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Topics - Saturn

Atari Chat / Gravitic Mines for Jaguar
May 28, 2022, 19:44:20 PM
This game started shipping a week or two ago and I've received my standard and deluxe sets! This game is incredible. Wondering if anyone has had a chance to play?
I took off work to spend a couple days getting back into it. I play tested the hell out of it during it's dev cycle but it's been months since I've touched it. Plus, didn't have the final ROM(s) as those were sent to another tester so I was curious what additions or changes had been implemented.
Happy to say, I hadn't lost my piloting skills... completely lol. In a 12 hour session I managed to beat all the levels on 'Pilot' difficulty. This was quite a challenge since I replayed various stages to complete them without a single crash for the online scoreboards. (don't want my records broken!)
So, by beating Pilot, ACE difficulty is unlocked but my first sit down with Ace I got absolutely taken apart :D
I'll get back into it asap though. Have to be the 1st to get an Ace score on the boards to solidify my place as champ for all time :P

If anyone is looking for a phenomenal Jaguar game, this is definitely the one to grab. So addictive! There's a thread at AtariAge for more info and the game can be ordered or preordered from their store.

Anyway, I've had a lot of fun playing so wanted to share a little of my enthusiasm if it wasn't known it was available or if anyone was on the fence about the purchase bc of price.

Heading back to my E.W.S. for more alien slaughtering 8)
Tube 2020 beta version released by Dr. Typo. A lot different than Tube SE. The 3D is remarkable and the music is great :)
A cool "never ending" game by Dr. Typo was just posted in the Jaguar Forum at AA

I've played through to level 64 and it's a blast!
Being a .cof file it can probably be converted to .cdi for use on the Jag CD player if anyone still uses those..
Here's a link to JiFFi to convert it:
Atari Chat / I beat MadBodies on the Jaguar
June 27, 2019, 21:10:23 PM
Did this July 14, 2015. Forgot about it until I happened across these screen shots on an old laptop.
Looks like there was supposed to be another game. "BP"
This one is hard enough! :D

Retro News & Chat / Raspberry Pi B setup notes (WIP)
January 13, 2019, 19:53:41 PM
Had read about these things in various places and decided to grab one for the measly $35. Also got a case for it for $7 and a power supply for another $12.

I already had a Dynex USB SD reader to flash the OS but picked up a 64GB Micro SD Card from Wal Mart to flash it to.

I hit the Raspberry site to download Raspbian OS.
Went to Balena Etcher site and downloaded/installed the flashing program.

Connected the Dynex reader w/ 64GB Micro SD plugged in to Windows 10 laptop and ran balenaEtcher from desktop shortcut. Navigated to still zipped Raspbian OS file and the program flashed then verified it to the SD Card.

Installed SD Card in Raspberry Pi, connected it to a TV via an extra HDMI cable I had lying around, powered it up, connected to internet via wifi (which I did not know was included :D ), updated the programs via prompts onscreen and now staring at an incredible Linux computer system that's on a device smaller than my hand 8)

Going to update here as I find ways to configure the OS to what I need. This thing is crazy awesome!

Installing operating system images:

Here's the page that really got me started on it

General and upgrade info:
Just saw this video and had to laugh at how quickly some of the opponents were pummeled and defeated.
I played this game so much back in 1987 that I barely did anything else but never beat it with anything close to the efficiency this person did. Great way to spend a few minutes but even just the first match against Glass Joe is a riot. I didn't know you could do that!
Atari Chat / Jag Doom offset
November 22, 2018, 23:41:25 PM
Here's a decompressed single level spliced into an original Doom dump with the .jag file extension flashed to a Skunkboard and running on real hardware. No offset on the status bar at the bottom.
Quick ref:
Level: single
Compression: none
device: Jaguar/Skunk
dump: original .jag

Here's the same file running in Project Tempest. Has a slight screen offset (?) but stays in place (as far as I can tell bc the distance between the edge and the 50 of ammo is still close)
Level: single
Compression: none
device: PT
dump: original .jag

Here's a shot of the same decompressed level spliced into a ROM, made from JiFFI, and using a custom build from the source code. Bad offset:
Level: single
Compression: none
device: PT
dump: custom build from source code with mods, and ROM made with JiFFI

Looks like it's either the custom build from source code and/or the process of ROM creation using JiFFI. Will test these next..

Attaching the images in case photobucket is down... again.
Retro News & Chat / Tethering in Ubuntu 16.04-64 bit
September 09, 2017, 17:09:04 PM
Tethering in Ubuntu 16.04
Just a quick update since there were a few changes in the process since 2014. Also, using a 64 bit version now so some other differences to note 8)

Tether Android to Ubuntu [spoiler]Ref

Install Java: REF
Installing Java with apt-get is easy. First, update the package index:
sudo apt-get update
Then, check if Java is not already installed:
java -version
If it returns "The program java can be found in the following packages", Java hasn't been installed yet, so execute the following command:
sudo apt-get install default-jre

If dependencies not met:
sudo apt-get -f install -y
sudo apt-get install default-jre
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer -y

Accept agreement: [Enter], left arrow-[Enter]
wait for install to finish..

Attach phone to computer via USB
Enable 'USB Debugging' (Settings-More-Developer options-USB debugging)
Download the setup script (also added as attachment at bottom of this post in case the original link breaks again)
Move the tar file to Home folder
Open Terminal (ctrl+Alt+T) and type
Something similar to the following will appear:
Desktop    Droid-Tether-SV.tar.gz  Music     Templates       wget-log
Documents  DVDFab9                 Pictures  Videos          Win7
Downloads  examples.desktop        Public    VirtualBox VMs

Type in:
tar xvf Droid-Tether-SV.tar.gz
**Can delete the tar ball**
Open a new Terminal and type:
apt-get install lib32stdc++6    REF
cd Droid-Tether-SV/
sudo ./
**Enter password, if applicable**

The process will take a few seconds and at the end, a message will (probably) say:
**Everything is setup on Computer-side at this point. Now for adding azilink to the phone..
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *

|Failure! Android phone DOES NOT appear to be Connected! Can't install azilink.
|Please enable USB debugging on your Droid phone, connect it via the USB cable,
|then re-run this script to finish the setup. Alternatively: Enable USB
|debugging on your Android phone. Then, from the phone, navigate to:
|, then download/install azilink app directly
|from there. Script will now exit.

No worries, download Android SDK r07 from tucows or Mega
Move the tar file to Home folder
In a new Terminal type:
tar xvf android-sdk_r07-linux_x86.tgz
cd android-sdk-linux_x86

In the Android SDK and AVD Manager window click Available Packages
Put a check in the available entry (
Put another check in This repository requires a more recent version of the Tools. Please update.
Click Install Selected
Tick Accept All
Click Install
When complete, click Yes to restart ADB and OK to attempt a reopen of Android SDK
Click Close in the last box
Back in Terminal press the up arrow to input tools/android again

When Android SDK and AVD Manager opens, this time put a check in Android SDK Platform-tools, revision ?? (Rev 20 as of 11/05/2015), if it's not there already. Can uncheck items below it.
Click Install ? packages
Tick Accept License & click Install
Close when complete

Back in Terminal type:
cd platform-tools
sudo cp adb /usr/bin/adb
sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/91-android.rules

Paste the following into the document, overwriting anything already there:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="22b8", SYMLINK+="android_adb", MODE="0666", OWNER="USERNAME"
If you have an HTC Android phone - use this rule instead of the one above:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0bb4", SYMLINK+="android_adb", MODE="0666", OWNER="USERNAME"
If you have the Samsung Galaxy Android phone, use this rule instead of the one above:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="04e8", SYMLINK+="android_adb", MODE="0666", OWNER="USERNAME" 
If you have the Sony Ericsson X11 Android phone, use this rule instead of the one above (Thanks to Steven from the comments):
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0fce", SYMLINK+="android_adb", MODE="0666", OWNER="USERNAME"If you have the LG Optimus V(Virgin Mobile) Android phone, use this rule instead of the one above:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1004", SYMLINK+="android_adb", MODE="0666", OWNER="USERNAME"

Replace all instances of USERNAME with your name
Quick Save and Exit

Back in Terminal:
sudo chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/91-android.rules
sudo restart udev
sudo systemctl restart udev.service     REF
Enable USB Debugging on your phone and connect it if it isn't already
Back in Terminal type:
adb devices
You should see something resembling:
$ adb devices
List of devices attached
8a996b0e    device

If you see similar to the following, revoke USB Debugging on phone, disable USB Debugging, re-enable USB Debugging and accept "always trust this computer" when prompted. Run adb devices again in Terminal to check if the phone is now authorized. Ref
$ adb devices
* daemon not running. starting it now on port 5037 *
* daemon started successfully *
List of devices attached
8a996b0e    unauthorized

Type in:
sudo apt-get install openvpn /y
sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart
(won't work if you don't have network manager installed)

Install OpenVPN/Azilink on Android phone by clicking here with it (attachment)

From a new Terminal type:
mkdir azilink
cd azilink

Download Azilink-debug.apk (attachment) and move it to the azilink folder
Back in Terminal type:
adb install -r Azilink-debug.apk
or download from here (attachment) and move into azilink folder
gedit resolv.conf

Paste the following into the empty document:
domain lan
search lan

Quick Save and Exit

Back in Terminal:
gedit start_modem

Paste the following into the empty document:
adb forward tcp:41927 tcp:41927
sudo cp resolv.conf /etc/
sudo openvpn --config azilink.ovpn

Quick Save and Exit

Back in Terminal type:
chmod 755 start_modem

On your phone, launch Azilink and put a check by Service active
With wireless disabled and no wired internet connection go back to Terminal and type:
/home/azilink/start_modem or /home/yourname/azilink/start_modem (however you have it set up)

You should now be able to freely use the internet.
!Important! When ending use with Azilink, press ctrl+c in Terminal to exit the process properly. Exiting out of Terminal will leave you unable to connect to the internet even if the wireless says you are.
You can use the Desktop Azilink to connect from here on.[/spoiler]
Atari Chat / Atari Jaguar Doom hacking notes
September 03, 2017, 03:49:31 AM
After converting 101 maps to the Jaguar, I figured it was time to post all my notes for posterity and as a backup. Also, if anyone else is interested in pursuing this extremely addictive activity, the majority of work will be done. The 'try and learn as you go' bs is taken out of the equation with this info. And mind you, that approach has cost vast amounts of time throughout the process. I'm pretty much a Jedi at this now and have broken the process down into a series of steps that help with efficiency to get those levels done in the least amount of time with the closest matching textures and least amount of lag so they play fluidly, given the Jaguar's weaknesses of writing many objects in a single area-which is commonplace for most of the maps found in the wild. While this type of extra decorative detail might be pretty on the pc, it's just not feasible on the limited console so ideas listed by importance are included to aid in whittling down the un-necessities to increase usability.

First, using neo_rg's Doom Level Hacking Tutorial to get rolling is a must. I stumble across this in December of 2016 and have been avidly using this info to create some of the greatest 12 map roms the world has ever seen. (and the only ones in existence :P )

After putting the info/tools in the guide to use and downloading the required apps, check out my quick reference notes to get it all set up as quickly as possible:
Install Doombuilder2_setup_1553.exe (takes forever while auto installing .net framework)

Install SumatraPDF (if you want to view the lesson pdf's)
Extract DOOM DATA to desktop
Open Lesson pdf #02

Open Doombuilder 2-Tools-Game Configurations
   Click Doom at upper left-Click "Add resource"-Click browse (folder) icon and navigate to DOOM DATA folder on desktop, open Assets wads folder and double click ASSETS1.WAD-Click OK
   Click "Add resource"-Click browse (folder) icon and double click ASSETS2.WAD-Click OK
   Click Doom 2 at upper left and repeat the process. Click OK again to exit the Game Configurations dialog box.

Go back into Tools-Game Configurations
Click Doom at upper left and -Testing (tab) & navigate to gzdoom.exe in DOOM DATA folder
Click Doom 2 at upper left and -Testing (tab) & navigate to gzdoom.exe in DOOM DATA folder

Change settings to open maps in Things Mode: Go to Tools-Game Configurations-Modes and change "start in this mode" to Things Mode. Click OK

Set Floor or Ceiling texture view as default: Tools-Preferences-Interface tab: Default view: Floor Textures

NOTE: To switch between Floor or Ceiling texture views go to View-Floor or Ceiling

Enable auto drag when pasting: Tools-Preferences-Editing (tab)-Options-check "Drag selection automatically on paste"

Doom Builder 2 is now setup

Install Notepad++ and click View-Word wrap.
Right click on a .txt file and choose Properties.
Set notepad++.exe as the default program to open this type of file. Click OK
Open a text file and click Settings/Preferences/MISC and uncheck 'Enable Notepad++ auto-updater' to prevent accidental upgrades. Click Close

Create individual text docs from the posts below, named as the following, and open them with notepadd++ (which will open each separately in tabs for convenience):
Doom Builder 2 tips.txt
Doom To do.txt
Hacking a custom map into the Jag ROM.txt
Things list.txt (if needed-is superseded by Doom To do.txt)
teleport quick ref.txt
Compression info.txt
Download & run VC_RedistInstaller version 1.60 (for SLumpEd if needed).exe
Open DOOM DATA\slumped_07/SLumpEd.exe to ensure it works.
Set the IWAD when prompted by clicking OK and navigating to DOOM DATA/doom.wad
Put a shortcut to SLumpEd on the desktop
Open DOOM DATA\PTv0.96 and put a shortcut on the desktop (this is a version of PT with a kick ass Doom icon I injected into ver 0.95 to give it some flare)
Open PT.exe and click Settings-Controllers
Set the directional keys to WASD and A,B & C to keys L,K & J respectively. Click Apply-OK
Install 010 Editor.
For reference on the following, can open lesson pdf #7 (page 7).
Open a file in 010 Editor. Click View-Endian-Big Endian
(Can pull down and readjust the toolbar with the Endian toggle and Hex buttons for ease of use)

Install FileAppendSplitTool.exe

Open MAPCOMP folder and run whichever vc_redist.exe is appropriate (.x86 or .x64) then copy the 0 folder to C drive.
(Run the x86 version on a 64 bit machine if the 64 bit installer alone doesn't work)

Open Skunkboard folder and copy the Skunkboard folder inside to C via the shortcut
Open Skunkboard folder-Skunk GUI setup (Windows) and run skunkgui_setup.exe
Create a desktop shortcut

Run SkunkGUI and connect to the Jag. On XP, when the Found New Hardware Wizard prompt appears, tick 'Install from a list or specific location', click next & paste in C:\SkunkBoard\Driver
or, if using Windows 8:
   1 Hold down the Windows key on your keyboard and press the letter C to open the Charm menu, then click the gear icon (Settings).
   2 Click Change PC Settings.
   3 Click General.
   4 Under Advanced Startup, click Restart Now. ...
   5 After restarting, click Troubleshoot.
   6 Click Advanced Options.
   7 Click Windows Startup Settings.
   8 Click Restart.
   9 After restarting your computer a second time, choose Disable driver signature enforcement from the list by typing the number 7 on your keyboard. Your computer will restart automatically.
   10 After restarting, you will be able to install the drivers normally; however, Windows will display a warning message. When the warning appears, click Install this driver software anyway.

So, right click on Computer and choose Properties-Device Manager. Right click on CYPRESS EZ-OTG
Click Next to install driver
Click Finish and flash a rom to test

Atari Chat / Jaguar Doom cart label
January 31, 2017, 00:56:31 AM
Can anyone with some talent and knowledge of the process make me a faux Doom cart label? I don't know if there's a Jag template available that just needs to be 'colored in' but I know nothing about graphics and how stuff would look once printed so I'm at a loss here. Thinking of making a dedicated cart out of a Skunkboard but don't have this piece of the puzzle.
Any help is appreciated-even it's a link pointing to a tutorial on how to learn the basics :)
Retro News & Chat / Doom Builder 2 notes (PC-Windows)
December 16, 2016, 17:02:28 PM
I did this at work yesterday while watching the first 7 videos on this page. This isn't a complete guide to mastering using Doom Builder 2 but it'll take the ouch out of creating a few of the elements to get started. I'm using this to make my own maps, then hacking them into the Jaguar Doom ROM so I can play them on real hardware. Which, in itself, is AMAZING to be able to do. Thanks to neo_rg's guide to hacking the ROM, I've found no better way to spend my time at work :D. The guide is so useful and easy to use, I don't know why everyone hasn't contributed hacks! Only regret is that I didn't know it existed until the other day...
This is a really rough draft with plenty of edits to come but it's a very nice start imho and I don't have to re-watch the videos to find that one fact. Can just do a search on key words to go straight there. 8)

[spoiler]Quick Reference Notes:
C to clear selection
Insert to start drawing in Drawing, Linedefs and Sectors Modes
Arrow Keys to move grid
Home to center grid
Mode-Things Mode-Insert to put player or other things on map. Can right click a placed thing to bring up the menu screen and change it.
To change all walls go into Linedefs Mode and click the walls to change then right click on one of them. Will show how many items/walls are selected at the top in parenthesis. Click the Sidedefs tab and click exclamation pointed (missing) texture if there, and select one from the set. (Probably in Base, Metal or especially, ASSETS1.WAD would be best) Can do the same for sides of lights from ceiling or floor if raised or lowered from either. Press C to clear selection after implemented.
Test map by clicking 'Play' button at upper right of toolbar or click Tools-Test Map
Use the arrow keys to move the drawing around in grid view.
Basic Sector Creation:
Open DB2 and be in default Vertices Mode.
Press Ctrl+D to enter Drawing Mode and a dot will appear at the cursor.
Click on the grid somewhere to begin drawing with that dot.
Can also create sectors in Linedefs Mode and Sectors Mode by pressing Insert.
Vertices Mode to resize a sector. Click a corner or two corners. They will blink red. Hold right click on top of one and drag outward to expand.
Use the Tab key to 'jump' straight to the texture you're currently using in the texture selection screen to aid w/ picking similars.
Lesson 1: Setting up Doom Builder 2 (4:11)
Download, install and open Doom Builder 2. Once open click Tools-Game Configurations in the toolbar at the top. A list of all the configurable Doom engines will appear in a list on the left. For this demo, click on the Doom 2 engine. Now on the Resources tab, click the "Add resource" button, the folder icon (to browse) and navigate to your DOOM2.wad and click Open.
NOTE: To select extra resources click the Add resource button again and add from another WAD file, a directory or a PK3 file.
Leave the defaults on the Nodebuilder tab. Click the Testing tab and the folder icon to browse. Navigate to the zdoom.exe or gzdoom.exe and double click it. Set the skill level and other parameters, if needed, otherwise leave them as default. Leave the Textures and Modes tabs as default and click OK.
To start a basic map click File-New Map. In the Game Configuration drop down window click the Doom 2 engine we just configured. The IWAD we set up will be automatically loaded under Resources. Change the Level Name to one of the other maps if you want to load a specific one otherwise can leave it at default MAP01 and click OK. The grid view will load in Vertices Mode, ready for some editing..
Lesson 2: Creating and Modifying sectors (10:58)
To draw a sector press ctrl+D to enter Drawing Mode. Hover over a point with the dot that appears on your cursor and left click to have a start point for a line. As an example for a room, draw a horizontal line to the right, 640 in length (will be illustrated on the line as you 'pull' it from the starting point.) Click again when it's at 640. Pull straight down until it's at 640 again and click the grid at that point. Pull it again to the horizontally to the left until it's at 640 then click. Do it one more time pulling up and back to the starting point to complete the room. A texture appears inside the box we just drew representing a completed sector/room and the mode reverts to Vertices Mode. While in Vertices Mode you can hover over the corners of the sectors and they will highlight, meaning they are selectable. If you right click hold and drag one of the selectable corners you can modify the sector's shape by pulling it in any direction. Can also click two corners to select them (they'll turn red) and right click hold and drag both to modify the shape of the sector. Press C to clear the selections. This will un-highlight the two corners we selected to test the dragging. (clicking a clear place on the grid, if available, will have the same effect) Can also insert a vertice (or several) by hovering over a line and pressing the Insert key. Selecting these newly added vertices and dragging them can help save time when modifying a sector. Pressing Delete while any added vertices are highlighted will remove them and also ctrl+Z will safely undo newly added vertices that are no longer needed if no other critical changes have been made since.
-Enter Linedefs Mode by pressing L on the keyboard or clicking Mode-Linedefs Mode in the toolbar. In this mode lines around the sector can be clicked or highlighted individually. Also, by right click hold and dragging (in the middle of a line) will produce a similar effect to what the same thing did in Vertices Mode. Can also select multiple lines and right click hold and drag them around to change or expand the sector. Press C to clear the selection after testing.
Can also draw a sector in Linedefs Mode by hovering the cursor over a point and pressing the Insert key. (This will automatically change the mode to Drawing Mode) Use the arrow keys to move away from the 1st sector and draw another square sector matching the size of the first one with four 640 length lines connecting at the end. With the new sector completed, we default back to Linedefs Mode.
-Note that deleting one line on the new (actually, any) sector will remove the texture leaving the former sector as an empty black space with 3 lines still showing on the grid. Having sectors like this will cause errors in the map so a good rule of thumb is to never just delete lines for any reasons but to move them if needed to keep all sectors complete. Press ctrl+Z to undo the deleting of the sector's line.
Enter Sectors Mode by clicking Mode-Sectors Mode or pressing S on the keyboard. The entire sector will highlight when you hover over it so you're able to select entire sectors now. Can right click hold and drag a sector around the grid. Also, can click to select multiple sectors and each will get a # in the center. To create a sector in this mode, like before, hover over the starting point to draw and press the Insert key. It'll auto switch to Drawing Mode again and from there you can complete the lines for the new sector. Upon completion, it will default back into Sectors Mode.
-Note: To connect the two large sectors you can manually draw a sector in between and touching the other sectors or if you plan to do a step down detail in one or both of the original large sectors you can draw a new sector from within one larger sector all the way over and inside the other larger sector then complete it and Doom Builder 2 will automatically splits/fixes the sectors to where they need to be. Can also draw sector lines from outside the boundaries of the original sectors (horizontally, for this demo) all the way through the entire map and outside the boundaries on the opposite side, then complete a new sector by connecting finally at the start point and Doom Builder 2 will splice it up correctly into what new sectors they should be.
-Sector splitting: To split a sector for any reason, you can start a line (horizontally, for this demo) by pressing the Insert key outside the boundary of the sector, drag it across to the outside boundary on the opposite side, click to place it then right click to 'kill' it. This will remove the excess that would be outside the boundaries on both ends but leave the splitting line where you drew it and make all the sectors on each side of the splitting line individually selectable.
-Pillars (starts at 7:45): Draw a 128x128 sector somewhere and if it has split lines through it, you can select all sectors within the pillar and press the Delete key to remove it all. The pillar square will be empty and black so press C to clear the selection. Even without splitting lines running through just select the inside of the pillar and Delete to accomplish the same. Then, press C. If you want the sector space back after deleting the geometry of a pillar just redraw the 128x128 block and the sector will be back. A simpler method to accomplish the same thing is to enter Make Sectors Mode by pressing M on the keyboard or selecting Mode-Make Sectors Mode in the toolbar.
NOTE: Hovering over sectors in this mode is the same as in Sectors Mode by highlighting the entire sector.
The difference here is you can highlight a voided area like the inside of the pillar. If you click inside the voided area it will flash and replace the geometry into the sector.

-Separating Sectors: This mode is also great for separating sectors from other sectors that share the same properties. Example, if you highlight a sector or split sector and 'the other side' highlights along with it, you can click a sector and it will flash, releasing it from the shared properties of the other sector and making it its own unique sector. Highlighting the flashed sector afterward will only affect that sector so any editing won't accidentally be implemented in another sector that you may not have been aware was being modified along with the one you were currently changing.
Lesson 3: Styling and Populating (12:31)
Press ctrl+D to enter Drawing Mode. Find a location on the grid and left click to start drawing. Make a square room of 640x640. Draw a smaller square in the center of 128x128 (128 seems to be the standard for textures to 'fit' correctly throughout the tutorials that follow.) Switch to Sectors Mode by pressing S or going to Mode-Sectors Mode or clicking the Sectors Mode icon in the toolbar. Click the Ceiling texture and in BASE, click, say, TLITE6_5. Click OK. Change the Brightness setting from 192 up to 255 (or anywhere in between) and change the ceiling height from 128 to 112 to give the illusion the light is ON the ceiling and not IN the ceiling. Click OK to back out. On the grid view the sector we adjusted should now look brighter than the rest of the sector. Since the ceiling is lower, switch to Linedefs Mode and click the 4 lines around the smaller sector we modified then right click to open the "Edit Linedefs" dialog box. Click the Sidedefs tab and click the Upper texture box under the Backside heading. In Metal, click the METAL texture and hit OK twice to back out. Back on the grid view press C to clear the selections. Go to Mode-Things Mode, find an area on the map to start the player, hover over the point with the cursor and press the Insert key to 'drop' the player start icon in that location. The "Edit Thing" dialog box will appear. 'Player 1 start' will be selected by default. While here you can change the direction the player will be facing using the Coordination-Angle box at the lower right then click OK. Back in grid view and still in Things Mode, you can add a weapon by hovering over a location and pressing the Insert key again. When the Edit Thing dialog box opens, expand the Weapons option. Click Shotgun and since the direction it's facing doesn't matter, hit OK. Add a monster by hovering over a location and pressing Insert again. Click the Monsters option to expand it and click Imp. Can change the direction he's facing like with the player above if needed. Hit OK. Back in grid view and still in Things Mode, you can right click the Imp's icon to re-open the dialog box and change it to a different monster from the list if needed. Click the "Test Map" (Play) button at the upper right of the toolbar to test the map.
-To produce a cool wall light effect that interacts with the existing light in the middle of the room, press ctrl+D to enter Drawing Mode and draw a line that ends up centered on one of the walls that's 64 wide. In an outward expanding 'cone', connect the end of the 64 line to the edge of the lit square sector in the center of the room. (will display 258 as the length from the wall to the center lit sector) From there, continue the line along the 128 length of the center sector's edge, click at the end and draw it back to the other end of the original line made on the wall. (will also display 258 as the length) Do the same for the other 3 walls. Change to Linedefs Mode and click each of the 64 length lines centered on the walls, right click on one of them to bring up the Edit Linedefs dailog box and click the Sidedefs tab. Click the Front Side-Middle texture box and click the Lights texture set in the left pane. Click LITE3 and OK twice to back out to the grid. Press C to clear the selection. Change to Sectors Mode and click in the middle of the 4 cone shaped sectors we just made. Right click inside one of them to bring up the Edit Sectors (4) dialog box. Change the brightness to 255 to match the center light from earlier. Click OK then press C to clear the selection. Still in Sectors Mode, right click in the unlit sector of the map (one click anywhere that's unlit) and in the Edit Sector dialog box, change the Brightness to about 96 and click OK. Back in grid view notice the difference we just made. Click the Play button at the upper right to test the map. It's pretty dark and scurry with that Imp running around in and out of the light 8)
Lesson 4: Seeing is believing (15:22)
Draws two rooms (with a light in the center of the first) connected by a 640 long x 128 wide hallway from 0:00-1:27.
Make staircase 1:27-2:04 then skip to 9:15-) To draw a staircase zoom in to the map with the center mouse wheel. The size used here were 4 sectors of 32x128 back to back leading up to the entrance of the hallway. Starting at 9:15, hover the cursor over the first/lowest sector representing steps and roll the middle mouse wheel to raise it 16. Hover over the next, raise it 16 then another 16. Repeat through the last of the 4 steps to finish. Apply a texture to the top of the steps by clicking each of them, right clicking, clicking Floor and in STEPS, click STEP1 (or STEP2 if the line running down the center fits the direction.) Click OK twice to back out and press C to clear the selection. Add the Metal texture to the sides of the steps by copy & pasting (Shift+middle mouse button to do all areas at once) from an existing item or the usual way of right clicking after selecting them. To align textures, (on sides of stairs for consistency) (starts at 10:20) hover cursor over each and press L then press A while hovering over one piece to automatically align them all horizontally.
-To raise the ceiling of a room, in Visual Mode click everything on the ceiling of its sector and use the mouse wheel to push it up. Roll it up to, say, 192 and press C to clear the selection. This can expose areas that are untextured. They'll be glowing red with black question marks.
-To create lights (raised) from Floor or (lowered) from Ceiling (5:45), in Visual Mode, hover the cursor over the sector that was made in Drawing Mode before entering this mode, and if from Floor, roll the mouse wheel, say, 8 units up. Or, from the Ceiling, roll the sector down about 8 units. Click the top of the floor texture then right click it to open the Edit Sector box. Click the Floor texture box and in BASE, click, say, FLAT22 and click OK. To raise the brightness of the sector to accomodate the lighting, change the brightness to 255. Can change the Ceiling texture while here if needed using BASE and CEL1_2. Click OK twice to back out.
-To paste a texture onto a question marked area (untextured area), such as the lights created in the above step, hover the cursor over one of the areas and right click it. On the Sidedefs tab, click Lower and in BASE, click SILVER1. Click OK twice to back out. To make it fast, hover over the texture you just placed and press ctrl+C. Move to an untextured side and push the middle mouse button to paste it.
-To copy and paste a texture instead of doing each individually: Right click on area that needs a texture to select it. Go to Sidedefs tab. Click texture you want to replace (lower if on/from floor). Use Base (as an idea). Select say, SILVER1 and click OK to add it. Hover cursor over newly added texture and press ctrl+c to copy it. Hover cursor over other areas to do the same and press middle mouse wheel down to paste it. Or, go to side that needs it and hold Shift then middle mouse click to have all other sides/empty slots filled in automatically.
-To move the Floor and the Ceiling up or down at the same time and same amount, click every piece on the Floor and every piece on the Ceiling then roll the mouse wheel in the preferred direction. They will both go in the same direction. For stairs, roll it up to 64 (as an all around #.) Press C to clear the selection.
NOTE: To create a Visual Mode start point, in Verices Mode hover the cursor where you want to start and push ctrl+W. This will insert a dull white marker to be a start point when you press W while on the grid mode to enter Visual Mode. (or go to Mode-Visual Mode) Can right click this icon in Things Mode to see that it's located in Editor Things-Visual Mode Camera. Use E,S,D,F to move around in Visual Mode.
Lesson 5: Effect and Actions (16:19)
-Nukage Pool: (Damage from liquid pits 0:00-2:37) In Drawing Mode, create/draw the outline of the pool. Go into Sectors Mode, click inside the pool and right click to open its properties. Click the Effects button and in the "Predefined Effects" box, click choice 7 (Damage -2 or 5% health) for a regular pool. Back in the Properties box, lower the Floor Height -16 (or comparable.) Click the Floor texture and in Liquids, click NUKAGE1. Click OK to back out. Change to Linedefs Mode and click all sides of the pool. Right click on one and click the Sidedefs tab then hit the Lower texture box. In BASE, click STARTAN2. Click OK twice to back out. Insert a player in Things Mode and click the Play button to test it.
-Door-common (try to make them 32x128 but 64x128 is doable): (2:37-7:21 total w/ explanation of actions for switches, etc. at 3:57-5:30) Whatever mode you're in press ctrl+D to enter Drawing Mode w/ the little dot near the cursor. Place the dot wherever and draw the door and/or adjoining room(s). When done, switch to Sectors Mode and click in the middle of the door to highlight all sides of it in red. Right click inside the red to open the Edit Sector box. Drop the "Ceiling height" to 0 and change the ceiling texture to FLAT23 (or comparable.) Click OK twice to back out. Switch to Linedefs Mode & click the 'long' side lines of the door (the ones facing into the room(s)) so they both turn red then right click one of them to open the "Edit Linedefs (2)" box. Click the Action button to open the "Predefined Actions" box. Expand the Door selection and for a regular door, choose the top selection DR... and click OK. Click the Sidedefs tab and click the Upper texture box. In Base, select BIGDOOR2 (or comparable) and click OK twice to back out. (Can also choose brick for the texture on both sides to conceal it!) Press C to clear the selection. Click the 'short' side lines of the door so they both turn red then right click one of them to open the "Edit Linedefs (2)" box. Put a check in Lower Unpegged. Click Sidedefs tab, click Middle (the only box that should have a texture) and, in Base, select DOORTRAK. Click OK twice to back out and test the map/door. Test the map to see if the door works.
Reference for doors:
D = Direct
S = Switch
W = Walk
G = GunFire
1 = Once
R = Repeatable
Door-inaccessible: To create the type of door with a single single texture and no cascading multi bs, like the one behind you in the original Doom, draw a sector on the outside of the sector where the player start is. This will be the inaccessible door and should be 16 wide x 64 long. Since the grid/snaps are 32 minimum, hold the Shift key while drawing to make the line any length you want. (take care to keep it straight on one of the grid lines) Once the rectangle is complete go to Make Sectors Mode and click inside the new sector.
Right click in the sector to open its Properties. Change the Ceiling Height to 80 and change the Ceiling texture to CRATOP1. Click OK to back out.
Press W to enter Visual Mode and click on the two sides in front of the door to select them. Right click to open their Properties and click the Middle texture. Change it to SHAWN2 and click OK to exit. There should now be a metal framing around the door.
Right click the area to put the door graphic, click the Middle texture and choose DOOR3. Click OK to back out and test the map.
-Lift: (7:21-10:29) Press ctrl+D to enter Drawing Mode. Draw a 64x64 sector (or comparable). In Sectors Mode, click in the middle of the lift, right click and change the Floor Height to 128. Click the Floor texture box and in BASE, click FLAT20 and hit OK twice to back out. In Linedefs Mode, click the two sides facing into rooms (or however many sides are accessible by the player-could be 1), right click and click the Sidedefs tab. Click the Lower texture box and in BASE, click SUPPORT2. Click OK and then the Properties tab. Press the Action button. Expand "Lift" and select the bottom choice (SR Lift Lower Wait Raise)-this uses a switch as there's no direct interaction selection for Lifts. Click OK. Press the New Tag button and click OK to back out. Now in grid mode change to Sector Mode and click inside the Lift. Right click and press the New Tag button. Change it to the previous number (minus one it) and click OK to back out. Click Play to test the Lift.
-Teleport (10:29-16:19) Make both (64x64) sectors in Sector Mode or Drawing Mode. Line them up with the grid so the texture matches without the half & half bs. Change to Sectors Mode and select both by clicking in the middle of each. Right click to open the "Edit Sectors" dialog box and click the Floor texture box. In the Hell texture set, click GATE1 (or comparable). Raise the Floor Height to 16 and click OK to return to the grid view. Change to Linedefs Mode, click the outside line, right click, open Sidedefs tab, and change Backside-Lower texture to BASE-STARTAN2. Click OK twice to back out. In Linedefs Mode, click the 4 sides of a teleport and press the F key to flip the inward pointing middle lines to the outward facing direction to allow the player to access the teleport. (the other teleport should auto switch as well without direct interaction along with the 1st. If it doesn't, do it manually) Next, right click the four highlighted lines of a teleport and click the Action button on the Properties tab. Click to expand the Teleport selection. For a regular teleport setup click WR Teleport from the four choices (3rd choice down) and click OK twice to back out. Back in grid mode, press C to clear all selections. Still in Linedefs Mode, click the four sides of ONE of the teleports then right click. Click the New Tag button, click OK and press C back in grid mode to clear the selection. Change to Sectors Mode and click in the middle of the OTHER teleport. Right click and press the New Tag button and minus the # that appears by 1 to link it with the previous teleport and its tag #. Clear the selections and open Things Mode and click in the middle of a teleport to open the "Edit Thing" dialog box. If it's not open automatically, click Teleports-Teleport Destination. Change the direction the player will be facing, if desired, and click OK. Open Linedefs Mode and select all four lines around the teleport you just edited. Right click and hit the New Tag button. It'll be the next # up from the one we had earlier which is correct so leave it and click OK. Back in grid mode press C to clear selections. Change to Sectors Mode and click the first teleport (unedited properties one). Right click and press New Tag then minus it by one to match the last tag we used and click OK to back out. Change to Things Mode, click in the teleport, right click inside it and change the direction if desired. Can go into Linedefs Mode and hover over the line(s) on one of the teleports to see the matching line of the other teleport highlight at the same time. Hit the Play button to test them.
Lesson 6: Copying and Pasting (10:25)
Go into Drawing Mode by pressing ctrl+D and draw a sector or whatever. In Sectors Mode, right click inside the sector and in the menu at upper left, click Edit-Copy (or hold ctrl+C) and return to the Edit menu and select Paste (or hold ctrl+V) to paste the sector onto the grid. Will auto enter Edit Selection Mode with the pasted sector 'floating' on the grid while highlighted amber. Can left click hold and drag the floating sector around. Release the left click to drop it (will still be amber/floating.) Can hold the corner and rotate it at 45° angles or Shift+hold it to rotate at lower angles. Can control the length/width by grabbing the center dot on any side and dragging it in or out. Can also do "sector stitching" by dragging the edge up to the edge of another sector, dropping it and hitting Enter to place it on the grid (no longer highlighted.) Can re-click the center of the dropped sector in Sector Mode and press E to pick it back up (now highlighted again.) But, after touching the other sector, the line that was doing the actual touching will adjust BOTH sectors if dragged any direction. ctrl+Z to undo all of this and have both sectors return to their original separated entities status. Can press E to re-enter Edit Selection Mode and hold ctrl while dragging via the center dot of a side (to touch another sector) and press Enter to drop it, then press E to return to Edit Selection Mode, it won't be stitched and won't adjust the other sector it was touching (2:25).
-Can create a door (2:43-4:42), configure it correctly and completely then enter Sector Mode, click the center of it to highlight the whole thing and click Edit-Copy/Edit Paste, place it and skip all the repetitive bs.
-Door Paste Special (4:42-) Create a door, copy it like above and click Edit-Paste Special to open the Paste Special dialog box if you don't want the exact same attributes. The options under "Tags and Actions" are: Keep tags the same as they were copied (default setting that's ticked), Renumber tags to resolve conflicts with existing tags, Remove all tags and Remove all actions. The option under "Floor and Ceiling heights" is: Adjust heights to match relatively with surrounding sector (checked by default and recommended to leave alone.) Use Renumber tags to resolve conflicts with existing tags if you want the pasted door to have its own action, ie, if it's the same as another, when you open one they'll both open at the same time. If it's tag conflicts are resolved (different) one door will remain closed when the other(s) is/are opened. Also, double check the player facing texture of pasted doors as they often are stripped of the original texture for some reason. Test the map/door(s) by pressing the Play button. NOTE: To change the default setting in the Paste Special dialog box, open Tools-Preferences-Pasting (tab), tick the choice you want and click OK. Click Edit-Paste Special to see the new default selection.
Lesson 7: Map Analysis (7:35)
When map has stuff on it click Mode-Map Analysis Mode. The Map Analysis dialog box will appear, click Start Analysis button (leaving all items checked.) After a moment, any errors will appear in an expanded window in the dialog box. Clicking an error will show you exactly where the error is on the map. Can fix "Sector (#) is not closed" errors by entering Linedefs Mode and clicking overlapping lines, right clicking to open the Edit Linedefs box and changing the Sector Index # to match that of whatever the Sector Index # is of a sector it's supposed to be a part of. (that's a simple solution to what could be one of many complex problems so taken w/ a grain of salt as it's no absolute solution across the board.) A texture will appear in the 'repaired' portion of the sector. Click and check the Sector Index of an area you'd like a 'blank' sector to be part of then Cancel the dialog box and click lines you'd like to attach to that sector. Right click and change their Sector Index # to match. Click OK to back out and see the changes.
An easier way to do the same is go to Mode-Make Sectors Mode and click the offending sectors.
When changes are complete return to Mode-Map Analysis Mode-Start Analysis button.
To fix "Linedef is missing both sides" errors, click the error(s) to find the offending lines and in Linedefs Mode, click a line, right click and hit the Sidedefs tab. Front Side and Back Side will probably be unchecked and blank. Cancel to back out and click Mode-Make Sectors Mode. Click within the offending sector to create a valid sector.
When changes are complete return to Mode-Map Analysis Mode-Start Analysis button.
To fix "Sidedef has missing upper texture (front side)" errors, click the errors to probably see the player viewable side(s) of a door or other Thing that doesn't currently have a texture attached to it. (will have a 'hall of mirrors' (HOM) effect if left as is and test the map) Can click the "Add Default Texture" button at the lower left as a quick fix or switch to Lindefs Mode and fix them the regular way by clicking the offending line(s), right clicking, hitting the Sidedefs tab, clicking Upper and in BASE, clicking BIGDOOR2 (or comparable) and clicking OK twice to back out.
SIDE NOTE: Entering an unknown name into the Upper texture box (or any texture box) manually, which results in a question mark appearing in that texture box, and testing the map will cause the Doom engine to crash. So, don't do that lol.
SIDE NOTE (starts @ 5:55): Mention of some ridiculous "don't do" error that can happen while in Linedefs Mode and dragging part of one sector over and into another sector causing large portions of one of them to turn black and textureless. And how Doom engine can't figure out what you're trying to do so it does the only thing it knows to do which is cut out part of the sector, for lack of a better explanation. It doesn't 'cut' anything but it removes its properties and it's an error waiting to happen if you try to play it.
Also, mention of creating a sector within a sector, like for a Lift or Lights or something and dragging that sector to a different sector then hovering over it in Sector Mode to illustrate it still shares its original sector properties with the original sector it was created in and not with the new sector it was moved to. Can also exhibit strange highlighting behavior bc Doom engine doesn't recognize what you're trying to do with it. So, a basic rule of thumb is to only create sectors within sectors you plan to use them in and don't move them to other sectors. He says that dragging other things into other sectors is ok, but not geometry. Yeah, I get it.

Walk Over Line Ambushes:
In a room, hallway, etc. enter Drawing Mode (ctrl+D) & draw a single line across the area you want to set off the ambush. (Can press V to enter Vertices Mode and right click hold and drag the line to meet walls, etc.)
In Linedefs Mode (L), click to select the line and right click it to open the Edit Linedef box.
Click the New Tag button to assign it a # and remember the # for later.
Click the Action button and expand the Door selection on the left.
As an example, if the door is to be triggered and remain open, click the 2nd choice down of 'W1 Door Open Stay'
Click OK to back out.
Enter Sector Mode (S), click the door sector and right click inside it to open its Properties box.
Change its tag to the # above. (or, can enter Visual Mode by pressing W on the keyboard & highlight the ambush door (door creation not covered here) with the cursor and right click to bring up the Edit Sector box. Then enter the tag # used above and click OK. Press W to exit out of Visual Mode.)
Press the Play button to test the map.[/spoiler]
Retro News & Chat / Brutal Doom 64 mod is almost here
October 23, 2016, 23:54:58 PM
This video was just posted. Only one week to go until this mod is released!
I can't wait to install it and play Doom 64 how it should have been 8)

Hoping this can be used with Doom64 EX. Been tearing through the game on my laptop and it's an amazing emulator complete with a tool to strip the wad from the Nintendo 64 rom.
Even the intro level is playable lol. Great stuff!

Zandronum 3.0 will run it.
Retro News & Chat / 32X 'Game Code Modifications' :p
October 18, 2016, 02:18:46 AM
Yeah, just one for now. And the only reason I did it was bc I played this for hours at work and got tired of dying all the time lol. This is such a cool version on the 32X! Lots of destruction and explosions. Just the way a game should be :p

As always, break out the hex editor and open your legally dumped rom and search/edit the following strings. Preferred hex editor is Hex Workshop. HxD doesn't find any of these in my experience.

[spoiler]Infinite Lives
Search: 4E750C6E0010009C6626537888E06100
Change: 4E750C6E0010009C6626537888600400

Infinite Missiles
Search: 83900010526E00B852788D4A53788D66
Change: 83900010526E00B852788D4A53786002

I had invulnerability in there too but that's just... dumb lol[/spoiler]

Attached the Lunar IPS file to patch the rom. Lips can be downloaded from here.
Nintendo Chat / DOOM 64-My trek through it
October 08, 2016, 19:43:31 PM
Got into this game hardcore after 20 years. Been playing night and day lately & while this one wasn't made by Id, it appears to have a cult following and is critical to the series by diehard fans.
I had this originally on my N64 but can't find it or the console amongst all my gaming crap... er, stuff so I'm using Project 64 which I successfully setup a few days ago here.
Below is my progress thus far with many edits to follow, as well as many spoilers so turn away now if you don't wanna know :)

MAP01: Staging Area password: JC62 FD1P 9QCK FDJP

Secret level 1/4: MAP32 Hectic password: VBT8 9BD? 6?VK 9VK?

MAP02: The Terraformer password: BDF6 PQ28 1V6G B7TG or K7BQ ODYT MBQV D1JL

MAP03: Main Engineering password: 9TC3 5DYN C?NB NOVB

MAP04: Holding Area password: 857Z FQ1G LFMS HBVB
The 'blocks' code at the end of Level 4: Holding Area is 3,1,2,4 8)

Secret Level 2/4: MAP29: Outpost Omega password:  RNN7 8M?Y MWB0 B9KC

Level 5: Tech Center password: CP57 KNXY LK1F 6SKC
MAP05: Tech Center

Level 6: Alpha Quadrant password: B4Q2 KS0? 9GLD F9KC
MAP06: Alpha Quadrant

Level 7: Research Lab password: BMJ1 KSOP 7GDD P9KC
Red key location

Last of the U.A.C. levels!
MAP 08:Final Outpost: password: F33Z K1Y1 3GQ? X9SC

MAP09: Even Simpler password: PQ5M GDYX DCJN 59SB

MAP10: The Bleeding password: D7ZL GDZS BD3N FJSB (BFG 9000 on this level!)

MAP11: Terror Core password: NRSC H5X5 XCDQ N9QB

MAP12: Altar Of Pain password: M8BB H9XJ VCGQ X9QB

Secret Level 3/4: MAP30: The Lair: password: V87L 9C?8 C1JK 79VB

MAP13: Dark Citadel password: 4Q5K 48CX 854Q K9LB

MAP14: Eye of the Storm password: 375J K44W 9HBF 89VB

MAP15: Dark Entries password: 3TSM H9X5 BFNQ N9LB

MAP16: Blood Keep password: 28BK 68MJ 89Z6 WJLB

MAP17: Watch Your Step password: 2RHM 3JWF C4JO 6HVB

MAP18: Spawned Fear password: 19GH 5HPR 47CH BJVB

Secret level 4/4: MAP31: In The Void password: VR9M 9H?4 C1QJ Z9VB

MAP19: The Spiral password: 1RJM LKCM C4BO KJVB

MAP20: Breakdown password: O?LC ZGZO VFC2 FSVB

MAP21: Pitfalls password: ORR4 1KBX BH8G 2RVB

MAP22: Burnt Offerings password: Z8QM NKL8 C8HK WSVB

Map 23: Unholy Temple password: ZSSH ZGX4 3BK2 5SVB

MAP24: No Escape password: Y8VM LKBH C412 ?JVB

MAP28: The Absolution password: W83K O72O 7DC2 D9VB or W884 DGVN CRSH FFVB

These are only available through the Features cheat menu or password. Level 25 password kindly borrowed from Wiki.
MAP25: Cat And Mouse password: QY88 9BF6 6?DM 2BK?

MAP26: Hardcore password: TFY7 7BP2 46Q4 RBKT

MAP27: Playground password: PBHO YRYT 6T4G 5ZJP
Retro News & Chat / Hatari setup (Windows)
October 06, 2016, 13:07:16 PM
I setup this Hatari to play/test Custodian for the ST and although difficult, not impossible. I'm assuming setup is similar for Mac and Linux.

Here are my own quick steps to get this baby up and running:
Install zlib (for Windows, use the top "Setup" link)
For Mac, install LiBSDL

Download Hatari and unzip wherever.
Delete tos.img from the directory to make the error screen appear in the following steps.
Download and place emutos or other TOS image(s) in the directory.

Double click hatari.exe
An error appears that it can't find the file you deleted above-click OK

Click System
Setup the following like this:
Machine type: STE
CPU type: 68000
CPU clock: 8Mhz
Falcon DSP: None
CPU and system parameters:
Check: Blitter emulation
Check: Prefetch mode, slower
Click: Back to main menu

On main menu:
Select: ROM
Select: your new/other Tos.img (that you legally dumped from your own files or using emutos which is legal)

On main menu:
Select: Memory
Select: 4 MiB
Click: Back to main menu

On main menu:
Select: Floppy disks
Make sure Fast floppy access IS NOT checked
Click: Back to main menu

On main menu:
Select: Hard disks
Select: Browse button next to GEMDOS
Navigate to (or create and navigate to) a folder named AtariHDD somewhere convenient on your drive
Click: OK
Make sure Write protection is Off
Check: Boot from HD
Click: Back to main menu

On main menu:
Select: Atari screen
Make sure "Show ST/STE borders" is checked
Click: Back to main menu

On main menu:
Select: Save config.
Create a file somewhere named config.cfg
Navigate to this file and select it to save your settings
On main menu click: OK

To play a game, click hatari.exe in the folder
Click OK to dismiss the message about not being able to load tos.img
If a config file is saved as in the step above, click Load config. and highlight the file, then click OK
Click OK 3 times to reboot the system
Press the right (directional) key to abort the memory test
On the desktop, click the Hard Disk icon to highlight it
Click File-Open to open the AtariHDD folder where your games are/should be
Click to open a folder for a game and click a .prg or .tos file inside to load the game
ex; Fast double click the CUSTOD folder to open it
Once inside, fast double click the RUNME.TOS file to load/play the game
On the main screen click the A key to open options
Click the A key to select 'set keys'
Press the spacebar to set the keys; WASD for directional keys and L to fire
Press W to move up to Start Game
Press L to start the game and * on the numpad to end the game
Retro News & Chat / Project 64-configuring mouse
October 06, 2016, 12:21:45 PM
I've been reading up on using a mouse with this emu, version 1.6 specifically, and of what I've found, no definitive setup info. Anyone here pull this off and could share some tips?
Supposedly, NRage_DInput8_V2_2.1.dll copied to the plugins directory is needed and once selected via Options-Settings, I can configure the settings by going to Options-Configure Controller Plugin. Looks like there are some settings for the mouse on the Device tab but not sure how to use them.
I don't have an original N64 controller to use on my laptop so this is the next best thing for playing some DOOM 64. Any help is appreciated :)

Nevermind, got that badboy. This is a start anyway. It's a little twitchy and sensitive but will work until some additional tweaking is done. Also, I need more comfortable placement for the strafing buttons (currently set for z & c)

In a nutshell:

Actually, 1000% on the Mouse Sensitivity X & Y is betta 8)

Then up the sensitivity in-game:

Atari Chat / Soulstar fixed version could see release
October 04, 2016, 16:16:32 PM
Just wanted to get as much attention to this as possible and request that anyone with an account at AA to go over and vote. I know this was posted in the Soulstar download thread but don't care as it may not have been seen by all. Anyway, if you don't have an account at AA, please create one and vote for your price preference. Any support for this cause is appreciated as we could finally see the release of one of the most elusive betas (that's apparently been fixed) for the system of all time. Being teased with it the last 20 years and this could be the time a lot of us have waited ages for.

Thanks for looking and please vote 8) 8) Huge props to neo rg for even considering this!

AA Soulstar thread
Atari Chat / JagCD: Black Cat Theater
September 02, 2016, 03:22:01 AM
Been meaning to place an order over at Video61 for their JagCD video set, Black Cat Theater collection for a couple of years since I heard about it in a piracy thread. Just bought everything on the page lol.
Can't wait to check these out. If anyone is interested, orders over $40 in the continental U.S. makes it free shipping and some disabled folks are the ones who make these disks so even a small purchase keeps the world turning :)
Atari Chat / Cinepak Encoder?
August 31, 2016, 01:41:35 AM
Is Apple Quicktime Pro 7.1 the last version of software that will work with Jaguar Cinepak videos? QT Pro dropped Cinepak as one of their codecs in later versions and 7.1 release was like 2007 or something. Also, due to a security risk with Windows they're urging users to uninstall it asap since mid April 2016. I tried using the trial version of AVS Video Converter earlier, which can encode AVIs (and only AVIs) with Cinepak but dropping them onto Jagmod's Cinepak Tool causes the tool to crash.
Unless there's another resource out there it looks like this process could go the way of the dinosaurs pretty quick.

If you do successful testing on another software please post it here. I'd certainly be interested in any modern product to be able to continue producing some disks for the JagCD 8)
Retro News & Chat / Jaguar Cinepak resources
August 23, 2016, 18:44:30 PM
I finally was able to make an encrypted Cinepak disk for the JagCD after giving up almost 2 years ago. Turns out the pc I was using to transfer data was the problem, the process I'd compiled and repeatedly tested was actually perfect the entire time. With obtaining a full licensed Quicktime Pro of version up to version 7.1.6 being the only problem at the time of writing (since those are old now and the Cinepak codec is not included in later versions), the following are the steps I use to make this process work flawlessly using a music video. These are generally less than 5 minutes which works great, especially for multiple videos on one CD. Videos/clips longer than 5 minutes can cause the JagCD to hiccup or worse but that can be remedied by splitting the videos up into 4 minute 50 second clips. That will be covered later as this is a quick start guide to get the steps noted for posterity (and use!).
The Skunkboard Method here assumes you already have Quicktime Pro 7.1.6 (or alternative) and the Skunkboard/drivers installed on your Windows PC. For simplicity, I have 5 folders inside my main Cinepak folder. These folders are the 5 steps that are needed to make a disk and are labeled as such:
1) Quicktime
2) JagCinePak tool
3) unenc cd maker
4) cden_skunk
5) enc cd maker

(in attachment at bottom)

Find a video
Open 1) Quicktime folder where I have a shortcut to open Quicktime Pro (or use an alternative)
Click File-Open File
Navigate to file and double click it
In new, smaller Quicktime window, click File-Export
Rename if needed
Save as type: All files
Export: Movie to QuickTime Movie or AVI
Use: Default Settings

Click the Options button
Click Video Settings
Compression type: Cinepak
Frame Rate: 24 (can be adjusted from15-24)
Depth: Millions of colors
Quality: Best (variable that may need to be adjusted to Best)
Data Rate: Restrict to: 145 kbps (variable that may need to be adjusted down to 120 kbps)
Click OK

Click Video Size
Use custom size
width: 320 (the Jaguar will clip off anything beyond this resolution)
height: 240 (the Jaguar will clip off anything beyond this resolution)
Click OK

Click Sound Settings
Format: Linear PCM
Channels: Stereo (or Mono)
Rate: 21.252 (this provides the best audio)
Quality: Normal (variable that may need to be adjusted)
Sample Size: 8 bits
the 2 checkboxes under that, I always leave unchecked, but try some things with it too :)
Click OK and you are ready to save :)
Exit the folder back into the Main Cinepak folder

Open 2) JagCinePak tool folder or download JagCinePak.exe from JagMOD's site and open/run it.
Down where it says 'Track Number" put 4 (actually found this step to be pointless for what we are using)
Drag your (or video.avi) into the window
(Windows color scheme will be changed on later versions, 7, etc. Don't panic!)

7 additional files will be created where the original was dragged from:
Delete all but *name*.t04 (and the original video file, of course)
Rename *name*.t04 to TRACK04.RAW
To 'reset' folder for next run, ensure that only HOLDER.RAW, JagCinePak1.5.2.exe & Read Me.txt remain

Put TRACK04.RAW inside the 3) unenc cd maker folder
Put a blank CD-R in the burner
Run "scanbus.bat"
Edit "(Step3)burnunen.bat" w/ the device numbers. An example would be:
cdrecord dev=1,0,0 speed=8 -pad -tao -multi -audio warning.wav
cdrecord dev=1,0,0 speed=8 -pad -tao -audio TRACK02.RAW TRACK03.RAW TRACK04.RAW HOLDER.RAW

(with the numbers in red to be edited according to your device from scanbus)
Quick save and run it
Test the unencrypted disk using a bypass method; Protector SE, Battlesphere Gold, B&C Bypass Cart or Jagtopia: Freeboot
Move or copy TRACK04.RAW into 5) enc cd maker
To 'reset' folder for next run, ensure TRACK04.RAW is removed

Plug Skunkboard into Jaguar
Connect Skunkboard to PC
Power on Jaguar
Open 4) cden_skunk folder & double click 1 Send.bat (or open cmd.exe & paste: jcp -c rbt_cden.abs)
This will send the program to the Skunkboard
Follow the Jag's on-screen prompts including closing the current cmd prompt box and running 2 jcp after data.bat (or cmd.exe and pasting: jcp -c) right before you press the Pause button on the Jaguar controller, and you will end up with a file called "key.ggn" that should be 32kb +/- for a single video and larger, of course, for larger movies/videos.
(right click on key.ggn and select Properties. Verify that the file size is not 0kb. If it is, use another pc as a problem with my computer consistently transferring an incomplete file is what made me lose a lot of time getting this to work. No idea what the problem is/was but moving from XP Home where this was occurring to Windows 7 Ultimate-32 bit fixed the problem altogether)
If key.ggn is good, double click padcd.bat (or cmd.exe and paste: padcd -2 *100002 key.ggn HOLDER.RAW) to pad the file up to the required size of 1MB and naming it HOLDER.RAW.
To 'reset' folder for next run, ensure HOLDER.RAW and key.ggn are removed

Move the newly created HOLDER.RAW into the 5) enc cd maker folder. (Your TRACK04.RAW should be in here as well from the earlier step)
Run scanbus.bat again if needed or just edit the burnenc.bat file with your drive info again, matching the one from folder 3)
Double click burnenc.bat to burn the final encrypted disk.
To 'reset' folder for next run, ensure HOLDER.RAW and key.ggn are removed

Play in the JagCD