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Messages - pinkabyss74

Retro News & Chat / Re: 198X Kickstarter
May 07, 2018, 13:11:11 PM
The artstyle and premise are amazing, wish I had a way of backing this!
Kinda offtopic but I have the GBA version of that game I think :P
Announcements and Feedback / Re: Forum ranks
May 07, 2018, 13:07:11 PM
Yea, same with home computers of the 80s which would mean a lot here given we're apparently targeted for UK/EU users.
Sega Chat / Re: The Sega Dreamcast Thread
May 07, 2018, 13:04:49 PM
I'd say they'd ended up in a similar position to Nintendo except being more lax about things and in general less screws loose.
I bought TIF2002 on PS2 to fuel my football game interest. ^^
Reminds me of FIFA 99 a lot which was the only good FIFA IMO.
Quote from: Spacedeck on May 05, 2018, 09:14:44 AM
Quote from: pinkabyss74 on May 04, 2018, 11:46:39 AM
I have actually been mostly playing Pro Evolution Soccer 1-6 on the PS2, i.e. the golden era of the series. ^^ Not sure what you think of that, though. I was only a preschooler when the PS2 was around, since I was born in 2001.

Might play a bit more Mario World and try to complete Forest of Illusion later when I get home from school.

Are you playing on an actual PS2?  If so, how did you happen to buying one?  I'd love to play all games on physical systems but I just haven't the room to store anything  :-\.

I can't remember which football game it was, it could have been one of the This Is Football series.  I used to play that game a lot as it used to feature a mode where you used to play in a school playground and you used coat / jumpers for the goal posts.
Double post but i bought TIF 2002 and it has that mode, so you're right
Sega Chat / Re: The Sega Dreamcast Thread
May 06, 2018, 11:38:45 AM
The homebrew scene alone makes it good. I'd get an early model DC as you can play burned games with em hehe~

Also the amount of quality was really good on the DC.
Well on the subject of this seems this is becoming a kind of trend/fad. In the case of the neogeo it makes sense since its expensive , the megadrive atgames stuff is illogically an ARM-based software emulator (sega have released many console compilation over the years anyway) and nintendos efforts are polished but not perfect in terms of emulation.
Pricy but at least you know you're not getting cheap chinese stuff like the millions of PS2 wireless controllers with bad analogue sticks.

SMS mode is cool.
General Retro Chat / Emulation General
May 06, 2018, 11:28:17 AM
There's no section for emulators, so here we go.
I'm considering getting a few for iOS since I'm not updated past 11.0.2 and therefore could probably JB. Not kept up with iOS since 2014 tho...
Sony Chat / Re: How I Got My PS1
May 06, 2018, 11:22:43 AM
Quote from: Shadowrunner on May 04, 2018, 17:02:58 PM
Cool, I always wanted a PSOne with the screen.
It's an attachment that plugs to the back, though you need to find the one for your hardware revision.
Introductions / Re: Heya~
May 06, 2018, 11:20:11 AM
Thanks ^^
I'm also into synthpop and 80s-mid 2000s rock, which I forgot to mention.
Announcements and Feedback / Re: Forum ranks
May 06, 2018, 11:12:32 AM
Quote from: zapiy on May 06, 2018, 10:21:59 AM
Ok, we can make some changes. Only takes 5 mins..

Make them more retro inspired though???
I have an idea - key games from each up to 6th generation in time order?
Quote from: DeadVoivod on May 05, 2018, 16:43:50 PM
I had a dedicated emulation PC which was running XP, and I never encountered any problems, was running smoothly. DOSBox was also just running fine.
There shouldn't be issues except with ancient emulators, most emulators work and existed in the XP era.
I referred to old DOS based software or 9x era.
Announcements and Feedback / Re: Forum ranks
May 05, 2018, 16:52:56 PM
It's just a nice touch to the board, not really a means of competition/superiority.