Carol vs. The WORLD! Championship Extravaganza!

Started by DZ-Jay, November 19, 2012, 12:56:08 PM

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[align=center:1qor545t]Left Turn Only Productions and the Intellivision® High Score Club
invite you to a very special edition of the High Score Championship. 

[size=240]Carol vs. The WORLD![/size]
[size=80](Carol's Super-Duper Christmas Championship Extravaganza)[/size][/align:1qor545t]

Play the game Christmas Carol vs. The Ghost Of Christmas Presents throughout the entire month of December, and help Carol Greenleaf save Christmas from the Evil Snowman.  Rise to the top of the ranks of Santa's Elite Elf Squad and submit your top score to the judges.  The person with the highest score received by the deadline of December 31st, 2012, wins a very special gift from Santa Clause himself!

[size=140]A Very Special Christmas Presents[/size]
The winner of the Championship will receive a custom, one-of-a-kind edition of the game.  This is not your typical, run-of-the mill variant—This is a unique, personalized edition, chosen and designed by the winner himself!

The personalized game will be housed in Left Turn Only's signature clear cartridge shell, packaged with its manual and hand-controller overlays in a "gate-fold" style box; and finished up with a beautiful Christmas gift-wrapping paper, bow and all.  A very special Christmas present, indeed!

[size=140]Anything else?[/size]
Why yes! Santa will award a commemorative patch to the top ten ranking players, in recognition of their high status among Santa's Elite Elf Squad.

Plus, all scores submitted will be published on the Carol vs. Ghost web site as well as on the Intellivision® High Score Club, so even if you're not in the highest rank, you still get to brag about your score.

[size=140]Is that all?[/size]
Not quite!  As if all that were not enough, Santa is feeling exceptionally generous this year and he has decided to give away the game to everyone! That's right, in keeping true to the Christmas spirit, and as a gesture of good will, we are offering the game in ROM format as a free download.

This is not a demo version, nor some watered-down edition of the game—this is every bit the same game included in the production cartridge for sale. How's that for a Very Merry Christmas?

[align=center:1qor545t][font=times new roman:1qor545t][size=180]Joy to the World.  Peace on Earth.
ROM's for all Mankind.

So head on now to the official Carol vs. The World! web site to get your game ROM, and for more information about this once-in-a-lifetime championship:


[size=140]Spread the joy. Spread the word.


Just an update on this.  All prizes have been delivered, with the exception of the Grand Prize.  Development for the custom Special Edition was completed by the end of January.  I am just waiting for LTO to manufacture the cartridge and packaging so that it can be delivered to WispFollower, the winner.

During a very interesting conversation with Wisp, we came up with lots of cool ideas for the special edition.  It seems he had been thinking about it for a while.

Once the game is ready and delivered, I will post lots and lots of details on this very special edition of the game, so that everyone can get a glimpse of (and lust after) this extra special and unique prize.



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