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Topics - dra600n

Second Dimension Chat / Kickstarter - Affinity Sorrow!
January 28, 2022, 18:08:16 PM
Hey everyone!

We're at it again :)

Nearly 75% funded! If you like RPG's, check this out <3
Second Dimension Chat / Eyra, the Crow Maiden Kickstarter
February 16, 2020, 05:26:31 AM
Hey everyone! We just launched our newest Kickstarter campaign for Eyra, the Crow Maiden, a brand new NES game with a stretch goal of a sega genesis port!

Check it out here:
Second Dimension Chat / The Curse of Illmoore Bay
November 06, 2019, 19:46:48 PM
Hey Everyone!

Some of you may be familiar with this project from the Kickstarter campaign earlier this year, but in case you've missed it, I'm hear to babble on about it :)

Firstly, the first world (there will be 6 worlds all together) is finished and available for play in the demo (link at the end). The game is an adventure platformer for the Sega Genesis.

Here's a video of a playthrough of the demo:

You can download the demo, as well as preorder the game, here:

Please note about this demo: There's some floor collisions that need to be updated and you can't shoot your fireball in the air. Future demo updates will have these issues fixed (the floors are already fixed, just not in the released demo).

I hope ya'll enjoy it!

Homebrew Chat / Kromasphere: YAGAC MD Kickstarter
March 14, 2019, 22:38:06 PM
Hey everyone! I've been working with CMC Games to release their game Kromasphere: YAGAC MD.

Kromasphere is a very fun (and addicting) platforming adventure game where you have to restore the color to the universe.

Check out the Kickstarter for more info and a video:
Hey everyone!

I'm back with a new game currently undergoing development, currently titled Project Halloweenville.

Here's a sample video:

The game is planned to have 6 levels in total, with each level a unique scene, unique enemies, and a different boss for each level.

We're anticipating the game to be at completion near summer time. The progress has been excellent so far as most of the character actions have been programmed, the map engine is nearly 100% finished, and we're working hard on working out the finer details and getting each stage ready to be implemented into the engine.

I hope you like what we're up to!
Homebrew Chat / New NES Game - Get'em Gary
January 27, 2017, 14:51:14 PM
Last August, I got with Rob/Roth of Sly Dog Studios to put together the prequel of Handy Harvy, as I had previously worked with another member of NintendoAge to do the graphics, and what came of it was Get'em Gary!

I'm getting ready to do the limited editions, and hopefully by the end of next month, the regular editions will be available :)

Get'em Gary was also bundled with Socks the Cat during the Kickstarter campaign, and now it's up on Steam's Greenlight!

Hope you all like it!
Bomb on Basic City
Bomb on Basic City by Studio Vetea is an addicting arcade bomber style game for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive. You play as Papi and your goal is to take out the C++ Invasion Forces. As you play, you may be lucky enough to unlock some challenges and obtain secret codes!

Here's a video of the game play:

NOTE: Bomb on Basic City works on official hardware without any issues, but on clone hardware the music will be sped up drastically. This is due to an emulation bug in the z80 on the clone hardware.

AO is a brick/block puzzle game where you navigate the brick to the goal pit to advance to the next level. Be careful of weak floors and the edges!

Here's a quick video of the game play:

For 1 or 2 players!

Any questions, please ask!

Both are available on the Second Dimension website:

Homebrew Chat / Second Dimension releases
June 06, 2016, 00:34:02 AM
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I've posted here, but I have a large update of things for everyone! I want to say thanks to TrekMD for giving me a hand with my account issues :)


Last year I had started working on Handy Harvy, however that ended up getting delayed as I kept thinking of "what would an updated compiler be like", and decided to make one. For the last 6 months, I had been working on a new compiler for the Sega Genesis that uses the BEX ASM library, but adds new commands and a more feature rich environment. If anyone is interested in programming Sega Genesis games in BASIC, take a look at SecondBASIC (

Next up is since the compiler was finished a few weeks ago, I've resumed development on Handy Harvy (completely rewritten in SecondBASIC). While there's still quite a bit to do, I'm hoping to have it finished by the end of the month and into the beta testing stages, with a tentative August release date.

And finally, coming this summer will be Second Dimension's first publication team up with Studio Vetea and his Bomb on Basic City game!

As you can see, it is very similar to the Mad Bomber game I was going to do (which is one of the reasons why I had stopped that project) and is a familiar game to those who have played Ocean Detox (and similar games).

Bomb on Basic City is inspired by Bomb on Pixel City, another great game by friends of Studio Vetea!

Hey all! I've posted this on other forums and didn't see anything here (if there is, I apologize!), and since this community loves new games, I thought I should make a post about it :)
Homebrew Chat / Punch Out style Genesis/MD game
November 18, 2014, 14:27:47 PM
Hey everyone,
I posted this over on NintendoAge, and it seems like this idea was well received, so I'd like to present it to everyone here (as well as other gaming communities):

I'd love to make a Punch Out style game, but I would like the boxing opponents to be forum members. Unfortunately, I wouldn't be able to add everyone who is interested, but I was thinking that people could submit a character bio for the game, and then have a vote/poll to see what characters everyone likes.

The plan is to "clone" punch out, but also have other mechanics and changes to make it unique enough to not be just a straight clone of the game.

Anyway, what's everyone's thoughts about this? Is this something you'd like to see happen? Would you want to be a boxer in the game?

Thanks for reading!

(Also, if this is posted in the wrong forum, I apologize!)
Retro News & Chat / Sega Genesis Programming Series
June 11, 2014, 00:36:43 AM
Hey all! I've started a Sega Genesis Programming Series to help people new to programming learn how to code. At least that's my intentions! Anyway, I just got done finishing up the first tutorial, so here it is:

Let me know what you all think, and if anything needs further explaining, let me know and I'll be sure to append it.

The end goal will be a level (possibly more) of a fully functional Mrs. Pac Man, but of course, I'm hoping the material learned is used to make all new homebrews :)
Introductions / Hey hey!
May 15, 2014, 14:36:34 PM
I just realized I've never posted an introduction here on rvg, even though I've posted a few times and check the site pretty often, so I figured I'd post a little bit about myself and say hi :)