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Topics - aNdy/AL/Cosine

Commodore Chat / OutRun PETSCII - WIP
June 29, 2024, 11:04:41 AM
Work in progress, a PETSCII version of OutRun!

It now has all three tunes from the arcade game included in-game! You can hear Sean Connelly's fantastic version of 'Splash Wave' playing in the video below!

All routes from the arcade are in, along with appropriate horizon and colour changes.

Collisions are now switched on - bumping another vehicle slows you down and hitting a roadside object causes a roll!

Top status panel is working, along with *some* of the bottom panel.

Time for real course data!

Commodore Chat / Spheroid - Amiga Puzzle Game Released
January 01, 2024, 11:03:10 AM
Spheroid is a puzzle game in which you guide a metal sphere around a maze of tiles towards the exit tile, within a time limit and set number of moves.

The maze is comprised of various hazards and tile types, each having a different effect on the metal sphere. There are 50 levels to solve.

Spheroid will run on any OCS/ECS/AGA Amiga with at least 1Mb of RAM and AmigaOS versions 1.2 up to 3.2. It can be run directly from floppy disk or installed to hard disk.

The game is free, but a donation is welcome which will be used to maintain and expand original hardware.

Commodore Chat / [Amiga Game] Spheroid
February 24, 2022, 22:14:27 PM
I've dug out my A1200 and it still works! I managed to image the original HD in WinUAE and have been sorting through some 20-30 year old code, GFX and music.

My A1200 is now being upgraded with an 8Gb CF HD containing OS3.2. It has an Apollo 1230 card with 16mb and an Indivision AGA MK2. Old hardware being connected includes a CD-ROM drive via a Squirrel interface and an external Cumana DD. Plus my sampler and a few other bits and pieces.

Looking to get back into creating stuff, I've resurrected a simple puzzle game I was working on back in the 90's. The game engine is essentially complete and I designed one test level to make sure it's all working.  Now to write the music, design more levels and tinker and smooth out wrinkles!

The game is called 'Spheroid' and you move a metal sphere around a maze of tiles to reach the exit. The various tiles have different effects on your sphere. Only a simple game, but should (hopefully) be challenging and fun?!?!?

Below is the title screen and test level.

Commodore Chat / [C64 Demo] MD202112 - Humbug 2
December 17, 2021, 20:46:23 PM
Today Cosine releases my simple little Xmas demo. It's called 'MD202112 - Humbug 2'. Just to perpetuate the myth that the Cosine Grotto is miserable!

Designed on PAL, but it does some basic detection, so should run on NTSC and Drean. Only tested for those machine in WinVice though.

T.M.R approved an earlier build of this from his hospital bed, not long before he died. R.I.P my friend...

Grab from the Cosine website here...

Or from CSDb here...

Download contains the demo on a .d64, along with all the source (ACME format) and work files.

Also, bah humbug!

Commodore Chat / Lost Realms of Murkasada
March 17, 2021, 20:20:52 PM
Arkanix Labs will shortly be introducing a new C64 game...

'The Lost Realms of Murkasada'

Acting as a companion to our main CRPG 'Crimson Twilight', this game is an action adventure/RPG-lite set in the same world and will take place over a series of 'episodes', released periodically in the build up to the release of Crimson Twilight.

These short episodes are designed to be both short, fun little adventures to be completed in one evening and an introduction of sorts to CRPG's to those people who may not necessarily have played CRPG style games before.

More information will be posted shortly as the first episode is nearly complete and will be released soon after!
Commodore Chat / Crimson Twilight (C64 CRPG)
February 16, 2021, 22:10:28 PM
I'm a member of a C64 group called Arkanix Labs (as well as Cosine) and we're working on a large project called 'Crimson Twilight'.

Within the main RPG game itself, there are mini-games that give you the chance to boost your health, sillver hoard, food rations, magic ability and so on.  I've taken on the coding responsibility for these mini-games and here are a few in action...

Devlum's Cups (Ball and Cups game)

Medusa's Strike (a dice wager game)


Commodore Chat / [Game] Chiller 2
December 16, 2020, 18:11:14 PM
Finally, Cosine Systems has released my game, Chiller 2!  This is dedicated to Cosine's C&C, T.M.R who is still in hospital at the time of release.  I desperately wanted him to play test and approve before release and feel bad about releasing it before, but this needs to go out now.

Download includes game on a .d64 and .tap file plus all the source code and work files for graphics and music.

Download here:

Merry Christmas!

Commodore Chat / [Plus/4 Graphics] Robocop PETSCII
July 29, 2020, 23:23:16 PM
Hot on the heels of the C64 Robocop PETSCII a few days ago, comes the first ever Commodore Plus/4 release by Arkanix Labs!  This features the same Robocop PETSCII by w0rm, but recoloured using the more extensive Plus/4 palette.  For a bit of added value, I've covered the C64 tunes by Jonathan Dunn using TED, the chip that generates the sound on the Plus/4.  Obviously I've had to *quickly* learn the differences between the C64 and Plus/4 to be able to port the code!

The source code and all data and work files are included in the zip archive. You can find the actual PETSCII screen on the disk image.

You can download the package here:

The release now has it's own entry on Plus/4 World:

For those without an actual Plus/4, we recommend YAPE as an emulator.

Commodore Chat / [C64 Graphics] Robocop PETSCII
July 21, 2020, 19:59:04 PM
Today, one of my C64 groups, Arkanix Labs, brings you a PETSCII screen in the form of Robocop (the proper 1980's Robo, not the modern de-make).

The source code and all data files are included in the zip archive. You can find the actual PETSCII screen on the disk image.

You can download the package at CSDb:

Some people on this forum may know T.M.R (Jason Kelk) who is ever present in the Commodore and Atari scenes.

He has been seriously ill in hospital with COVID-19, so I coded a simple little demo to cheer him up.  It contains good will messages from good friends and acquaintances and people from various online forums he visits.

The demo can be downloaded from CSDb:

The download contains the demo itself as well as the ACME source code and all data files.

Commodore Chat / Star Trekscii
May 15, 2020, 15:12:29 PM
A new Twitter account with daily(ish) updates mixing Star Trek and C64 lowercase ROM PETSCII art!  The artist is my (very) young Grandson, the next generation (pun intended) of Commodore64 scener!  Please follow and support this young PETSCII artist!

"Star Trek Characters done in Commodore PETSCII"

Requests considered!  Contact using the DM function on the Twitter page! You will be mentioned when/if the request is fulfilled and tweeted!

Some samples...

Commodore Chat / Chiller 2 Demo (2 Levels)
March 22, 2020, 15:25:15 PM
A little something from Cosine Systems during these difficult times, a playable 2 level demo of Chiller 2 for the C64!

Download here:

For other games and demos across multiple platforms, visit the Cosine website:
Introductions / Greetings!
March 02, 2020, 20:48:39 PM
Hello there!  My name is aNdy and I'm a member of groups Cosine ( and Arkanix Labs (

I mainly play around in 8bits, pixelling, composing and coding on the C64, but have also composed/covered music for the Commodore Plus4 and Atari 8bit machines.

You can see/hear/watch/play some of my C64 stuff on my CSDb profile here:

I keep a semi-complete 'archive' of my stuff here:

As of February 2020, I'm in the final stages of writing my first proper C64 game called 'Chiller 2'.  I'm keeping a dev blog of the experience here:

I also dabble in PureBasic and have knocked up a couple of utilities for the C64 to help with graphics work, namely creating character sets using UltrafontPC (, a mapping tool called CartographPC and a screen editor called "ChillED", both only internal to my groups at present.

I'm on Twitter here:

Some of my music is on SoundCloud here:

Some of my coding projects are on GitHub here:

I'm into 'sharing' so lots of my stuff also includes all the work files, source code and so on.

