New Dreamcast Game SLaVE!

Started by Shadowrunner, September 11, 2014, 05:05:20 AM

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Got this email a few minutes ago:


So, this is sort of awkward... but we need to send an update because we are about to announce that we're changing over our site... and I want to send an update explaining a big update with Jay Townsend's SL@VE, but while I truly believe that announcement is the closest it's ever been, this announcement isn't that.

So anyway, let me be really honest here - Like I've said before, we wish this project was completed. It is still being worked on. There are a ton of things behind the scenes that keep holding it back that are out of our control. I have been personally in touch with the developers in the past few days, and it has made steps. There are even some surprises for the delay that we've included.

But, I also don't feel comfortable talking about those until we actually go gold. I was under the impression in our last email that we basically were there. Long story short, the game worked... for like six levels, at which point we suddenly had a new game ending scenario. It's still being worked on, and I hope that in the very near future, we'll have good news. If the project ends, we'll be refunding everyone.

And, if you're done with waiting, no problem! Just email me back at this email address and we'll issue a refund.

If not though, I want to explain what is going to happen - in a little while, you may seen an email about how we are about to upgrade the GOAT Store site, and when we do we won't be retaining prior orders. Do not worry - your pre-order WILL be retained.

Finally, let's answer a few questions people have sent us recently:

Q. The game is no longer for sale on the site! Why not?

A. The game was always intended to be a limited run. Those spaces sold out! To make the process fair, when the game is shipping, we will open any orders that were canceled up to the general public.

Q. Why don't you communicate about the game more?

A. Honestly, we should have been, and this year has been very difficult for us. If you didn't know, we also run the annual Midwest Gaming Classic trade show in Milwaukee, which was shuttered at the very beginning of the COVID pandemic just weeks before it was to be held, and as you may be able to imagine, has taken up a lot of stress and time to deal with. At the same time, I didn't have much to say, so... yeah. Sorry.

Q. Can I ask you about the game?

A. My email address is very open, and I'm happy to reply to people. Having said that, it would be irresponsible of me to randomly tell people in email that the game is shipping or whatever, so I can't necessarily say too much more. I will tell you, *as soon as I have something to share, you'll be getting an email.* Promise.

Q. My address changed? Now what?

A. Before we ship the games, we intend to contact everyone to confirm your shipping information. We know it has been a while, and both Gary and I moved during this time, so we'll handle it then!

I think that is it. Again, huge thanks for sticking with us, if you can't stick with us any longer I totally understand (and then hit reply and we'll get you that refund!), and I hope to get you a final, playable, awesome version of this game in your hands ASAP!

Dan Loosen
GOAT Store Publishing / Midwest Gaming Classic



I got the same email.  At this point, I suppose waiting a bit more won't matter.  That's like the guys from Watermelon who finally have been shipping a game that was ordered about 4 years ago. 

Going to the final frontier, gaming...


I'm going to keep waiting too. It wasn't very expensive and I would like to eventually play the game! How many years can it take to fix a couple bugs? Lol


That depends on how quickly they reproduce!

Going to the final frontier, gaming...