing that will save them is collecting 42 Maguffinanium crystals.

This is where you come in, can you save our intrepid duo and prevent an irreparable tear in the space-time continuum?

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Cassette 50 was an infamous collection of games published by Cascade in 1983 and an early example of shovelware, marketed on the basis of sheer quantity rather than the quality or playability of its games. So Phoenix Ware and The RVG Squad created a competition in the hope of creating a brand new compilation tape â€" with all proceeds after costs to be donated to charity, (this is guaranteed to be a minimum of £5 for every tape sold) â€" featuring games by C64 developers of all levels of experience, focusing on great gameplay in a mini-game format while still retaining the look or feel of a Cassette 50 game, such as it was!

The Competition ran from December 8th 2020 to March 31st 2021, we was amazed with the level of interest, lots of very good games all having to be created within the confines of some very hard and challenging rules. For those of you that know about coding, you will understand what we mean if you look at the competition page, so with that said, everyone of these games (56 in total) deserve there place on this tape.

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Phoenix Ware Game Chat / [PW13] Chiller 2 - C64
October 31, 2021, 18:43:23 PM

Chiller 2 by Cosine Systems is a multi-level single-screen platform game inspired by the Mastertronic game Chiller.

The aim of the game is to collect 20 crosses on each level while avoiding all sorts of nasty ghouls, witches, and critters that drain your energy when you make contact with them. While you’re at it, make sure you also look out for where you stand as each level is littered with poisonous mushrooms that will also result in a loss of energy.

There are 12 challenging creepy levels for you to complete so I hope you are not afraid of the dark.

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Towards the end of the 11th century, a young crusader named Sir Ababol from Manchester starts off on a venture to Jerusalem. The brave knight travels across the ever-green prairies of French Britain and climbs the infinite heights of the Pyrenees to arrive at Alcoraz River.

Sir Ababol witnesses the courage of St. George from Cappadocia against the infidels and is so astonished from what he sees that he stumbles over a rock, falling into the Alcoraz River that carries him to the Monegros Desert.

When he wakes up, Sir Arabol realises that he has lost his sword. Fearing that his journey to Jerusalem has come to an end, he searches around for the sword when he comes across a farmer tending to his crops.  When he asks the farmer about the whereabouts of his sword, our knight is directed to a land full of Ababol flowers. Sir Ababol is confused but believes the red flowers may be tied to recovering his sword and decides to collect them, hoping to then continue his journey to Jerusalem.

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Metamorphosis is a game about evolving. You start as a spider which is the lowest lifeform in the game. The aim is to evolve into a human in order to complete the game. Increase your energy by eating worms, as your energy level increases, you will evolve into a higher lifeform. Hitting enemies a few times will make them devolve to a lower lifeform until their energy level is zero and then they will end as a worm. The screens are a kind of ecosystem, enemies attacking each other, running away and evolve/devolve.

You have to collect 3 objects and bring them to the central room with the circles. In this room, there is a location to drop the objects into the circles. When all 3 objects are in the circles, a pink teleport to the next level appears.

There are 3 levels to explore. To obtain some objects, you first have to get a Combat room key. If you got the key, a black teleport appears somewhere in the map to enter a combat room.

After entering the combat room, you have to kill all enemies before an object appears.

At the bottom, there is an energy bar. This bar shows your current energy level. Your energy level can be raised by eating worms and is decreased by getting hit by spit or toxic drops. The dots indicate the max energy level at a certain stage. The maximum energy level is increased after you drop an object in the circles. When you have a Combat room key, a small key symbol appears on the left side of the energy bar. If you have an object, a red dot is shown on the left side of the energy bar.

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The year is 2033; scientific advances in quantum physics research results in an accidental opening of an interdimensional portal. Beings from parallel worlds have exploited the wormhole â€" with catastrophic results for Earth. Only a noble warrior from the future can fight for humankind and avenge the destruction wreaked upon it so far. It is now or never, it is time to Fight for Vengeance.

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Bitmap Soft Game Chat / [BS070] Pineapple Kid - Gameboy
October 31, 2021, 18:35:20 PM

The game tells the story of Pineapple Kid, a courageous pineapple that lives in a distant land where pineapples live a happy life. The pineapples always dreamt of having a happier life in a place called Pineapple Paradise. The legendary Tower that can grant the passage to Pineapple Paradise is rumored to appear once in a 100 years but no one dared to challenge the Tower, and so the legend became only a tale. Until one day, Pineapple Kid stood up and made a journey to the Tower. This time the player (You!) can help out Pineapple Kid reach Pineapple Paradise!

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Bitmap Soft Game Chat / [BS056] Ewe Woz Ere - C64
October 31, 2021, 18:33:38 PM

Baaary: Mutton Commando is a cyborg sheep from a distant future who must ensure the safety of mutton-kind by defending the fields from an invasion of Traazkists led by the evil combat lizard, Traazk. Armed with a basic plasma spitter, Baaary is teleported into fields on various planets where he must destroy Traazkists and collect charges to prime the gateway and clear the level.

Firing your plasma spitter, moving and colliding with meanies will consume energy. Standing still or shooting a meanie allows Baaary to regain energy. The more energy Baaary has, the faster he will move and the score awarded for eliminating a meanie will be higher.

    If his energy gets too high, Baaary will burn out.
    If his energy drops too low, Baaary will run out of power.

Burning out, running out of power, falling down one of the many holes of doom or jumping into orbit will end the game.

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Bitmap Soft Game Chat / [BS054] Cybersphere - Various
October 31, 2021, 18:29:33 PM

CyberSphere is an icon-driven game developed with text-adventures in mind.  Explore a cyberpunk-themed world spreading across a fictitional town, its
undergrounds and the outerspace above it to discover its secrets. Traverse the voxels-made environment using an icon-based mechanics istead
of typing text.

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You are the inheritor of the royal and prestigious Naud’Ar family. In the pure family tradition, you have been sent to the capital to complete your education and so be able to carry on the family tradition. This also allows you to make friendships with other young people from great families. A letter arrived, telling you of a great tragedy, your whole family was decimated months ago by a curse and now the castle is home to evil creatures. You, the only heir must search the family mansion to find the golden scepter and the crown and ring which are the marks of the family inheritance and which will allow you to lift the curse and recover your throne. Good luck on your journey.

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The fall of the great Angarth Empire has thrown High Toro into provincial warfare; as regional barons struggle to reunite fractious kingdoms.  Rulers rush to reunite the land under a single banner, fighting over the prosperous ports of the east floodlands, exploring the highlands and deserts, and hunting for the hidden temple of the Angrath Lords.  As a hopeful king you must use your villagers to explore the lands, control other kingdoms and overcome the many battles ahead.

Slayers of High Toro is a game of intense turn-based strategy.  Your objective is to conquer enemy kingdoms, by collecting taxes on your land and raising an army for conquest.  On each turn you move your units on a hexagonal map, buy units and forts, explore territory, and defend your kingdoms from attack.

Slayers brings advanced 21st century AI and quick-to-learn, hard-to-master gameplay to the Amiga.  With 9 procedurally generated game modes, hundreds of thousands of maps, as well as single and mutiplayer deathmatch.

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